Status Update
Comments <> #2
This issue does not reproduce with dev preview 4. <> #3
Closing this issue as per comment #2 from reporter. <> #4
Greater control of cellular/wifi mode would be welcome - the 4.2 "upgrade" seems a step in the wrong direction. <> #5
It is desirable to shut down any radio that I don't need under specified conditions automatically. Please consider this. <> #6
This was the removal of a feature. I am not happy about it since I used an airplane toggle widget at work and at home before bed. Please bring this back. <> #7
Agreed. I have an app (Profile Widget) which controlled, among other things, Airplane Mode, and now it can't. And don't get me started about the GPS..... <> #8
I use Tasker heavily, and with every Android update there's yet another thing I've automated that Tasker can no longer do. Airplane mode is just the latest on a growing list. Google, please stop gimping Android for the benefit of careless/clueless users at the expense of power users, and give us a dynamic security model that works, instead of this static permissions at installation time bs. <> #9
Totaly agreed. We need a dynamic security model.tasker wants to set your phone in airplane mode. do you want to allow this? yes, no, always <> #10
please bring back this feature or correct the bug that I sometimes don't have mobile internet if wifi has gone out of reach <> #11
I agree too - the same problem in my case.
"please bring back this feature or correct the bug that I sometimes don't have mobile internet if wifi has gone out of reach"
"please bring back this feature or correct the bug that I sometimes don't have mobile internet if wifi has gone out of reach" <> #12
I work at the same place as commenter #1. We have zero signal inside the building so we developed a Tasker setup that as soon as it saw the SSID for our wireless we set the radios that remained on during Airplane mode so that WiFi stayed on, and enable Airplane mode. The Tasker exit task came out of Airplane mode when the SSID was no longer seen. Please allow me to do this again, even if I have to set some "I kn ow what I'm doing" setting to turn it back on. <> #13
My app Meditation Helper provides an option to automatically put the phone into airplane mode during a meditation session. I know many of the users like this feature. To remove that capability is painful to them and me. <> #14
While the desire to increase security is understandable, there should still be an option to allow this toggle to be accessed through third-party apps. Utilities such as Tasker, Llama, Juicedefender and the like are far too useful to have this basic functionality stripped away. <> #15
I don't get it.
Apps are installed by the user, permissions are checked by the user and these apps can even be autorised as a device administrator by the user (after a warning)... but they can't toggle the airplane mode.
However, anybody "finding" a phone can turn on and turn off airplane mode directly without unlocking the device by long pressing the power button. Is this really secure ?
I don't get it.
Apps are installed by the user, permissions are checked by the user and these apps can even be autorised as a device administrator by the user (after a warning)... but they can't toggle the airplane mode.
However, anybody "finding" a phone can turn on and turn off airplane mode directly without unlocking the device by long pressing the power button. Is this really secure ? <> #16
This has seriously put a dent in the functionality of my phone. Half-the-time when I am trying to long press the lock button my finger slips and I just end up locking the phone. It almost makes me miss touch-wiz... <> #17
I work inside a building with no WiFi, so I programmed automate it to enable airplane mode with screen off and doable with screen on during work hours (because I take breaks outside) which greatly battery life without having to think about it.
I've always told people that I choose android because of the control it gives me, now to be looking that control makes my android feel like it's going in the direction of Apple. please give us control back to automate airplane mode as we see fit or improve battery life so much that I won't need to toggle it.
I've always told people that I choose android because of the control it gives me, now to be looking that control makes my android feel like it's going in the direction of Apple. please give us control back to automate airplane mode as we see fit or improve battery life so much that I won't need to toggle it. <> #18
This is yet another really stupid design change that has zero benefit for the end user. Who is making these decisions? This is as dumb as flipping the OK/Cancel button order (thus leading to a 50/50 split on the button order in the market, confusing users), moving the 'action' buttons to the top of the screen in most apps (furthest away from the thumb, reducing one-handed efficiency), and having 'soft' buttons instead of hardware (which COULD be a good thing) but having NO WAY to customize button order (if you are right handed, the most frequently used button -- back -- is furthest from your thumb). Thankfully JB gave us the ability to hide notification icons because when they prevented services from NOT having an icon to be persistent (which again COULD be a great thing) until JB there was no way to hide the icon. I guess based on that, the Airplane mode issue will be fixed in Android 6.4. <> #19
One easy way to save our battery life is to switch the phone in airplane mode at night. Prior to 4.2 same apps were able to de this automatically, now it is impossible.
I don't consider this as an improvement
I don't consider this as an improvement <> #20
I agree with others. Please correct this issue as soon as possible. Alongside the Bluetooth issues, it makes me wish I hadn't bought a nexus 4. <> #21
[Comment deleted] <> #22
Same problem for me, I need to set airplane mode automatically... before android 4.2 only an external app does it, now we can't have this useful option, why google doesn't create a this function? <> #23
Same problem for me.
I used this feature since I left the phone on at all day and it was very convenient to have an automated management of airplane mode at night and in areas where there was no field.
Please review this choice, perhaps even leaving it so by default, but allowing those who want to unlock this feature.
Android is so good because it is open. Don't make the same mistakes of Apple with its horrendous iOS.
Posted by my Galaxy Nexus with stock rom.
I used this feature since I left the phone on at all day and it was very convenient to have an automated management of airplane mode at night and in areas where there was no field.
Please review this choice, perhaps even leaving it so by default, but allowing those who want to unlock this feature.
Android is so good because it is open. Don't make the same mistakes of Apple with its horrendous iOS.
Posted by my Galaxy Nexus with stock rom. <> #24
Nothing to add to the other comments. I can also add that I don't understand the reason for his decision. <> #25
This seems a backward step, I could automatically set it to go into air plane mode at night so it doesn't use battery and disturb me, no I have to manually trigger it, the reasons I liked android are slowly disappearing. <> #26
My Nexus 4 is my first Android phone, bought in preference to an iPhone 5 after owning 3 other iPhone models. I want to schedule flight mode; problems like this make the promises of "freedom" seem overstated, and the number of apps that can no longer do what their description promises is a frustrating waste of my time. <> #27
Please re-enable this feature. It is key to my use of Android. If Google wants airplane mode to be all radios off, that is fine but please allow users some way to turn off cell reception but keep wifi on. <> #28
WHY? <> #29
It's as helpful as limiting number of sent sms messages..
Anyhow - separating enabling/disabling cellular network (let's be onest - toggling ariplane mode and then having to reenable wifi is backward...) available to applications is a must!
Anyhow - separating enabling/disabling cellular network (let's be onest - toggling ariplane mode and then having to reenable wifi is backward...) available to applications is a must! <> #30
I need airplane mode control back !!now am stuck with 4.2 :(
I will never get any apple product because I don't like the way they force people to pay and be restricted.
Now that google keeps breaking compatibility with application ecosystem at everyupgrade
I consider now moving to alternative ROM *BECAUSE* google is not any more so opened it use to be
I will never get any apple product because I don't like the way they force people to pay and be restricted.
Now that google keeps breaking compatibility with application ecosystem at everyupgrade
I consider now moving to alternative ROM *BECAUSE* google is not any more so opened it use to be <> #31
Understand the idea of System.Global read access but why move Airplane mode setting there? In 4.2's multi user support, every user would want his/her own customized Android experience and ability to control device radios is fundamental to that. I strongly urge the dev team to bring this back or better yet, as someone already suggested, overhaul the whole device radio control. People who want to use the device as-is go to Apple anyway; it's the tinkerers and customization aficionados who flock to Android - Google would do well to remember that. <> #32
[Comment deleted] <> #33
Generally, the whole idea of static permission is wrong in my opinion. It would be much better, if I could decide, which app gets what kind of permission. Something like CyanogenMod is doing.
If this was default behavior, app would deal with that much better.
Nevertheless, I want to decide, whether I let app turn GPS on/off or not.
If this was default behavior, app would deal with that much better.
Nevertheless, I want to decide, whether I let app turn GPS on/off or not. <> #34
I'm a developer using this feature in my application "MacroDroid". Now my users are starting to complain that this feature no longer works and I have to spend my life apologising and justifying why this has happened. I can't believe this feature has been removed as it is so useful and one of my most used features.
I'm a bit tired of the gradual removal of features from the OS and am worried that my app will wither away and die as more and more useful features of the OS are taken away from apps. I guess I should stick to writing noddy games as anything remotely powerful using the phone's features will eventually get borked by an OS upgrade.
I'm a bit tired of the gradual removal of features from the OS and am worried that my app will wither away and die as more and more useful features of the OS are taken away from apps. I guess I should stick to writing noddy games as anything remotely powerful using the phone's features will eventually get borked by an OS upgrade. <> #35
I stumbled upon this issue while playing around with an aging HTC Incredible and a 4.2.1 ROM. I've been looking forward to purchasing a Nexus 4 if it ever comes back in stock. Now I'm in doubt. I use GrooveIP (Google Voice calls) in association with a little utility called AutoAP. As the developer describes: "(AutoAP is a} Battery-friendly background app that will automatically enable Airplane Mode when successfully connected to a Wifi network." This way all my Google Voice calls on Wifi are exclusively handled by GrooveIP. Otherwise my phone rings twice for a single Google Voice call (through my cell provider number and GrooveIP which is tied into Google chat). Please Google developers, bring back the functionality to automatically enter airplane mode (and then re-enable WiFi)! <> #36
I use sleep as android - and I really miss this functionality - please Google - bring this feature back! <> #37
This function is essential: without this ability i must change to another phone. <> #38
Please add this back, this is a step backwards. I could automatically set it to go into air plane mode at night so it doesn't use battery and disturbs me, now we have to manually trigger it! <> #39
As a previous commentator mentioned, this is a necessary feature for Google Voice + GrooveIP. Please consider adding this feature back in future updates. <> #40
It would make our user experience (and battery life) a lot better. Please! <> #41
[Comment deleted] <> #42
I found this problem yesterday, after update. My program that schedule night airplane, ring scheduler, didnt work :(
I laughed for 2 years the apple users that must use jailbreak to change the airplane with automatic schedule. Now with 4.2 I'm the same :(
Fix it!
I laughed for 2 years the apple users that must use jailbreak to change the airplane with automatic schedule. Now with 4.2 I'm the same :(
Fix it! <> #43
Another voice saying please bring it back. I use to use llama to control this. I don't want radio waves near my head at night but do like using my phone as an alarm clock. <> #44
[Comment deleted] <> #45
[Comment deleted] <> #46
As a developer, I quite amazed you've 'locked' this feature rather than provide a manifest permission. Users should be able to decide on installation of an application if this permission is acceptable to them - I don't think they need babysitting quite this much....
4.2 allows permissions to send emails and texts and place phone calls without user interaction (or knowledge), but you prevent airplane mode toggle? I can only conclude that whoever made this decision at Google, needs to stop smoking crack.
4.2 allows permissions to send emails and texts and place phone calls without user interaction (or knowledge), but you prevent airplane mode toggle? I can only conclude that whoever made this decision at Google, needs to stop smoking crack. <> #47
Like others, I use an app (AutoAir) to automatically enter airplane mode whenver connected to wifi, thus saving battery and preventing calls from ringing both through my wifi voip app and also via the cell network. Please bring back this functionality. I cannot fathom what "security risk" there is to allowing an app to toggle this function, with user consent. <> #48
Please make a fix so that thirdpartyapps like GentleAlarm may turn on flight mode. Need this very much. <> #49
[Comment deleted] <> #50
[Comment deleted] <> #51
[Comment deleted] <> #52
[Comment deleted] <> #53
Hi All
Solved ;) ******
May i suggest that any apps that use this functionality detect 4.2 & Get there app user base to post to the issue.
Just have a link in the app that displays this page and ask them to star it. Also even better can someone post the code to do this , or to post code to post to this issue from an app- until they block that! Better still put a link the app description in the market if that possible.?
Only through people power will we get this changed (I hope you agree with me) . As developers we are only small in number but our user base is many - I think you know where I'm heading with this..our users probably find this ability very useful so why not channel there many frustrations! They haven't taking away our ability to write apps so - so why not use our app that are broken to help us..! ;)
Solved ;) ******
May i suggest that any apps that use this functionality detect 4.2 & Get there app user base to post to the issue.
Just have a link in the app that displays this page and ask them to star it. Also even better can someone post the code to do this , or to post code to post to this issue from an app- until they block that! Better still put a link the app description in the market if that possible.?
Only through people power will we get this changed (I hope you agree with me) . As developers we are only small in number but our user base is many - I think you know where I'm heading with this..our users probably find this ability very useful so why not channel there many frustrations! They haven't taking away our ability to write apps so - so why not use our app that are broken to help us..! ;) <> #54
Same here, using NFC task launcher and an NFC tag to enable airplane mode at night. Removing the ability to toggle this for Android apps just does not make sense.
Keep the Android users free to choose! Otherwise we might as well get all-locked-iPhones...!
Keep the Android users free to choose! Otherwise we might as well get all-locked-iPhones...! <> #55
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus WiFi has a crashing issue, whereby some how WiFi triggeres a crash when the screen is off, with auto airplane mode.. The WiFi goes on and off with the screen, essentially fixing Samsung's mistake, and actually making my tab a real tab, and not useless crashing junk. Please bring back Auto airplane mode. Its a small detail, but an important one. You save so much battery too.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #56
I'm on SGS3 and just like the rest of them I've the same issue. Bring the airplane mode back please! <> #57
I used to sleep with airplane mode enabled through the "gentle alarm" app.
When I switched to Nexus 4 this didn't work anymore. I thought it's a bug in gentle alarm. But now I read that airplanemodetoggle has been deactivated on purpose...
Please change that back!
When I switched to Nexus 4 this didn't work anymore. I thought it's a bug in gentle alarm. But now I read that airplanemodetoggle has been deactivated on purpose...
Please change that back! <> #58
Bring this back please. <> #59
> I used to sleep with airplane mode enabled through the "gentle alarm" app.
This is a very important health consideration. Many medical experts recommend putting the phone into airplane mode for sleeping and having an automated way to do that (an app) is essential. So this issue really becomes a health and safety issue too.
This is a very important health consideration. Many medical experts recommend putting the phone into airplane mode for sleeping and having an automated way to do that (an app) is essential. So this issue really becomes a health and safety issue too. <> #60
Bring this back please! <> #61
I also you use a third party app to toggle this
off at night. This is a health issue please bring it back.
off at night. This is a health issue please bring it back. <> #62
I'm the developer of Sleep as Android. Automatic airplane mode is a crucial feature for our app especially for health reasons. I can understand some issues with automatic turning OFF the airplane mode. Imagine this would happen on an airplane board for example. This is the reason we did not allow auto-OFF in our app from the beginning. But at least auto-ON should be allowed. <> #63
I've been using the "Sleep as Android" App for quite some time now. There's no way I would switch to any other alarmclock App. One of the absolute pro features **WAS** the automatic airplane mode - both for health and convenience reasons!
Above all Android stands for custom-tailored solutions to different life situations. Made by devoted developers that want to get the best result out of the options available.
I don't care what Apple shoves down their user's throats, which they willingly seem to accept without further questioning. With Google and the whole open-source concept behind it I can identify - at least I did.
Please give your awesome community what it deserves - OPENNESS <3 tyvm.
Above all Android stands for custom-tailored solutions to different life situations. Made by devoted developers that want to get the best result out of the options available.
I don't care what Apple shoves down their user's throats, which they willingly seem to accept without further questioning. With Google and the whole open-source concept behind it I can identify - at least I did.
Please give your awesome community what it deserves - OPENNESS <3 tyvm. <> #64
What makes you think you can patch a "security issue" on on pen source code anyway? Who the fuck is Google to decide that's a security issue? Quit fucking with OUR operating system. This is for us. Not some fat car corporation. Quit pretending to be on our side. <> #65
Are there any Google Android Responsible persons ever reading these posts ? I so: What is the reason for making this iOS-like breaking of the OS ? <> #66
Yes, please. <> #67
Automated Airplane mode toggle is a must-have access. I have used it in Juice Defender for > 2 years to minimise battery drain overnight. Please restore this basic functionality <> #68
[Comment deleted] <> #69
Automated Airplane mode toggle is a must-have access.
Completely agreed.
Please bring this function back.
Completely agreed.
Please bring this function back. <> #71
I have a flight navigation app that automatically turns on airplane mode and turns it off again. This feature helps people who chronically forget to switch to airplane mode when they fly. This feature can be enabled or disabled by the user via settings.
Removing this feature is a hardship for no appreciable gain.
Removing this feature is a hardship for no appreciable gain. <> #72
Please bring this function back. I use it every night and I am upset about this. <> #73
Same here.
Auto Airplane Mode apps are very useful to me.
Auto Airplane Mode apps are very useful to me. <> #74
My favorite thing about Android is that it will be probably two to three years before a comment by someone official happens regarding this feature and then they will simply say "by design" and close it without further comment. You gotta love Google's customer service. <> #75
[Comment deleted] <> #76
so design a phone that eats battery juice like it was the last day of planet earth (like the N4) than remove any ability to try and save some juice, e.g. by switching aeroplane mode on during the night with the result that more people will have to charge their mobiles more often; then have the audacity to call yourself GREEN; well done guys ! NOT. <> #77
Same here, let Tasker be free! :)
pls google set a trusted apps list, that are allowed to manage system radios!!!!
pls google set a trusted apps list, that are allowed to manage system radios!!!! <> #78
I know this of is just a hack of course, but Cyanogenmod 10.1 (based on 4.2) there is a function to enable/disable profiles. Using Tasker and profile-widget with 4.2 cyanogenmod, I manage to turn/on flight mode automatically.
Anyway, things used to be much simpler, so Google; Please fix this!
Anyway, things used to be much simpler, so Google; Please fix this! <> #79
Why Google create this problem? I need to use auto-offline mode, please fix it! <> #80
can you describe how have you done this with more details.
Thanks! <> #81
me please. I haven't found how to do it. Thanks
me please. I haven't found how to do it. Thanks
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #82
Please Google. I have Tasker and want to put my phone in airplane mode to save the battery. In Jellybean, I've lost that ability. <> #83
I agree too. I'm using Gentle Alarm and since my update to Android 4.2 I'm no longer able to automatically switch to airplane mode when I toggle "Sleep Mode". <> #84
Please fix this glaring omission ASAP. Yes protect inexperiences users, but give experienced user a way to decide to use their phone the way they want!!! Airplane toggle used to be such a convenient feature, this update ruined that <> #85
Oh, this really is painful. I used to use Llama to toggle airplane mode several times a day based on different conditions. This greatly enhanced battery life and made it easy to ensure, radio is switched off at night.
I do not see a good reason to remove this feature, but instead would rather you reintroduce it. Best practice would be to bind it to android's right system...
I do not see a good reason to remove this feature, but instead would rather you reintroduce it. Best practice would be to bind it to android's right system... <> #86
bring this functionality back PLEASE!!! <> #87
Remove unsubscribe <> #88
I really hope this functionality will come back!! <> #89
Unsubscribe <> #90
Unsubscribe <> #91
Just found this issue !! I've been laughing at my apple owning colleagues for some time about their battery eating Iphones and now Google are joining Apple.
Whatever happend to "do no evil" .... this is pretty evil in my book. At this rate I might as well buy an Iphone
Luckily it's my work phone that's now 4.2, my own phone is still at 4.0.2 and it's going to stay at that as well, I really use tasker and the auto airplane mode.
Google if you want to keep this setting then please build in your own scheduler app to turn on airplane mode at night.
Whatever happend to "do no evil" .... this is pretty evil in my book. At this rate I might as well buy an Iphone
Luckily it's my work phone that's now 4.2, my own phone is still at 4.0.2 and it's going to stay at that as well, I really use tasker and the auto airplane mode.
Google if you want to keep this setting then please build in your own scheduler app to turn on airplane mode at night. <> #92
Oh come on google. This has gotta be a joke, right? Give us this function back.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #93
Sorry folks, I doubt this will change. The big corporates are after control. It enables companies to charge for this functionality. There are many area's where in my opinion these changes are going backward. You can only select 10 contacts in any group to send an sms to. You can only send so many sms's per hour and yet most providers are offering unlimited sms!
If this trend continues I'll end up back where I was 20 years ago and buy a bog standard phone just to make calls and forget the rest.
In my opinion Apple and Google are taking the "smart" out of smart phone to a point where apart from gamers no-one will pay to have one!
If this trend continues I'll end up back where I was 20 years ago and buy a bog standard phone just to make calls and forget the rest.
In my opinion Apple and Google are taking the "smart" out of smart phone to a point where apart from gamers no-one will pay to have one! <> #94
Show your support for this issue by starring it. Your comments are just noise. <> #95
Same issue as many above - no service at work - would like to use Tasker or similar to toggle airplane mode and turn on wifi. Currently do it manually not terrible but could be better... <> #96
I cannot accept this new "security concept" without offering an automated solution.
If I do not want to accept a phone call between certain hours, and this cannot be automated all of a sudden, then this is not only a "security feature", it is simply a missing feature.
I was hoping that there is a workaround solution for rooted devices. I would appreciate if someone knows an app that is working at least for rooted devices.
If I do not want to accept a phone call between certain hours, and this cannot be automated all of a sudden, then this is not only a "security feature", it is simply a missing feature.
I was hoping that there is a workaround solution for rooted devices. I would appreciate if someone knows an app that is working at least for rooted devices.
Thanks <> #97
MacroDroid supports enabling Airplane Mode for rooted devices, but I really wish I didn't have to keep adding hacks for rooted devices for such basic functionality. <> #98
Llama location profiles also supports enabling airplane mode for rooted phones. This is what pushed me to root my phone. <> #99
just got a Nexus 4 two days ago. But going to return it back to Google just because I can´t schedule the airplane automaticaly now :-( <> #100
Please, restore this energy saving feature. <> #101
I too have had enough of Google, I had an iPhone and ALWAYS used Auto 3g to turn to 2g cell towers when screen off, (saved masses of battery!) Auto GPS, Auto Airplane mode and more and they all worked seamlessly to give me a huge 3 days use out of it between charges, I switched to Android because it was less restrictive, OR WAS! I now cant use any of the previously mentioned in this blog battery saving apps and my SG3 now maxes out at pitiful 3 days from a previous 5!!
Google can no longer call Android ‘OPEN’ when they are starting to LOCK so many features,
If Google actually read theses posts, Just give us back the choice! We know if we Root our device we may void our warranties, we also know that we may make it so called ‘less secure’ but give people the choice back or they will leave!
Google can no longer call Android ‘OPEN’ when they are starting to LOCK so many features,
If Google actually read theses posts, Just give us back the choice! We know if we Root our device we may void our warranties, we also know that we may make it so called ‘less secure’ but give people the choice back or they will leave! <> #102
Ditto to the comments above. We choose Android because of the freedoms that are inherent to the system. Why mess with something that "works" only to leave the end users with some form of mutated Apple clone-like-creature? Same deal hear as others have expressed, I'm starting to regret giving up my old trusty HTC and buying a Nexus 4. Great with a crippled OS, like an Olympic sprinter wearing Lead boots. Why not set two access profiles on the system, that have to be enabled similar to the Developer options? (end rant) Oh.......and how about s fix for the Bluetooth debacle too? <> #103
I am with everyone else. I have a lot of Tasker profiles that use Airplane Mode and would like this feature to return. <> #104
Please add my vote to the list! <> #105
I'm using Timeriffic to go into airplane mode whenever I don't need radio: during the night for example. This issue prevent it to work properly.
It's a serious bug, especially when we learn it was made on purpose.
It's a serious bug, especially when we learn it was made on purpose. <> #106
As for me, I usually fall asleep with my phone under the pillow and has used Tasker to minimize the radiations from the phone and save battery. Now I cant. Bring back airplane mode or make an option for it under the quiet hours menu in the settings. {Cyanogenmod} <> #107
I am also looking forward to see this issue fixed! <> #108
I don't like to get contaminated by all the "electro smog" ;) ... at least during sleep. And as far as I know there's no way to turn off and keep off all radios automatically?! <> #109
I just nearly completed an App that would turn the display and every radio off. Only every 15 minutes or so it would wake up for a short time to check for new emails and SMS messages and log the GPS position. But now, as I checked how to toggle flight mode, I read that this should not be possible on 4.2?!!! I cant' believe it!
Btw.: The flight mode toggle widget ist the one I use the most!
The minimum change would be an explicit option for every user to allow or disallow to programmatically switch the radios on and off. Or what about enabling to switch off the whole multi user support and restore the former "real" android behaviour?...
Matthias from Germany
Btw.: The flight mode toggle widget ist the one I use the most!
The minimum change would be an explicit option for every user to allow or disallow to programmatically switch the radios on and off. Or what about enabling to switch off the whole multi user support and restore the former "real" android behaviour?...
Matthias from Germany <> #110
Please return this feature. Very important to prevent us phone sleepers from getting mutated brain.
Seriously, give it back. In what way is this a security feature, and any more so than all the other access controlled through simple permissions?
Seriously, give it back. In what way is this a security feature, and any more so than all the other access controlled through simple permissions? <> #111
Please return this. Blackberry's can be set to fully turn off and then back on again on schedule. Auto-Airplane was the closest we got to that and now we don't even have that.
By all means get users to opt-in or opt-out of the functionality, but removing the choice is a very Apple way of doing things.
By all means get users to opt-in or opt-out of the functionality, but removing the choice is a very Apple way of doing things. <> #112
Please give it back it's so useful i.e. on gentle alarm's night mode! <> #113
Please give us back this function. <> #114
I'm looking forward to see this functionality again. <> #115
I want to schedule the airplane mode! Please restore this function. <> #116
As the developer/owner of 'Cell Control' this breaks my application on 4.2 and I will not be able to support that OS version. <> #117
I look forward to see this feature back <> #118
Automatically enabling airplane mode when switching off theo display with 'Auto Airplane Mode' from DON was the very best way to switch off any signal when sleeping in while reading.
Please bring that possibility back.
Please bring that possibility back. <> #119
I love Android because its so deeply customisable. Please don't strip this and similar features away. <> #120
bad update! <> #121
I agree with the others here, I use 2X battery that turns on Airplane mode at night to save battery, BRING IT BACK!! please........... <> #122
please restore this function <> #123
I'm also very disappointed that scheduling airplane mode doesn't work :(
PLEASE we need it back !
PLEASE we need it back ! <> #124
This feature is important for those of us who frequent places without cell access.
Please allow dynamic security for this feature:
App X wants to enable airplane mode. Do you want to allow this? Yes, No, Always.
Please allow dynamic security for this feature:
App X wants to enable airplane mode. Do you want to allow this? Yes, No, Always. <> #125
Also, Google removed the PIN code request when exiting airplane mode! What a mess is Google doing around airplane mode?! <> #126
I use both widgets and Tasker to maximize my tablet's battery life.
Please bring back the ability to programmatically control airplane mode!
Please bring back the ability to programmatically control airplane mode!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #127
I need to toggle airplane mode on in my app. Please bringt it back. <> #128
Ugh. This kind of thing is why I left iOS two years ago. I like Android because of how powerful third-party apps can be. What next, blocking third-party apps from using SMS and forcing us to use the stock Messages client? Locking down the dialer Intent so we can't use integrated VoIP?
This isn't a good direction for Android.
This isn't a good direction for Android. <> #129
Please bring that functionality back. It was a nice feature in combination with gentle alarm. Used it every day... Please change your mind!! <> #130
I vote also for this option is reset or set dynamically - Thanks <> #131
Just to add my voice to the call for dynamic security model. Or at least the ability to select a "yes, I'm an advanced user, pretty well know what I am doing, and take responsibility if I screw it up" mode.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #132
Exposing the airplane mode API methods to apps like tasker is essential in order for people who use VOIP to do so without draining their batter or spending a lot of time manually flipping bits. Please reconsider this change and offer a solution so that apps like tasker can flip airplane mode on/off. <> #133
Allowing my alarm app to turn on airplane mode meant I could easily turn the alarm and leave my phone alone. Now it is necessary to manually turn on airplane mode, which is frustrating. I appreciate my situation is not the end of the world, but it is annoying and other users above are clearly having much frustration too.
An option to decide, allow apps to control airplane mode: yes, no, ask me each time.
An option to decide, allow apps to control airplane mode: yes, no, ask me each time. <> #134
This is a somewhat serious issue - my application uses Airplane mode to toggle the cell radio off and on when the cellular connection times out to trigger a manual reconnection. This doesn't need to be Airplane mode persay but there needs to be some other way of doing this.
The only real alternative at present is rooting, which is not particularly desirable.
The only real alternative at present is rooting, which is not particularly desirable. <> #135
i uset airplane toggle with gentle alarm - please re-enable this feature <> #136
i have used timeriffic on previous phones and it worked fine to set airplane mode.
recently updated to Nexus4 and the software doesn't work.
my battery drains in the day searching for a signal.
not good at all
please resolve
recently updated to Nexus4 and the software doesn't work.
my battery drains in the day searching for a signal.
not good at all
please resolve
thanks <> #137
Unsubscribe <> #138
Please add back access to Airplane Mode...
Tasker integration for "At Home" since I have a landline that it gets forwarded to, and for "Silent" events like a movie in my calendar. Also, energy management when at work (cycle every 1 hr to receive periodic text updates).
I'm not too keen on rooting my phone.
Tasker integration for "At Home" since I have a landline that it gets forwarded to, and for "Silent" events like a movie in my calendar. Also, energy management when at work (cycle every 1 hr to receive periodic text updates).
I'm not too keen on rooting my phone. <> #139
+1's, starred, thumbs up, liked, up vote, upboat, digged, whatever. what a pain in the arse not having this setting available to tasker is.
just put a checkbox under "more" that says: "Allow apps to toggle Airplane mode" instead of making me root my phone.
just put a checkbox under "more" that says: "Allow apps to toggle Airplane mode" instead of making me root my phone. <> #140
downgrading my Android version until this is fixer for the sake of my battery
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #141
+1 for this feature. Use it to save battery. <> #142
+1 changing into airplane mode is tedious. <> #143
+1 for changing into airplane mode <> #144
Please bring this feature back. When hiking for many days, I need my battery to survive for many days. I have a Tasker routine that used to work to wake my phone every few hours, and put it back into Airplane mode. Now this is useless, since my program can no longer put me in airplane mode. MY PERSONAL SAFETY is now at greater risk, since I may wind up in need of a phone while far away from any help and a dead battery in my phone. PLEASE re-enable this. <> #145
I'm with everyone else here. Was using llama to set airplane mode at night when I'm sleeping. It made sure I wasn't interrupted and didn't wake up to a dead battery. This was one of the things that my wife lived when she moved away from the iPhone....iPhone is looking better and better as Android gets more crippled.
If Google is worried about security, and rightly so, they should focus on dynamic permissions. Or cleaning out the malware from the play store instead of just cooling the OS. It's really a cop out approach.
And yeah.. controlling GPS is also missed
If Google is worried about security, and rightly so, they should focus on dynamic permissions. Or cleaning out the malware from the play store instead of just cooling the OS. It's really a cop out approach.
And yeah.. controlling GPS is also missed
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #146
A valid reason for disabling it in the first place would be a start!
Bring it back google, I changed to android for freedom, not for Apples dictatorship.
Bring it back google, I changed to android for freedom, not for Apples dictatorship. <> #147
It seems a little bit control-mad - mad for control to stop such freedom.
Is android for adult users, or is it for sheep?
Is android for adult users, or is it for sheep? <> #148
PLEEEEAASSSEEE implement all security settings as dynamic security models.
iOS was the worst OS I've seen on mobile devices considering security and settings.
Now google is trying to make Android like iOS.
Please do not do this HUGE mistake!!!!!!!!!
iOS was the worst OS I've seen on mobile devices considering security and settings.
Now google is trying to make Android like iOS.
Please do not do this HUGE mistake!!!!!!!!! <> #149
Can somebody explain to me how restricting the ability to automatically toggle the airplane mode by applications improves the "security" of android system (if that is the reasoning behind this restriction)? Who was that idiot at Google who decided to implement this restriction in 4.2 version - I want to look him/her in the face and see if he/she has completely lost the touch with reality? The reality is that automatic airplane mode is very important for many users who want to save the tiny battery juice of their phones and/or don't want to be disturbed at night. <> #150
Google, how many people need to complain before you turn back on an existing feature. Do no evil google. <> #151
Please bring the airplane mode option for 3th party apps back. Maybe a security option in the options menu will help. So that inexperienced users are protected against the thing you thought that was insecure. <> #152
Please enable it back, I using it to save battery life at night. THX <> #153
Regarding the auto flight mode toggle, any solution for rooted users so far? <> #154
Please bring back this function !!! <> #155
For our kiosk-mode app with wifi connected this option is disasterous. <> #156
I cannot believe this change was made which prevents something as simple as airplane mode toggles, which have been around since the beginning of Android, from working. <> #157
please, it is necessary to save battery to be able to have an app that can automatically turn the airplane mode off and on.
we promise not to interfere with Google programs!!
we promise not to interfere with Google programs!! <> #158
Yep, I also need this function badly. Google, please pay attention to our claims. <> #159
As written here many times before, a lot of People really used automated airplane mode toggle to be not diturbed at night, save battery. Also ist a health care thing to have no radio on if you use the phone as an alarm clock in your bedroom.
Please , bring this Feature back. If needed for security reasons make it an opt-in Feature or something like that.
Please , bring this Feature back. If needed for security reasons make it an opt-in Feature or something like that. <> #160
Please, restore airplane mode toggle. Thanks <> #161
please restore <> #162
Please re-enable this feature! <> #163
TimeDo can toggle airplane mode on rooted 4.2 Android. Depending on your language, the Google Play page is in English or Chinese, but the app is in English: <> #164
This is another example of how android is going to end up like iOS.
The great thing about android is that apps can DO so much more stuff. But google keeps taking away the permissions because "It's too dangerous, wah wah wah".
I can understand wanting to increase permissions. Also, I think certain permissions should be made explicit, and you can grant or deny them in app system settings. That way if i TRUST an app to manage my airplane mode settings for any of the number of reasons that are mentioned here, then I can EXPLICITLY enable it.
Why don't you just sell yourself to apple now?
The great thing about android is that apps can DO so much more stuff. But google keeps taking away the permissions because "It's too dangerous, wah wah wah".
I can understand wanting to increase permissions. Also, I think certain permissions should be made explicit, and you can grant or deny them in app system settings. That way if i TRUST an app to manage my airplane mode settings for any of the number of reasons that are mentioned here, then I can EXPLICITLY enable it.
Why don't you just sell yourself to apple now? <> #165
We use Airplane mode in our apps that act as SMS relayers to try to get the phone back on the network when Android mysteriously decides not to connect anymore. Not having Airplane mode removes this workaround and significantly reduces the long term reliability of the handset without intervention.
Please add this back in. Thanks.
Please add this back in. Thanks. <> #166
I am another developer who really needs to be able to control at least the cell radio state. This seems like a bit of a random "security fix". I understand that putting the phone in airplane mode can break another app / service, but there are plenty of ways to do this already on Android. Please leave the discretion to the user - if they install an app, they trust the developer.
Please bring this feature back.
Please bring this feature back.
Michal <> #167
Again, another developer here who relies on Airplane mode in his apps. Android was supposed to be an "open" platform... what gives? Looking more and more like iOS :-/ <> #168
You definitely need to bring this back. I don't see much security risk in letting apps set airplane mode. Either have a check screen where I can allow an app to set it or give Airplane mode it's own security setting. <> #169
Android Tuner can also control airplane mode (and many more) through widget toggles or automatically to save battery. On rooted devices only unfortunately ( ).
Would be nice to bring that feature back as airplane mode state is always visible to the user anyway.
Probably a good security/permission model would really help.
That said, I can understand how insecure this can be: an app could wake up the device at night, turn off airplane mode, make calls, send email, and turn everything off again, without the user knowing it ever!
As power users would always root their device, they can overcome this limitations that actually protects non-power users.
Would be nice to bring that feature back as airplane mode state is always visible to the user anyway.
Probably a good security/permission model would really help.
That said, I can understand how insecure this can be: an app could wake up the device at night, turn off airplane mode, make calls, send email, and turn everything off again, without the user knowing it ever!
As power users would always root their device, they can overcome this limitations that actually protects non-power users.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #170
and time to do some cleaning, there some incompetent, a 4.2 in many ways and went to get worse! <> #171
Yes, please bring it back. I want sleep as android to on airplane mode before sleep. <> #173
My alarm clock isn't able to automatically put the damn thing into airplane mode with this any more! I don't need to accidentally forget to turn airplane mode on and then be bothered by messages or the like at night!! <> #174
Qualify apps who do changing the Airplane mode, but please let me do managing my phone by myself.
I dont like to by a phone and need to break the Garantee for a feature who is quite old.
I dont like to by a phone and need to break the Garantee for a feature who is quite old.
Thx <> #175
It seems that Jelly Bean block the auto-off airplane mode but manual mode is ok. But people want to use apps for control of profiles "smart settings" "smart profiles" for that (only root) you can install "jelly bean 4.2 airplane mode" and no more problem!
In Android everything is possible!
In Android everything is possible! <> #176
Impossible to auto-toggle airplane mode with no root ... <> #177
I constantly use an airplane mode toggle on my android phone. It is a great method for conserving battery, avoiding radiation and keeping your phone silent. Please restore this functionality. <> #178
So am I to understand that airplane mode can't be controlled by applications any more? This is crazy. <> #179
Very disappointed. A step backwards. Google, what are you doing? <> #180
Please allow applications to control airplane mode. Our users are required to disable the cell radio when in range of our wireless lan. Those using Android 4.2 and above now must do so manually. Android is about user control! Please provide the user a means to allow/disallow apps from controlling the cell radio. <> #181
I'm an airline crew and I use the 3rd party apps "Roster Minder" to assist in switching the phone to flight-mode automatically before departure. However, it is disappointing that this function is not available anymore in Jelly Bean 4.2.
This function is especially useful and during the busy takeoff phase, this function will greatly assist in ensuring that the phone is switched to the Flight-Mode.
Please bring this "auto" function back in the name of convenience and safety !!!
This function is especially useful and during the busy takeoff phase, this function will greatly assist in ensuring that the phone is switched to the Flight-Mode.
Please bring this "auto" function back in the name of convenience and safety !!! <> #182
I need to have Airplane Mode automatically on my Galaxy Nexus: please! <> #183
Meditation Helper really does a great job of eliminating distractions so you can get down to it. As soon as I start my timer, the phone goes into airplane mode so I don't have to worry about a ringing phone or the various cheeps and chirps of notifications. Sure, I could go through and shut things down one by one, but by then, I'd be too aggravated to meditate. This is a vital function for this app and for several others. <> #184
I have a Galaxy Nexus with 4.2.1 and agree the removal of the ability for apps to toggle Airplane mode is a PAIN. I use GrooveIP and previously used AutoAir to turn the cell signal on and off depending on whether I had a WiFi signal. That no longer works and now I get two rings when a call comes in. Come on Google--don't pull an Apple. <> #185
I'm yet another developer who needs the ability to enable/disable Flight mode automatically. Damn it Google, bring it back. <> #186
Why? I want NFC task scheduler to set my phone to airplane mode when i tap it on my bedside table each night. Why is this not possible? <> #187
Please. This sucks. Bring back a simple airplane mode toggle. <> #188
We need to turn on/off airplane mode automatically AGAIN !
I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus
I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus <> #189
Google, like Apple, Microsoft and Oracle before it, suffers a disease that one often has when one is at the top - disdain arrogance.
Who the fuck at Google decides what features are added / removed / modified 'cause I'd like that fucker(s) shot? Removing airplane mode is typical of what us techies in the industry called a "bandage solution". Google, in its attempt to address rogue apps abusing the airplane mode feature of Android has step backward in its endeavour to dominate the mobile app market. Where is the "open" in opensource when this sort of shenanigan is exerted by Google?
Don't make the same mistake as Apple by refusing other manufacturers to clone their OS in the 1980s. Without Jobs and the invention of the iPod, Apple would have been "dead in the water" decades ago. What about Oracle and their stupidity in making Java almost close-source after they acquire Sun Microsystems? It only take one group, the Apache Foundation, to make Oracle realised their mistake.
Don't make the same mistake Google of policing Android, or you'll suffer the same consequence as the others. Remember, if it's opensource, it can be forked. Matter of fact, I'm preparing to fork the Android tree right now...
Who the fuck at Google decides what features are added / removed / modified 'cause I'd like that fucker(s) shot? Removing airplane mode is typical of what us techies in the industry called a "bandage solution". Google, in its attempt to address rogue apps abusing the airplane mode feature of Android has step backward in its endeavour to dominate the mobile app market. Where is the "open" in opensource when this sort of shenanigan is exerted by Google?
Don't make the same mistake as Apple by refusing other manufacturers to clone their OS in the 1980s. Without Jobs and the invention of the iPod, Apple would have been "dead in the water" decades ago. What about Oracle and their stupidity in making Java almost close-source after they acquire Sun Microsystems? It only take one group, the Apache Foundation, to make Oracle realised their mistake.
Don't make the same mistake Google of policing Android, or you'll suffer the same consequence as the others. Remember, if it's opensource, it can be forked. Matter of fact, I'm preparing to fork the Android tree right now... <> #190
i need it for some job reasons, please, give it back this ability <> #191
This feature is needed back ASAP! <> #192
Please give it back, is an important feature <> #193
Also for me is a usefull feature, please give it back. <> #194
My alarm app used to be able to send mobile phone to airplane mode in the evening and bring it in the morning. Can't imagine a valid security reason to move permission to system privilege. <> #195
Please give it back, it is an important feature! <> #196
When sleeping in while reading news in bed i think it's unhealthy to have all the radio next to my head.
In the past i used auto airplane mode, which enabled the airplane mode when the display switched off. And disabled it when the display switched on.
The perfect solution for me! And now? I'm checking other OS, if there is a better functionality! Shame on you Google!
In the past i used auto airplane mode, which enabled the airplane mode when the display switched off. And disabled it when the display switched on.
The perfect solution for me! And now? I'm checking other OS, if there is a better functionality! Shame on you Google! <> #197
Airplane and GPS toggles have been my biggest disappointment in my new phone. I'd rather not have to root to do these simple tasks on my device. If you cannot fix this for 4.3, could we at least get an app that mimics sudo such that we can run certain apps with root privileges. Worked great on my Gingerbread Moto Atrix, but can't do this simple functionality on my supposed-to-be-the-best Samsung Galaxy S4. :( <> #198
[Comment deleted] <> #199
[Comment deleted] <> #203
Tracking internally as 12172030.
If the cellular radio remains enabled when there is no signal, it causes significant battery drain. Manually switching airplane mode is tedious, especially since the same change also prevents 3rd party home screen widgets from toggling airplane mode plus I then need to re-enable WiFi.
It would be even more ideal if it were possible to enable/disable the cellular radio independently, as being forced to toggle airplane mode and then re-enable WiFi is not ideal.