Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
This issue does not reproduce with dev preview 4. <> #3
Closing this issue as per comment #2 from reporter. <> #4
I thought it was strange that I started to see a big of sluggishness on 4.2 compared to 4.1. I figured it was just my phone aging, but I didn't think it should be that bad with only an incremental update. <> #5
I've experienced a massive slow down in I/O operations from 4.1.2 to 4.2.2, for instance while installing apps from Play Store.
When I reverted via fastboot to 4.1.2 stock takju image, I pressed "Update all" in the Store. The phone was actually usable while the apps were downloading and updating in the background, while on 4.2.2 the performance is degraded. I've achieved similar performance in 4.1.2 only while pinning music files from Google Music in the background and then installing apps from Store, but that operation is obviously heavy.
@zapek: I wonder if this heap setting has something to do with issues described. Would like to see some input from you.
When I reverted via fastboot to 4.1.2 stock takju image, I pressed "Update all" in the Store. The phone was actually usable while the apps were downloading and updating in the background, while on 4.2.2 the performance is degraded. I've achieved similar performance in 4.1.2 only while pinning music files from Google Music in the background and then installing apps from Store, but that operation is obviously heavy.
@zapek: I wonder if this heap setting has something to do with issues described. Would like to see some input from you. <> #6
same here <> #7
Would this have affected Nexus S phones when they stopped receiving updates at 4.1? <> #8
Glad to see this is a known issue. I am experiencing it as well. <> #9
I only have about 90mb free when nothing is really running, and frequently the phone slows to a crawl with <30mb free. I really hope this is why. It was working fine until 4.2.2 <> #10
rabidfurball, you may want to change your minfree settings. I changed from default to
echo "2048,4096,38400,42240,46080,51200" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree
echo "2048,4096,38400,42240,46080,51200" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree <> #11
$1000 says you're from XDA and have no idea what a heap size is or what it does. Hell, I'd wager you don't know what RAM's for.
After you're done tweaking your build.prop to satisfy your magical thinking, make sure you calibrate your battery and clear your cache at least 5 times (6 times if it's a full moon).
After you're done tweaking your build.prop to satisfy your magical thinking, make sure you calibrate your battery and clear your cache at least 5 times (6 times if it's a full moon). <> #12
Actually I'm running 4.1 right now and heapsize is 256 on the Galaxy Nexus. <> #13
[Comment deleted] <> #14
After editing my build.prop as suggested, I'm seeing an immediate increase in performance. Around 250mb RAM free with nothing running, and switching between tasks is far smoother. Will update after some extended use, but I think this is definitely helping. I'm on AOKP-mr1 Milestone 1 <> #15
@jlefkowicz I tried modifying the minfree settings previously, but it seemed to be ignoring the settings and not freeing memory when below the limit.
@nawoa.lanor You don't have to be a dick. I am simply sharing my experience. I was having major problems, I did some research and tried something, and reported my results to help others. That's what the issue system is for.
@nawoa.lanor You don't have to be a dick. I am simply sharing my experience. I was having major problems, I did some research and tried something, and reported my results to help others. That's what the issue system is for. <> #16
Is there a way for users to easily modify these values to test? I'm using 4.2.2 AOKP ROM milestone1 and have similar issues. <> #17
Build Prop Editor -
Run the app, find the two values, change them, reboot. Be careful not to change other things if you don't know what they do.
Build Prop Editor -
Run the app, find the two values, change them, reboot. Be careful not to change other things if you don't know what they do. <> #18
Pimp my ROM makes that very easy. It does a whole lot more too.
Pimp my ROM makes that very easy. It does a whole lot more too.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #20
How do you change this with pimp my rom <> #21
"How do you change this with pimp my rom"...
System Tweaks -> Dalvik VM -> VM Heap Size and VM Heap Growth Limit
System Tweaks -> Dalvik VM -> VM Heap Size and VM Heap Growth Limit <> #22
I hate to say this, but this worked perfectly. Everyone hating have a good day. <> #23
For all the naysayers out there claiming that this is placebo, I just want to say that I have absolutely, definitely seen an improvement here.
For weeks now my GNexus has been VERY slow. Apps were prompting to close, occasionally foreground apps would exit without warning (Play Music being a prime example) and the whole thing was incredibly laggy. I thought it was just me, but from reading a thread on reddit ( ) it seems a LOT of people have had the same symptoms.
I've applied this fix and there's absolutely an improvement here. Before, Chrome (beta) would ALWAYS lag without fail, it was the worst culprit of the lagging and I actually thought it might be the cause, but now my device is running incredibly smoothly again.
I know that some developers claim these settings should affect the device in that way, but there must be something that's being overlooked. Perhaps the issue isn't inthe build.prop settings themselves being "wrong" but something the underlying OS is doing incorrectly with the above values.
I know we've seen the silly "Lagfix" things before, but this one is absolutely genuine as far as I can tell. More research is needed because there's more going on here than meets the eye.
For weeks now my GNexus has been VERY slow. Apps were prompting to close, occasionally foreground apps would exit without warning (Play Music being a prime example) and the whole thing was incredibly laggy. I thought it was just me, but from reading a thread on reddit (
I've applied this fix and there's absolutely an improvement here. Before, Chrome (beta) would ALWAYS lag without fail, it was the worst culprit of the lagging and I actually thought it might be the cause, but now my device is running incredibly smoothly again.
I know that some developers claim these settings should affect the device in that way, but there must be something that's being overlooked. Perhaps the issue isn't inthe build.prop settings themselves being "wrong" but something the underlying OS is doing incorrectly with the above values.
I know we've seen the silly "Lagfix" things before, but this one is absolutely genuine as far as I can tell. More research is needed because there's more going on here than meets the eye.
Also the Nexus 7 still reports 64 with 4.2.1. Both devices have 1GB of memory so this doesn't make any sense.