Bug P3
Status Update
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #2
This issue does not reproduce with dev preview 4.
er...@gmail.com <er...@gmail.com> #3
Closing this issue as per comment #2 from reporter.
nr...@gmail.com <nr...@gmail.com> #4
I have this issue as well on a Sprint GSII (SPH-D710) since upgrading to 4.1.2. I've tried doing a factory reset but the problem returned. I've also tried erasing the data in the clock app.
Strangely, it only seems to happen when I leave the phone charging overnight. If I set the alarm for a minute from now, it goes off as it should. Someone in a forum mentioned that turning off the lock screen may avoid the problem, but I need to have a lock screen enabled, so I can't say whether that's true.
Happy to supply more information if requested.
Strangely, it only seems to happen when I leave the phone charging overnight. If I set the alarm for a minute from now, it goes off as it should. Someone in a forum mentioned that turning off the lock screen may avoid the problem, but I need to have a lock screen enabled, so I can't say whether that's true.
Happy to supply more information if requested.
tw...@gmail.com <tw...@gmail.com> #5
I a also having this isue..
I havea samsung galaxy note 2 (GT-N7100) I believe it started happening when I upgraded to android 4.1.2
I can't seem to reproduce it willingly.
I havea samsung galaxy note 2 (GT-N7100) I believe it started happening when I upgraded to android 4.1.2
I can't seem to reproduce it willingly.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #6
I'm glad someone point me at this place.
I do have this issue too, with a Galaxy S2 i9100, since update to JB 4.1.2.
The issue is as follow:
If you set an Alarm with the default lockscreen activated, and keep the phone to sleep, you will probably have only one second alarm ring, as it looks like having problems in waking the phone from sleep. However, if you have near alarm time some activitie, the alarm will work well.
That problem disappear if you disable the default lockscreen, the alarm will work very well, even if you install another lockscreen, i.e. Widget Locker, C locker, Go locker, etc...
I do have this issue too, with a Galaxy S2 i9100, since update to JB 4.1.2.
The issue is as follow:
If you set an Alarm with the default lockscreen activated, and keep the phone to sleep, you will probably have only one second alarm ring, as it looks like having problems in waking the phone from sleep. However, if you have near alarm time some activitie, the alarm will work well.
That problem disappear if you disable the default lockscreen, the alarm will work very well, even if you install another lockscreen, i.e. Widget Locker, C locker, Go locker, etc...
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #7
I am experiencing the same as comments as per #3 in this thread.
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-19300). Only happened after upgrade to 4.1.2
I also cannot reproduce it willingly.
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-19300). Only happened after upgrade to 4.1.2
I also cannot reproduce it willingly.
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #8
I have a samsung galaxy SII (i9100) and it started to happen recently, not just after upgrade to official 4.1.2 (XWLSD). It happens sometimes, not always, so it's very difficult to debug. But I'm glad that I'm not a heavy sleeper; I've never slept through it :)
t....@gmail.com <t....@gmail.com> #9
I've got the same problem. After update alarm clock worked fine but about week ago it started to work like described above.
ey...@gmail.com <ey...@gmail.com> #10
I have samsung galaxy S2 and getting the same problem after upgrading to 4.1.2
Using "Alarm clock plus" application instead of the android alarm clock at the moment
Using "Alarm clock plus" application instead of the android alarm clock at the moment
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #11
That problem disappear if you disable the default lockscreen, the alarm will work very well, even if you install another lockscreen, i.e. Widget Locker, C locker, Go locker, etc...
Someone told in a forum that in the latest firmware XWLSN the problem is gone.
I'm trying it right now. If that's true, i'll post feedback here.
Maybe one or two days to be sure about it...
Does anyone above report this issue with XWLSN?????
Someone told in a forum that in the latest firmware XWLSN the problem is gone.
I'm trying it right now. If that's true, i'll post feedback here.
Maybe one or two days to be sure about it...
Does anyone above report this issue with XWLSN?????
on...@gmail.com <on...@gmail.com> #12
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #13
@#10 - Disabling the default lock screen may be a short term solution to the problem, however the alarm should be expected to work properly regardless of what lock screen option you chose, i.e. whether it is enabled or not.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #14
Great news, I think:
I don't have this alarm problem anymore with the latest ROM JB 4.1.2 XWLSN for the Galaxy S2 i9100. This problem and the "crash with S Planner 4x4 widget" are gone now.
I advise everyone to update your ROM, and post feedback.
I don't have this alarm problem anymore with the latest ROM JB 4.1.2 XWLSN for the Galaxy S2 i9100. This problem and the "crash with S Planner 4x4 widget" are gone now.
I advise everyone to update your ROM, and post feedback.
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #15
Same issue here with a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100 with stock JB 4.1.2 (N7100XXDMB2): the alarm clock rings for 1 second, then it turns off by itelf.
It happens sometimes, not always.
I think the problem is caused by the lockscreen (sometimes, when i unlock the device, the unlock screen doesnt't show the current time).
It happens sometimes, not always.
I think the problem is caused by the lockscreen (sometimes, when i unlock the device, the unlock screen doesnt't show the current time).
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #16
I'm having the same problem as the orders already described... using JB in Galaxy SII.
hb...@gmail.com <hb...@gmail.com> #17
This website is for developer issues with AOSP Android. All of you have one common point - the use of a Samsung device. This hasn't been reported on any other device. You need to speak to Samsung as this is clearly a bug in their customisations - not an issue with AOSP Android.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #18
I'm sorry, but I know issus in Asus Padfone, Sony Xperia and so on. The very same issue...
It's not Samsung related!
Actualy, the alarm is working well again, and I did nothing...
However, in this latest ROM XWLSS, once and only once the alarm only ring for a second... all other times work well...
This must have an explanation!
It's not Samsung related!
Actualy, the alarm is working well again, and I did nothing...
However, in this latest ROM XWLSS, once and only once the alarm only ring for a second... all other times work well...
This must have an explanation!
er...@gmail.com <er...@gmail.com> #19
I had the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus (with Android 4.1.2.). As addition of above comments, I found out the following:
I have a widget, which puts the screen of my phone off (this enables implicit the lock screen). However, when I go to sleep - and the phone is on the charger- the widget tries to turn off the screen, but this does not exceed and the lock screen appears (after a few seconds the screen turns off).
The next morning the alarm rings only for 1 second; because of the lock-screen problem above.
Workaround for me, is to turn off the screen before connecting the phone on the charger.
I have a widget, which puts the screen of my phone off (this enables implicit the lock screen). However, when I go to sleep - and the phone is on the charger- the widget tries to turn off the screen, but this does not exceed and the lock screen appears (after a few seconds the screen turns off).
The next morning the alarm rings only for 1 second; because of the lock-screen problem above.
Workaround for me, is to turn off the screen before connecting the phone on the charger.
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #20
Same problem with Samsung Galaxy S Advance
to...@gmail.com <to...@gmail.com> #21
so turning the lock screen off solves the problem?
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #22
That problem disappear if you disable the default lockscreen, the alarm will work very well, even if you install another lockscreen, i.e. Widget Locker, C locker, Go locker, etc...
That problem disappear if you disable the default lockscreen, the alarm will work very well, even if you install another lockscreen, i.e. Widget Locker, C locker, Go locker, etc...
to...@gmail.com <to...@gmail.com> #23
thanks man
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #24
Y THE HELL I WANT TO DISAble the lockscreen . i like it.. TO GOOGLE !!!!!!!!!!111
dk...@gmail.com <dk...@gmail.com> #25
Same problem with the Motorola RAZR M, just goes off for one second then off just sometimes tho.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #27
I tried to run the proposed patch on xda, but get this:
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Versão 5.8
Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
Checking for java presence...
java -Xmx512m -jar Utils\hello.jar
Preparing temp directory...
Extracting code...
==> Error, "temp\classes.dex", file not found, invalid apk
I do not have privileges to post on that xda thread. Anyone has any idea on what I need to do to be able to use the patch? Or maybe it is not compatible with the apk from Samsung JB 4.1.2 (i9100).
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Versão 5.8
Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
Checking for java presence...
java -Xmx512m -jar Utils\hello.jar
Preparing temp directory...
Extracting code...
==> Error, "temp\classes.dex", file not found, invalid apk
I do not have privileges to post on that xda thread. Anyone has any idea on what I need to do to be able to use the patch? Or maybe it is not compatible with the apk from Samsung JB 4.1.2 (i9100).
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #28
You can post on XDA. As simple as register your self.
Anyway, I posted a link to this thread there.
As I never need to do that, I can't help, but maybe someone will soon.
Anyway, I posted a link to this thread there.
As I never need to do that, I can't help, but maybe someone will soon.
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #29
I am the author of the XDA post mentioned in #25, so let me clarify what is this about. I've managed to find out the trigger that turns the alarm off. This trigger seems to be the device screen being turned off. Seemingly, under some conditions (no, i wasn't able to find out what conditions exactly), the pattern lock manages to turn the screen off with the alarm already sounding, snoozing it off.
My workaround is to simply bypass the code in screen off broadcast receivers, that turns off the alarm. This is, obviously, not a fix, but a mere workaround, yet a functional one, without any major side effects.
BTW, the most likely reason my patch didn't work for #26 is having an odexed ROM.
My workaround is to simply bypass the code in screen off broadcast receivers, that turns off the alarm. This is, obviously, not a fix, but a mere workaround, yet a functional one, without any major side effects.
BTW, the most likely reason my patch didn't work for #26 is having an odexed ROM.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #30
#27, of course I'm registered to fda, but that is a developer thread, so I
didnt reach the number of minimum posts to be able to reply.
#28, thank you for the info. Afaiu, this is a oxed rom since it is original
from Samsung. Any chances to have a version of the patch working for oxed
didnt reach the number of minimum posts to be able to reply.
#28, thank you for the info. Afaiu, this is a oxed rom since it is original
from Samsung. Any chances to have a version of the patch working for oxed
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #31
Sorry, didn't realise that.
Anyway, Boris is here too now...
Anyway, Boris is here too now...
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #32
I have a Samsung NOTE 2 and android 4.1.2. My alarm sometimes alarm for 1 sec. I was late for work several times because of this problem. I thought maybe I was pushing the rocker volume on the side of the phone before I lay it beside me on the desk. My solution is to run to set two alarms.one alarm would be set to smart alarm 3 mins before 8:30 am and second alarm is set at 8:31am. So this way when the first goes for only 1 sec then second one will go on until I stop it . It solved my lateness for work.but I dont want to set alarm twice for anything anymore.please solve this problem Samsung.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #33
As described in comment #5 , I changed the default lock screen to Go Locker, but the problem happens with it too.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #34
That's wired...
Are you sure about that?
Did you disable the default one for sure? Only the Go Locker is active?
Do some Wipe cache and wipe Dalvik...
Are you sure about that?
Did you disable the default one for sure? Only the Go Locker is active?
Do some Wipe cache and wipe Dalvik...
tr...@gmail.com <tr...@gmail.com> #35
Same problem with the alarm on Galaxy Grand. Disappointing. No official response on this issue?
gi...@googlemail.com <gi...@googlemail.com> #36
Really annoying same issue since I upgraded to 4.1.2 on samsung note 1. Alarm now totally unreliable to use for work. For god sake asoftware developers sort yourself out!!!! Starting new job so will now have to go out and buy an alarm. Same issue when I had a samsung wave using bada operating system a few years ago- so is it maybe a samsung problem rather than android software I wonder. Who can I 'speak to' rather than type to the web hoping someone will think this issue is worth the bother. Both samsung and android are ligit organisations therefore one if them should be responsible and accountable for solving this issue you would think?
ml...@gmail.com <ml...@gmail.com> #37
I'm having the same issue; early morning alarms will go off for about 1 second, if at all. I have an alarm set at 6:00am then 6:30am. Test alarms after I wake up and am active on the phone work find. The Sense lockscreen is set to"No Lockscreen", but I am using Widget Locker.
Alarms have been working fine up until a couple of weeks ago. I have the same conclusion as others, that this is when the phone is in, or coming out of, a deep sleep, so it's pretty hard to trouble shoot without waiting overnight to test each app, each setting, etc.
Alarms have been working fine up until a couple of weeks ago. I have the same conclusion as others, that this is when the phone is in, or coming out of, a deep sleep, so it's pretty hard to trouble shoot without waiting overnight to test each app, each setting, etc.
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #38
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #39
the same problem. In the morning the alarm didn't ring. Than I switched the screen on by a side button and screen was showing timw 23:59 instead of real time 4:40.I have stock rom 4.1.2. on galaxy s iii mini.
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #40
Samsung Galaxy S2 plus (9105P) stock 4.1.2. Failed to make a decent alarm twice in a month. May begin but shuts off by itself. There seems to be no apparent reason why this happens. It's just random. Fix it please!
al...@inkin.ru <al...@inkin.ru> #41
This is pretty annoying, please fix it. I have same issue on Galaxy S Advance.
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #42
Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) with 4.1.2. Have had this version for a while, but only noticed the alarm problem recently.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #43
Same issue with HTC One phone running 4.2.2. If you're going to use the VPN features of the phone, it's almost a requirement and gets annoying to have to disable it to get the alarms working in the morning.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #44
I remind you all that using a non default lockscreen will avoid the issue.
For me that's the best solution.
For me that's the best solution.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #45
That's great, but not a solution or workaround when using credential storage because of the VPN component.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #46
#43, I'm using Go Locker and the problem happens with it too. So, using alternate lock screen doesn't solve the problem, at last not Go Locker.
ig...@gmail.com <ig...@gmail.com> #47
Same problem, using a Samsung Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch.
pm...@gmail.com <pm...@gmail.com> #48
Using Samsung Galaxy SII i9100, I reflashed stock firmware 4.1.2, disable lock screen, clear cache, clear data from application and the problem persists. It is no every time but lack of consistency makes the alarm unreliable. Should a downgrade Works a solution?
pr...@gmail.com <pr...@gmail.com> #49
Same problem here on LG optimus L7 after upgrading to 4.1.2. Alarm shows up in the notification bar, but does not ring. please fix it.
ge...@gmail.com <ge...@gmail.com> #50
Unfortunately I can't use the alternative lock screen workaround suggested as my S2 is subject to remotely administered security policies which permit me to receive company mail. Essentially buggered.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #51
As I said, alternative lock screen didnt solve the problem (at last it
didnt to me). Does anyone tried the most recent 4.1.2 firmware (XWLSZ) to
check if the problem was solved on it?
didnt to me). Does anyone tried the most recent 4.1.2 firmware (XWLSZ) to
check if the problem was solved on it?
eh...@gmail.com <eh...@gmail.com> #52
Same problem here. Galaxy note 2 stock 4.1.2 tmobile. Late for work and grumpy.
sz...@gmail.com <sz...@gmail.com> #53
Same problem here on stock s3 mini ver. 4.1.2....
eb...@gmail.com <eb...@gmail.com> #54
I have the problem with Samsung Galaxy Epic 4g Touch. From my experience I think happens when the phone sits for over 8 hours. I also notice the clock will not be accurate when I turn on the screen and then a second later it will change to the accurate time. I read on another forum that this could be the problem--that android essentially puts the clock to sleep just like all other processes after the phone sits for several hours.
eb...@gmail.com <eb...@gmail.com> #55
Google? Anybody there? This is completely unacceptable!!!
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #56
[Comment deleted]
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #57
Come on, people. Do you seriously think Google, Samsung or anyone else involved listens? Consider going the way i did to work around it (quite complicated for many), using alternative alarm app etc. With the big companies, we, the users, are always on our own, don't expect the big guys to actually fix it.
eb...@gmail.com <eb...@gmail.com> #58
[Comment deleted]
eb...@gmail.com <eb...@gmail.com> #59
Sorry about the last comment, I'm angry. What app do you recommend that will actually work?
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #60
ebaxst, the alarm problem is from an unknown source.
I know Samsung, Sony, Asus and other brands with several problems having this issue.
I have it too, and as I get it, suddenly was gone. I don't know what cause it and what I did to solve it...
But I know that a friend with this problem, wipe the phone and flash again the ROM and it was gone. Other have done the same, but no go...
I'm convinced that is a software conflit causing this... so very hard to understand and solve. Maybe Boris could have some more info...
One thing for sure, if you disable the stock Lockscreen, many get the alarm to work well, even using another lockscreen from the play store.
And if you set the alarm to repeat in 3 minuts or so, the repeat alarm will ring just fine, only the first one will have the problem.
Hope I help you.
I know Samsung, Sony, Asus and other brands with several problems having this issue.
I have it too, and as I get it, suddenly was gone. I don't know what cause it and what I did to solve it...
But I know that a friend with this problem, wipe the phone and flash again the ROM and it was gone. Other have done the same, but no go...
I'm convinced that is a software conflit causing this... so very hard to understand and solve. Maybe Boris could have some more info...
One thing for sure, if you disable the stock Lockscreen, many get the alarm to work well, even using another lockscreen from the play store.
And if you set the alarm to repeat in 3 minuts or so, the repeat alarm will ring just fine, only the first one will have the problem.
Hope I help you.
eg...@gmail.com <eg...@gmail.com> #61
I have this problem on s3mini after it updated to the latest firmware just over a month ago. it also seems to affect the music player.
the music pauses if i get a notification or use the volume rockers (sometimes) and the play/pause button on the headphones won't work to resume the music.
I'm assuming it's the same issue.
Disabling lock screen doesn't work. I have tried a lot of different alarm sounds.
It's making me crazy.
the music pauses if i get a notification or use the volume rockers (sometimes) and the play/pause button on the headphones won't work to resume the music.
I'm assuming it's the same issue.
Disabling lock screen doesn't work. I have tried a lot of different alarm sounds.
It's making me crazy.
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #62
Samsung S4 on latest stock rom. Exact same problem and it happens quite randomly.
It's an Android issue as many different phones have this problem.
It's an Android issue as many different phones have this problem.
b....@gmail.com <b....@gmail.com> #63
same here- JB 4.2.2 using HTC one mini and quite a few mornings i got late to work, and few times i actually heard it ringing for 1 second!!
disappointed, didn't expect that such a hi tech phone would have issues with- alarm clock!!
disappointed, didn't expect that such a hi tech phone would have issues with- alarm clock!!
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #64
If you set the alarm to repeat in 3 minuts or so, the repeat alarm will ring just fine, only the first one will have the problem.
I guesse THIS will work and do the trick.
If you set the alarm to repeat in 3 minuts or so, the repeat alarm will ring just fine, only the first one will have the problem.
I guesse THIS will work and do the trick.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #65
Same here, and I have the new Galaxy note 3 phone. This problem has only started this morning for me.
Also with me, when I receive a phone call, it will only ring for one second. The person is still calling but the actual sound only plays for a second. Vibration will continue.
This happens even when the phone is sat on my desk (So its not reducing volume when I pick it up like some other models of phone)
Also with me, when I receive a phone call, it will only ring for one second. The person is still calling but the actual sound only plays for a second. Vibration will continue.
This happens even when the phone is sat on my desk (So its not reducing volume when I pick it up like some other models of phone)
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #66
Same problem... I have a Samsung S3 GT-I9300 android 4.1.2. The alarm goes off and then stops after about one second. I'm getting very pissed off because I'm having this problem for some time now, but expected that with so many users complaining google would have it fixed by now...
mu...@gmail.com <mu...@gmail.com> #67
Had the same problem on Galaxy S3 mini (GT-I8190) though it seems it has been avoided last few days with following setting which would be worthy to try for all of you.
For myself, I set an alarm at 6:30 AM in Clock application.
Additionally I configure 'Blocking mode' to Enabled and turn off 'Disable alarm and timer', set time between 22:00 and 7:00. It seems the setting recognizes the alarm as an exceptional task between the time.
For myself, I set an alarm at 6:30 AM in Clock application.
Additionally I configure 'Blocking mode' to Enabled and turn off 'Disable alarm and timer', set time between 22:00 and 7:00. It seems the setting recognizes the alarm as an exceptional task between the time.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #68
Well, well... that could be a good tip.
I stop having the alarm issue long ago, and I implement the "Blocking Mode" too, but I can't tell for sure if my alarm's were inside the time interval of BM, or outside. But it could have some influence...
One thing for sure, now my alarms are all outside the BM time, and work very well.
I stop having the alarm issue long ago, and I implement the "Blocking Mode" too, but I can't tell for sure if my alarm's were inside the time interval of BM, or outside. But it could have some influence...
One thing for sure, now my alarms are all outside the BM time, and work very well.
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #69
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #70
[Comment deleted]
tj...@gmail.com <tj...@gmail.com> #71
Same problem on Nexus 4 - version 4.3
la...@gmail.com <la...@gmail.com> #72
[Comment deleted]
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #73
[Comment deleted]
hh...@gmail.com <hh...@gmail.com> #74
Same problem on my Samsung GII... It just started this week. One second alarm, and it snoozes automaticaly, setting the alarm during daytime it works fine. So it has to do with the deep sleep mode?
en...@gmail.com <en...@gmail.com> #75
Same problem after upgrading to 4.1.2 on galaxy note 1
si...@gmail.com <si...@gmail.com> #76
Same issues on HTC one 4.3 /sense 5.5.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #77
This is pathetic. Does this stuff ever get fixed?
ed...@gmail.com <ed...@gmail.com> #78
im having an issue with alarm and music players but the alarm seems like its working now but before it would not wake me up change the days that i set it for but alarm seems to work now but now my music player just stops and wont play tell i take battery out and restart some times my battery dies i even added cloudskipper and it stops can someone HELP ME PLEASE LOL!!!!!!!!
ed...@gmail.com <ed...@gmail.com> #79
and also i just got this phone i cracked my old phone and got a refurbished phone with the 4.1.2 software it looks like the s3 version had no problem with old phone the problems want my old one back lolololol!!!!!
es...@gmail.com <es...@gmail.com> #80
Same issue on a UK s3 mini running latest stock firmware 4.1.2. I have now installed Timely and will try that.
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #81
Same problem on LG G2 (VS980) with Android 4.2.2.
eb...@gmail.com <eb...@gmail.com> #82
[Comment deleted]
eb...@gmail.com <eb...@gmail.com> #83
I (believe) I haven't experienced this problem since using Go Locker as my lock screen launcher. So it could be a problem with the default lock screen. Samsung Galaxy S2 (Epic 4G Touch) running 4.1.2.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #84
Yes - ofcourse.
See post #5 up...
See post #5 up...
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #85
I'm using Go Locker and this issue is still present. S2 with 4.1.2 (official rom from samsung, rooted).
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #86
For those having problems even with other lockers, try "Timely".
A new Alarm app that I heard it's free now, and very beautiful...
A new Alarm app that I heard it's free now, and very beautiful...
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #87
Yeah Google owns them now I believe. Just pretty awful that you can't
reliably use a stock clock app for alarms. I use timely and it's great for
sure. But still, how this hasn't been fixed is just plain stupid in my
reliably use a stock clock app for alarms. I use timely and it's great for
sure. But still, how this hasn't been fixed is just plain stupid in my
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #88
Yes, you are right. Very strange not a single word of google about this...
Anyway, I was not sure if "Timely" work well, and could solve the problem.
Can you tell for your experience that it works?
I know you have this alarm issue in the past...
Anyway, I was not sure if "Timely" work well, and could solve the problem.
Can you tell for your experience that it works?
I know you have this alarm issue in the past...
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #89
So far timely is working for me. I certainly rely on it, rather than the
stock alarm clock. I will say that I'm happy that timely is now free and
it's all I use to create alarms on my device when I need to be reminded of
things. I haven't had it shut off after just a single
ring/beep/notification as of yet. If it does give me issues, I'd be pretty
stock alarm clock. I will say that I'm happy that timely is now free and
it's all I use to create alarms on my device when I need to be reminded of
things. I haven't had it shut off after just a single
ring/beep/notification as of yet. If it does give me issues, I'd be pretty
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #90
I installed Timely yesterday and it already "missed" the first alarm :(
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #91
Yikes. So was it the same experience? Did it not play at all, or just for a second? Does it work if you set it 5 minutes from now?
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #92
Hi people...
Did you ever made an Wipe cache / Wipe Dalvik to your phones?????
You could try!!!
Did you ever made an Wipe cache / Wipe Dalvik to your phones?????
You could try!!!
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #93
I always do a wipe after installing a new rom... never helped with this
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #94
Try this:
Disable all your lockscreen tonight, and see if the phone ring tomorrow.
And, do a wipe cache and dalvik with them disable.
Somehow, I don't have that problem anymore for ages... Don't know how, but back in time, the "Disable stock LockScreen" has worked for me...
Disable all your lockscreen tonight, and see if the phone ring tomorrow.
And, do a wipe cache and dalvik with them disable.
Somehow, I don't have that problem anymore for ages... Don't know how, but back in time, the "Disable stock LockScreen" has worked for me...
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #95
That's not an option when you are using VPN services.
d9...@gmail.com <d9...@gmail.com> #96
In Note3 N9005 after 15 Sec the Alarm go's off
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #97
Just bougth an S4. It is rediculous - I was late for a very important business meeting...Alarm turns off in 15 seconds, when phone locks. S4- GT-I9505, Adnroid 4.3
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #98
This happens on my Samsung GS3 too. It automatically turns off by itself after 1 second.
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #99
Same problem, alarm turn itself off after 1-2 seconds. I was late for work 2 times already. This is embarassing!!! 21st century and you can't get damn alarm clock to work like it should. Using SGS3 mini 4.1.2
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #100
Just set a second alarm after the first one. I know it is not ideal, but it solves the problem. The second alarm does work properly.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #101
Is there any fix for this? Now it even messed up sms notification with GoSMS. I heard only portion of "beep".
ca...@gmail.com <ca...@gmail.com> #102
I have the same problem Samsung Galaxy S3 mini, everything up to date. Alarm rings for one second and then automatically stops. Sometimes it works fine, others it doesn't. I have not been able to get it to repeat consistently. Have tried various things like shutting off all the wifi/bt/gps/etc, putting it into airplane mode, to see if that made a difference but it hasn't.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #103
I replaced my S2 with a fresh new S4 and guess what? The problem is still there :((( It is a shame that you can't trust in something so basic as an alarm, with a so expensive device like this.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #104
Well, the best option you guy's have, is set the alarm to ring with repeat in 5 minuts, or place a second alarm right after the other (5min). The second alarm will ring for sure...
Hope it helps.
Shame Google, never answered this.
Hope it helps.
Shame Google, never answered this.
sp...@gmail.com <sp...@gmail.com> #105
Same issue, ever since 4.1.2 The trigger seems to be when the phone is charged, and meets it's fully loaded during the night.
GOOGLE please, you have to fix this. It is just not an option to ignore your customers on this one.!!
According to this thread you have known about this for a year now.! :-(
All your valued users are coming up with bunch of workarounds - this is not a solution. I am (once more) trying a WORKAROUND (the second alarm tip), but this is by no means a FIX, something that YOU should have come up with ages ago.
I am not not happy about the way you have dealt with this issue - at all.!
Like having a car that won't turn to the right, when it rains.
Samsung GS2
GOOGLE please, you have to fix this. It is just not an option to ignore your customers on this one.!!
According to this thread you have known about this for a year now.! :-(
All your valued users are coming up with bunch of workarounds - this is not a solution. I am (once more) trying a WORKAROUND (the second alarm tip), but this is by no means a FIX, something that YOU should have come up with ages ago.
I am not not happy about the way you have dealt with this issue - at all.!
Like having a car that won't turn to the right, when it rains.
Samsung GS2
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #106
I have an s3 mini and on 4.1.2 and I now have the same problem. The trigger as above also seems to be when the phone is charged, and meets it's fully loaded during the night.
I also agree with above It is just not an option to ignore your customers on this one.
Please fix it!
I also agree with above It is just not an option to ignore your customers on this one.
Please fix it!
pp...@gmail.com <pp...@gmail.com> #107
SIII mini 4.1.2 - but it started about 1 month ago - some google app update spoiled something?
Worst is that it's random, so i had to find my writstwatch becouse I cannot trust mobile which is worth ~ 250$ :>
Worst is that it's random, so i had to find my writstwatch becouse I cannot trust mobile which is worth ~ 250$ :>
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #108
[Comment deleted]
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #109
You have a good point here. As i already found out, the alarm shuts off because something forces the screen to go off, while the alarm app reacts on it by turning off the alarm. My workaround was to patch the alarm app, requires root and some minimal knowhow. Yours seems much simpler, just force it to stay on! Pack an apk from this profile and let people have it! Thanks for posting!
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #110
I've noticed this bug on a VZW Samsung Galaxy Legend (prepaid) phone SCH-I200PP.
I set up a 'Tasker' profile with the "Alarm Clock" event context. Then the only task is to have 'Secure Settings' wake the phone to "Screen Dim". This seems to be working so far. 'Tasker' and 'Secure Settings' are available in the app store. May not be a viable workaround for some as the free versions of these apps may not do what is required. Also, I'm rooted so I have access to more of 'Secure Settings' functions.
I set up a 'Tasker' profile with the "Alarm Clock" event context. Then the only task is to have 'Secure Settings' wake the phone to "Screen Dim". This seems to be working so far. 'Tasker' and 'Secure Settings' are available in the app store. May not be a viable workaround for some as the free versions of these apps may not do what is required. Also, I'm rooted so I have access to more of 'Secure Settings' functions.
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #111
My response was @#107, btw, this is now #109
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #112
Thanks Boris. I tried to patch my alarm app as per the instructions and patch file on xda, but my alarm app is ODEXed so I had to find a different workaround. I have no idea if this fixed it or just tinkering did it as I can no longer elicit the short ring. Anyhow, it seems to be working for now.
I should have mentioned that I'm using the stock pattern lock as well.
I should have mentioned that I'm using the stock pattern lock as well.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #113
Ok. I did what Boris asked and packaged this up as an apk and here it is. It needs 'Secure Settings' from here:
I've also attached the tasker profile xml.
I've also attached the tasker profile xml.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #114
The above version will keep the screen on for 30 seconds.
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #115
I did the same thing in Eclipse+ADT, this doesn't require 'Secure Settings', less bloated than a tasker app, but puts am icon in notification tray for one minute, from the moment the alarm starts until the 1 minute lock is over. All credit goes to "KE.and.J...@gmail.com".
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #116
Thanks Boris. I'm not a programmer, so I just did what I could do. Hopefully your new fix will help some people out.
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #117
The real question here... will this approach work? The alarm normally acquires its own wakelock! You can see this by trying to setup a screen timeout of 15 seconds and letting the alarm ring (when it works normally). The screen will NOT turn off after 15 seconds. Maybe, just maybe, the lock screen is sometimes brought up after the alarm, with the alarm sent to background and releasing its own wakelock, in that case it MAY work. Anyway, there are enough people here with the issue, i am sure many are willing to test the theory by installing this, and report.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #118
The description of this event on the tasker web page led me to believe that tasker gets notified of the alarm event before it actually goes off
"Tasker: Event A-Z
Alarm Clock
The Android alarm clock with the specified label is about to go off. ...."
Indeed, it seems that tasker can intercept an alarm and stop it from going off if the "Stop Event" box is checked in the Event Context. This is why I believe the tasker profile works and will continue to work.
"Tasker: Event A-Z
Alarm Clock
The Android alarm clock with the specified label is about to go off. ...."
Indeed, it seems that tasker can intercept an alarm and stop it from going off if the "Stop Event" box is checked in the Event Context. This is why I believe the tasker profile works and will continue to work.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #119
I'm very glad to see some light here... as I'm here almost since the beginning of the threat.
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #120
Tasker being able to abort the alarm doesn't reall meam much, sorry :( Google "broadcast receivers" for some more insight of whats happening inside. Some light? There would be some if google, samsung etc would "notice" this thread :(
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #121
Agree,of course!
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #122
Ok...while I still don't know what the hell I'm doing, I can now reliably reproduce the bug. I set up Tasker to respond to the 'Alarm Event' with the highest priority (whatever that does) with a two item task. The first item is a 1 second wait and the second uses the Secure Settings plugin to lock the device and enable the pattern lock. Varying the wait time will vary how long the alarm rings before being shut off and it shuts off with the screen when Secure Settings locks it.
When I go back into the alarm app, the affected alarm is in a Snooze state.
I hope this helps someone figure out what the hell is going on....I'm talking to you Boris.
When I go back into the alarm app, the affected alarm is in a Snooze state.
I hope this helps someone figure out what the hell is going on....I'm talking to you Boris.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #123
Is this perhaps an 'ordered broadcast'. I don't really have any understanding of Android's inner workings and most of what I found on broadcast receivers was way over my head. I have to admit Boris, I'm way out of my depth here. I think I may have blundered into the workaround as opposed to actually figuring anything out.
Let me know if I should stop posting discussion here.
Let me know if I should stop posting discussion here.
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #124
There is one thing we already KNOW about what's going on. The alarm is being snoozed by the screen going off. Ignoring the screen going off is how my original workaround functions, i am using it since my XDA post and hadn't experienced a 1 second alarm issue since than, not even once, but this cannot be done without modifying the actual alarm app (or maybe writing an xposed module, that needs root, and thats something i don't know how to code, never even tried to).
The questions of WHAT turns the screen off and why is it able to remain, though. Using a power button will turn the screen off despite any active wake locks, thats by design. What you are using here in your reproduction is "device admin" functionality, apparently this overrides a wake lock as well (just tried it). What REALLY turns the screen off in our case remains a mystery, though. If that something somehow causes the alarm to release it's own wake lock - both your and my APK workaround will work, cause we would still be holding the other one we took. But if it is, indeed, able to override it directly, just like the power button or device admin function does, this kind of workaround is going to be a failure. Since we DON'T know what really turns the screen off, only the time will tell.
Something i have to add... an already engaged pattern lock does NOT override a wake lock while trying to turn the screen off. You can see it by doing the following... try locking the device then turning it on again, so it displays the pattern lock. Do not input the combination. The screen will go off in a matter of 10 seconds or something, so now you know after how long it wants to turn the screen off. Now install my APK, set the alarm 1..2 minutes ahead and lock the device again. When the alarm rings, dismiss it. The pattern lock will appear. I'll still hold a wake lock for the reminder of that minute (i show a status bar icon while holding it), i do not detect the alarm being dismissed. The screen will NOT go off until i release the wake lock.
PS: About us discussing it here, i have no idea if its right or wrong, i am just a user, not a moderator or something. An annoyed user, that happened to have some clue about some limited things and happened to be able to code in general, but thats about it.
The questions of WHAT turns the screen off and why is it able to remain, though. Using a power button will turn the screen off despite any active wake locks, thats by design. What you are using here in your reproduction is "device admin" functionality, apparently this overrides a wake lock as well (just tried it). What REALLY turns the screen off in our case remains a mystery, though. If that something somehow causes the alarm to release it's own wake lock - both your and my APK workaround will work, cause we would still be holding the other one we took. But if it is, indeed, able to override it directly, just like the power button or device admin function does, this kind of workaround is going to be a failure. Since we DON'T know what really turns the screen off, only the time will tell.
Something i have to add... an already engaged pattern lock does NOT override a wake lock while trying to turn the screen off. You can see it by doing the following... try locking the device then turning it on again, so it displays the pattern lock. Do not input the combination. The screen will go off in a matter of 10 seconds or something, so now you know after how long it wants to turn the screen off. Now install my APK, set the alarm 1..2 minutes ahead and lock the device again. When the alarm rings, dismiss it. The pattern lock will appear. I'll still hold a wake lock for the reminder of that minute (i show a status bar icon while holding it), i do not detect the alarm being dismissed. The screen will NOT go off until i release the wake lock.
PS: About us discussing it here, i have no idea if its right or wrong, i am just a user, not a moderator or something. An annoyed user, that happened to have some clue about some limited things and happened to be able to code in general, but thats about it.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #125
I wanted to use Boris patch in my old (rooted) i9100, but unfortunately it
only works in deodexed roms (and I use samsung original ones). Now I have a
i9505 and it suffers of the same problem. It is a shame that neither Google
or Samsung seems to be watching this thread.
2014-03-10 19:21 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
only works in deodexed roms (and I use samsung original ones). Now I have a
i9505 and it suffers of the same problem. It is a shame that neither Google
or Samsung seems to be watching this thread.
2014-03-10 19:21 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
en...@gmail.com <en...@gmail.com> #126
Alarm dont ring since i upgraded to4.4.2 in samsumg note3
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #127
Alarm occationally stops ringing after 1 sec.
samsung galaxy s4, Android 4.3
samsung galaxy s4, Android 4.3
gr...@gmail.com <gr...@gmail.com> #128
I too have experienced this problem (4.1.2). Its worth noting that I have 2 alarms (1 at 10am and one at 10pm EVERY day) and it is seemingly without reason that SOMETIMES the alarm will action correctly and other times it only does the 1 second thing. Same alarms every day and yet random results. There is no correlation to being powered or not as my phone is never on charge at these times. I even though it might be due to being face down (proximity sensor coming in to play in a 'we dont want to blast an alarm sound off in your ear' faulty kind of way but also proven that not to be the case).
By the way chaps: bad news. 22400 'issues' to be looked into by google on this forum so chances of it being seen and responded to is highly negligiable. And to prove it, look at the owner of this thread: "----". As in NO ONE. Its not even been seen and picked up after 15 months so its highly unlikely its going to be.
By the way chaps: bad news. 22400 'issues' to be looked into by google on this forum so chances of it being seen and responded to is highly negligiable. And to prove it, look at the owner of this thread: "----". As in NO ONE. Its not even been seen and picked up after 15 months so its highly unlikely its going to be.
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #129
I am having the same problem with rooted i9100 with Samsung original rom 4.1.2. HOping Google will look into this.
eb...@gmail.com <eb...@gmail.com> #130
Good point, groachfr...@gmail.com. This is bullshit part of the reason I'm slowly but surely moving away from android devices and google products. Going to try a windows phone, pretty sure their alarms work properly. Flame away...
er...@gmail.com <er...@gmail.com> #131
I reported this defect more than a year ago and there has been no action from Google to date. So I too am disappointed with the company.
My advice to all of you is stop wasting your time on the Google issue tracker website as nobody from Google seems to give a crap and either download another alarm app, I've been using Alarm Clock Plus without any issues, or buy a non-Android device. I would have never said this a year ago but after this experience I understand why people have iPhones.
My advice to all of you is stop wasting your time on the Google issue tracker website as nobody from Google seems to give a crap and either download another alarm app, I've been using Alarm Clock Plus without any issues, or buy a non-Android device. I would have never said this a year ago but after this experience I understand why people have iPhones.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #132
This is my try to attract some attention to this problem: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=69105
I hate to open a duplicate issue, but maybe a new ticket will get some attention and finally bring us some solution.
I hate to open a duplicate issue, but maybe a new ticket will get some attention and finally bring us some solution.
al...@android.com <al...@android.com> #133
Please include stable reproduction steps, if possible, and a bug report taken immediately after the issue occurs.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #135
Steps to reproduce can be found at comment #121 . More details in comment
#123. I really suggest you to read all the comments of this thread.
2014-04-29 4:10 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
#123. I really suggest you to read all the comments of this thread.
2014-04-29 4:10 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #136
My first post here, was in 19 Apr, 2013 - more than one year ago...
Got to see someone care now...
Got to see someone care now...
al...@android.com <al...@android.com> #137
#121 and #123 aren't very useful from a debugging perspective, since the first forces a working as intended feature to occur and the second seems to be speculation without any reproduction steps. Without a bug report and/or steps that reproduce the bug (e.g. the screen naturally locks due to a bug) there is not much we can do.
eb...@gmail.com <eb...@gmail.com> #138
Sorry not that knowledgeable of Android. But from my experience, it seemed to happen when my phone would sit for a long period of time, like when I would sleep longer than eight hours. I would set the alarm for 8.5 hours plug it in and not touch it. It seems the phone goes into a sort of hibernation where the alarm can't successfully trigger.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #139
#ProjectMember, unfortunately, what you saw in post #121 is the closest to a "how-to-reproduce" guide that people here were able to reach. Most of the people here (maybe all) are not Android developers, so it would be good if you can help us on what we should do to provide the information you want.
I'm a (desktop) software developer, with no experience on Android development. For months I'm trying to figure out what is going on (trying different lock screens, different alarm apps, manually waking up the phone before going to bed, etc), but so far, I still could not find a way to consistently reproduce it. I have this problem both with my Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S4.
I have diabetes, and I set up the alarm to ring every night at 3am, so I can wake up and check my glucose level to avoid hypoglycemia. I cannot trust the alarm anymore, because it fails several times in a week (it just failed last night). What I can say is that "it seems" that if I "wake up" the phone before going to bed (ie: at midnight) and open the alarm app, the chances of the alarm working correctly at 3am are big, otherwise, it will probably fail :( For now, I had to go back to my old cheap wrist watch, which fails only when the battery dies <g>
I'm here to try whatever you ask me to test, in the hope of helping solving this problem.
PS: Fortunately, Apple fanboys seems to have missed this thread :)
I'm a (desktop) software developer, with no experience on Android development. For months I'm trying to figure out what is going on (trying different lock screens, different alarm apps, manually waking up the phone before going to bed, etc), but so far, I still could not find a way to consistently reproduce it. I have this problem both with my Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S4.
I have diabetes, and I set up the alarm to ring every night at 3am, so I can wake up and check my glucose level to avoid hypoglycemia. I cannot trust the alarm anymore, because it fails several times in a week (it just failed last night). What I can say is that "it seems" that if I "wake up" the phone before going to bed (ie: at midnight) and open the alarm app, the chances of the alarm working correctly at 3am are big, otherwise, it will probably fail :( For now, I had to go back to my old cheap wrist watch, which fails only when the battery dies <g>
I'm here to try whatever you ask me to test, in the hope of helping solving this problem.
PS: Fortunately, Apple fanboys seems to have missed this thread :)
al...@android.com <al...@android.com> #140
The most useful information would be a concise series of steps that cause the issue to occur and can reproduce the issue when repeated. For example:
1. Set alarm for ten minutes from the current time
2. Turn screen off using power button
3. Press volume up when alarm goes off
The second most useful information would be a bug report taken immediately after the issue occurs. You can take one via "adb bugreport" or Settings > Developer options > Take bug report. Please search Google for more information on how to do either of these.
Without either of these, we don't have enough information to pinpoint the cause of the issue.
1. Set alarm for ten minutes from the current time
2. Turn screen off using power button
3. Press volume up when alarm goes off
The second most useful information would be a bug report taken immediately after the issue occurs. You can take one via "adb bugreport" or Settings > Developer options > Take bug report. Please search Google for more information on how to do either of these.
Without either of these, we don't have enough information to pinpoint the cause of the issue.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #141
I don't think anyone will be able to give you step-by-step instructions on
how to reproduce. At last, in one year, nobody was able to do this. The
major problem is because alarms set to trigger in a few minutes from the
time it was created just works fine.
I'll try to provide you with a bug report. Please anyone else reading this
thread, try to do the same. Now we have an Android developer with us who is
willing to help. Let's try to give him the information he needs.
2014-04-29 16:57 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
how to reproduce. At last, in one year, nobody was able to do this. The
major problem is because alarms set to trigger in a few minutes from the
time it was created just works fine.
I'll try to provide you with a bug report. Please anyone else reading this
thread, try to do the same. Now we have an Android developer with us who is
willing to help. Let's try to give him the information he needs.
2014-04-29 16:57 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #142
#ProjectMember, please take a look at the following logcat dumps:
From thread:https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1109
From thread:https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=9524
I hope it contains some useful information for you.
From thread:
From thread:
I hope it contains some useful information for you.
al...@android.com <al...@android.com> #143
I should also mention that we can't do much about non-AOSP alarm clocks. The linked logcat dumps are Samsung and HTC alarm clock apps, and we don't have any visibility into their code.
So anyone who has the AOSP alarm clock (e.g. Nexus device) and encounters this issue, please post a bug report.
So anyone who has the AOSP alarm clock (e.g. Nexus device) and encounters this issue, please post a bug report.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #144
Well, so I will not be able to help with the log. I don't have any AOSP device. Anyway,I tested several alarm apps and all presented the same problem, so the problem are not really with the apps, but with some core feature that all of them depends on.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #145
Is there anything useful in this logcat? The issue may have occurred with the 8AM alarm, but the phone was in my pocket and movement may have shut it off too. The 8:05AM post-snooze alarm functioned properly - but it was no longer in my pocket at that point.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #146
The problem NEVER happen after 5 minutes of ANY activity.
The alarm problem only occur after a long deep sleep time and with system lockscreen active.
If someone have a recurrent 5 minutes alarm delay, on the second alarm the issue do not happen. That's simple...
The alarm problem only occur after a long deep sleep time and with system lockscreen active.
If someone have a recurrent 5 minutes alarm delay, on the second alarm the issue do not happen. That's simple...
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #147
Looks like we've been abandoned again....
er...@gmail.com <er...@gmail.com> #148
To be fair, I have two different models of Nexus 7 and the alarm app works fine on those - mind you I've only used the alarm on them a few times.
Also, as I mentioned before, I've been using Alarm Clock Plus app for more than a year without a single problem, so I don't know think it's any "core feature" as #144 claims.
So I get it that Google can't support an app that they didn't develop, in my case I guess it's developed by Samsung, but that doesn't bode well for Google. If I ever buy another Android device, it will be a Nexus devise. So they're cannibalizing their Android licensing, which I doubt is their business model.
Also, as I mentioned before, I've been using Alarm Clock Plus app for more than a year without a single problem, so I don't know think it's any "core feature" as #144 claims.
So I get it that Google can't support an app that they didn't develop, in my case I guess it's developed by Samsung, but that doesn't bode well for Google. If I ever buy another Android device, it will be a Nexus devise. So they're cannibalizing their Android licensing, which I doubt is their business model.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #149
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #150
I used Alarm Clock Plus previously in my S2 and the problem happened with
it too. I tried several other alarm apps, all with the same problem. So,
that's why I think the problem is not really with the apps, but with
Android itself.
2014-05-12 15:28 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
it too. I tried several other alarm apps, all with the same problem. So,
that's why I think the problem is not really with the apps, but with
Android itself.
2014-05-12 15:28 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
al...@android.com <al...@android.com> #151
Sorry, there are enough differences between AOSP code and vendor apps that there is not much useful information we can extract unless it's the AOSP alarm clock.
On a related note, we did find an issue where the cell network was updating the system time by ~2s and caused the alarm to be skipped; however it's unclear if this is the same issue.
On a related note, we did find an issue where the cell network was updating the system time by ~2s and caused the alarm to be skipped; however it's unclear if this is the same issue.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #152
It might be related. I shortened the 'on' time on my workaround to 1s instead of 5s and the problem returned. When I bumped it back to 5s it went away again.
It might be related. I shortened the 'on' time on my workaround to 1s instead of 5s and the problem returned. When I bumped it back to 5s it went away again.
ju...@gmail.com <ju...@gmail.com> #153
I have the same problem, android 4.1.2, Samsung S3 mini
ho...@gmail.com <ho...@gmail.com> #154
[Comment deleted]
ms...@gmail.com <ms...@gmail.com> #155
I started noticing the problem on my HTC One 4.4.2 with Sense 5.5. I rebooted, and the problem went away. But my confidence in it staying away is low, given this thread :(
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #156
If you root your phone you can install a clock application ported from android 4.2, just follow the steps in the thread.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #157
#156, I tested 3 different clock apps from different companies, and the problem happened with all of them. So, I have doubts that the clock app is the only guilty here.
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #158
I don't know about other alarm clocks from the market, that app is the only one i tried and is working fine. If you have rooted phone you can try it.
om...@gmail.com <om...@gmail.com> #159
[Comment deleted]
om...@gmail.com <om...@gmail.com> #160
I'm going to test this solution: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r28970531-If-Alarm-stops-working
I'm using i. e. Tasker and Gravity box. I've revocated the authorizations of these apps to control the lock screen.
I'll let you know the results of this test after few days.
I'm using i. e. Tasker and Gravity box. I've revocated the authorizations of these apps to control the lock screen.
I'll let you know the results of this test after few days.
om...@gmail.com <om...@gmail.com> #161
I'm sorry to say the solution above doesn't work :no Alarm this morning!
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #162
I've just installed 4.2.2 on my LG Optimus G Pro, and it is now broken, where it worked before. I've deduced the issue revolves around the quick cover. If I don't have the cover closed, then the alarm and count-down timer work fine. If I have the cover closed, then they only chirp. Makes the alarm kind of useless...
This is not the only issue I've discovered with the quick cover and this build. It also locks the screen, but only if you close it when the screen is on. If you let the screen time out and then close it, it won't lock it. Settings on my phone were to timeout the screen after 30 seconds, but not lock for 30 minutes, as there are times when I open and close it repeatedly in several minutes, and I don't want it locking every time I close the cover. Now I have had to disable the lock to make the phone usable, which means its open for my kids to play with all the time. Very disappointed that this feature was broken with 4.2.2.
This is not the only issue I've discovered with the quick cover and this build. It also locks the screen, but only if you close it when the screen is on. If you let the screen time out and then close it, it won't lock it. Settings on my phone were to timeout the screen after 30 seconds, but not lock for 30 minutes, as there are times when I open and close it repeatedly in several minutes, and I don't want it locking every time I close the cover. Now I have had to disable the lock to make the phone usable, which means its open for my kids to play with all the time. Very disappointed that this feature was broken with 4.2.2.
gr...@gmail.com <gr...@gmail.com> #163
Same issue started happening on my LG G2 recently. The alarm would immideately get snoozed by itself.
I found that if you disable the "From Any Screen" in "OK Google Detection" option - the issue disappears.
Hope it helps.
I found that if you disable the "From Any Screen" in "OK Google Detection" option - the issue disappears.
Hope it helps.
to...@gmail.com <to...@gmail.com> #164
I had the exact issue with my LG G2, and it started about a week ago.
I just tried the solution in comment #163 by grrem - and it worked like a charm!
I seems that the new "OK Google detection" from any screen is a bit buggy.
Thanks a lot!
I just tried the solution in
I seems that the new "OK Google detection" from any screen is a bit buggy.
Thanks a lot!
tr...@gmail.com <tr...@gmail.com> #165
I've also been dealing with this on my LG G2. Disabling the "OK Google" any screen detection seems to have resolved it. Maybe I'll be on time to work tomorrow! ;)
gw...@gmail.com <gw...@gmail.com> #166
I have the same issue on my LG G2 and it appears to be related to enabling OK Google from any screen. I hope they fix this, because I'd like to have both items working, but if I have to choose I'll take an alarm that works.
re...@gmail.com <re...@gmail.com> #167
It also happe mms ed to me trying to set an alarm, and recording a video. For the videos it says can not record during a call and alarm goes directly to snooze without sounding. Both issues csn be resolved when ok google from any screen is disabled.
va...@gmail.com <va...@gmail.com> #168
>Same issue started happening on my LG G2 recently. The alarm would immideately get snoozed by itself.
>I found that if you disable the "From Any Screen" in "OK Google Detection" option - >the issue disappears.
For me, this problem occurs with my LG G Pro when charging only.
And disabling the "OK Google Detection From Any Screen" does the trick.
Thanks grrem...!
>I found that if you disable the "From Any Screen" in "OK Google Detection" option - >the issue disappears.
For me, this problem occurs with my LG G Pro when charging only.
And disabling the "OK Google Detection From Any Screen" does the trick.
Thanks grrem...!
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #169
I'm not sure we are talking about the same problem. All the previous
reports are from roms that doesn't has the "OK Google Detection From Any
Screen" feature (including my own).
2014-07-14 6:31 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
reports are from roms that doesn't has the "OK Google Detection From Any
Screen" feature (including my own).
2014-07-14 6:31 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
va...@gmail.com <va...@gmail.com> #170
My LG G Pro (F240K) with 4.4.2 stock ROM has "OK Google Detection" feature.
Setting -> Language & Input -> Voice Search -> "OK Google" Detection
Setting -> Language & Input -> Voice Search -> "OK Google" Detection
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #171
My LG Optimus G Pro (E980) w/4.4.2 lost audible alarm and countdown timer at all times (charging or not charging). Disabling the "OK Google Detection From Any
Screen" immediately fixed it. I hope Google fixes this problem soon as I was using the feature more and more frequently, but I must have the alarm working.
Screen" immediately fixed it. I hope Google fixes this problem soon as I was using the feature more and more frequently, but I must have the alarm working.
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #172
The alarm automatic snooze is a problem I'm having as well and the unable to record while on a call too. I disabled OK Google any screen detection to avoid anymore issues. Couldn't record a few videos that I thought would be funny to record and was almost late for work if it wasn't for my internal clock waking me up.
After I disabled the OK Google from any screen I have been able to record videos and no issues with my alarm. Issues were with and without charging the phone.
LG G2 801 on TMo with android version 4.4.2
software version D80120e
Build KOT49I.D80120e
Kernel 3.4.0
Baseband M8974A-AAAANAZM-1.0.190084
Google Search version
Updated on 8/12/14
After I disabled the OK Google from any screen I have been able to record videos and no issues with my alarm. Issues were with and without charging the phone.
LG G2 801 on TMo with android version 4.4.2
software version D80120e
Build KOT49I.D80120e
Kernel 3.4.0
Baseband M8974A-AAAANAZM-1.0.190084
Google Search version
Updated on 8/12/14
bl...@gmail.com <bl...@gmail.com> #173
Do not sent these messages to me any longer. not using this app. No Good.
eh...@gmail.com <eh...@gmail.com> #174
same alarm issue in samsung s3 mini i8190 model mobile. any update for this bug?
do...@googlemail.com <do...@googlemail.com> #175
same problem on my S3 mini.
Blocking mode set 21:00 to 0600
Disable alarm and timer unchecked.
Smart alarm set for 3 minutes before 06:40 (outside of BM)
Most mornings the alarm works fine, but occasionally the screen momentarily lights up and then the alarm turns itself off without sounding.
I've done a complete factory reset and wipe dalvick cache and the problem persists.
I've reported this to Samsung and they told me that they are not aware of the problem (even though I've seen multiple reports of exactly this issue going back 2 years on the galaxy range) and that I should post the phone back to them and be without a phone for up to 10 days while an engineer looks into it and returns it to me. What's the engineer going to do? Re-flash it? How will they know they've fixed anything if they don't know what the cause of the issue is?
I'm VERY unimpressed by the level of Samsung's support.
Blocking mode set 21:00 to 0600
Disable alarm and timer unchecked.
Smart alarm set for 3 minutes before 06:40 (outside of BM)
Most mornings the alarm works fine, but occasionally the screen momentarily lights up and then the alarm turns itself off without sounding.
I've done a complete factory reset and wipe dalvick cache and the problem persists.
I've reported this to Samsung and they told me that they are not aware of the problem (even though I've seen multiple reports of exactly this issue going back 2 years on the galaxy range) and that I should post the phone back to them and be without a phone for up to 10 days while an engineer looks into it and returns it to me. What's the engineer going to do? Re-flash it? How will they know they've fixed anything if they don't know what the cause of the issue is?
I'm VERY unimpressed by the level of Samsung's support.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #176
Samsung support really sucks! If you depend on them to solve something, you
are damned! Last firmware update to my S4 made the IR remote stop working.
I called the support and the only thing they asked me to do was to reset to
factory default. I already have done that before calling them, and it
didn't solve the problem. So, they told me that I should send the device to
technical assistance, what I refused to do since it is clear that it is not
a hardware problem, but a bugged update. So, they told me to wait until
4.4.4 is released and see if the problem got fixed <g>.
2014-09-24 17:57 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
are damned! Last firmware update to my S4 made the IR remote stop working.
I called the support and the only thing they asked me to do was to reset to
factory default. I already have done that before calling them, and it
didn't solve the problem. So, they told me that I should send the device to
technical assistance, what I refused to do since it is clear that it is not
a hardware problem, but a bugged update. So, they told me to wait until
4.4.4 is released and see if the problem got fixed <g>.
2014-09-24 17:57 GMT-03:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
go...@rwb.me.uk <go...@rwb.me.uk> #177
Samsung Galaxy S2
Originally with TMobile ROM, now Samsung stock ROM (4.1.2).
Had this problem since a ROM upgrade (can't remember which one) back when I was on on the TMobile ROM.
I think that setting two alarms, the second one minute after the first, gets the second one to actually ring.
I have been late because of this bug.
It is descpicable that Google are not actively seeking to resolve this bug.
Originally with TMobile ROM, now Samsung stock ROM (4.1.2).
Had this problem since a ROM upgrade (can't remember which one) back when I was on on the TMobile ROM.
I think that setting two alarms, the second one minute after the first, gets the second one to actually ring.
I have been late because of this bug.
It is descpicable that Google are not actively seeking to resolve this bug.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #178
I just bought my phone two weeks ago. My alarm clock worked perfectly for the first week. This week it has been acting strange. The first time it happened, I actually woke up when the alarm was suppose to go off and it said it was snoozing.. so I assumed I snoozed it and didn't remember doing so, which I always remember! Next day comes, I was an hour late to work because my phone auto snoozed itself from 4:45am all the way to 6:45am. I figured since it was auto snoozing, I'd just shut the snooze feature off, tested it a couple times by setting an alarm and it went off, no problem. Wake up today, my alarm failed me again, and dismissed itself at the time it was suppose to go off.
Phone is an LG Optimus L70 s323 Android version is 4.4.2
Sad that this thread was started 2 years ago, and theres still no fix to this problem.
Phone is an LG Optimus L70 s323 Android version is 4.4.2
Sad that this thread was started 2 years ago, and theres still no fix to this problem.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #179
Okay, not sure how old the "Ok google" thing is. But after looking around on the internet for an hour or so I found the solution to my problem, and figured I'd post it here for future people to see.
I found out via another web forum that if you have Ok google set to hear the command on any screen/charger that it may be what it making the alarm not work correctly. I personally set ok google to that command setting around the time when it started to happen. Apparently, if your ok google settings are so, the mic is constantly running while its on the charger, listening for your command. When the alarm starts to go off, ok google thinks you're saying something and cancels out the alarm. If you set ok google to only listen for the command while in the search bar or google now, the mic will not stay on constantly, and which means it won't cancel out your alarm when it goes off.
I hope this helps many people!
I found out via another web forum that if you have Ok google set to hear the command on any screen/charger that it may be what it making the alarm not work correctly. I personally set ok google to that command setting around the time when it started to happen. Apparently, if your ok google settings are so, the mic is constantly running while its on the charger, listening for your command. When the alarm starts to go off, ok google thinks you're saying something and cancels out the alarm. If you set ok google to only listen for the command while in the search bar or google now, the mic will not stay on constantly, and which means it won't cancel out your alarm when it goes off.
I hope this helps many people!
c2...@gmail.com <c2...@gmail.com> #180
I have attached a screenshot of phone data. My LG g2 alarm clock and timer alarm, as well as my girlfriends, has not worked since we have started using the "Ok Google" Detection From any screen option. When my phone's screen is on or if it is plugged in to charge the phone automatically Snoozes the Alarm and the Timer alarm does not make an audible notification. It only shows in the Notification Bar that the Timer and/or the Alarm has gone off. It is apparent that because the phone is constantly listening for the "Ok Google" command when in those configurations that it does not allow itself to make those audible notifications. All other notifications such as incoming calls, texts, or other app notifications do not seem to have been affected.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #181
I guess the "OK Google" thing is not related to the original reason of the
failures reported in this topic, since it is a very new feature that
appeared many months after the topic was open. In my old S2, I have the
alarm problem and I don't even have the option of using "Ok Google" on it.
In my S4, I also have the alarm problem, and I don't have "Ok google"
enabled, so, there is something more causing the problem.
2014-11-15 1:59 GMT-02:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
failures reported in this topic, since it is a very new feature that
appeared many months after the topic was open. In my old S2, I have the
alarm problem and I don't even have the option of using "Ok Google" on it.
In my S4, I also have the alarm problem, and I don't have "Ok google"
enabled, so, there is something more causing the problem.
2014-11-15 1:59 GMT-02:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #182
Hey I'm having a similar issue as the people before me, I have a Sony Xperia z2 the only difference with mine is its the timer that turns off after one second. But it appears to only happen when the screen locks. This problem started after the recent update.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #183
I have this issue with Android version 4.4.4 on a Samsung GS4. I can reproduce at will. Here's how:
Auto Rotate turned on.
Lock Screen turned on (my lock screen wallpaper is the hot-air balloon).
Create an alarm with snooze activated.
Set alarm for 1 minute, or so, from current time.
Lock phone (I'm set for Swipe Unlock, no PIN, or anything).
Orient phone in LANDSCAPE position.
Wait for alarm.
Alarm will BRIEFLY sound. As alarm display rotates to landscape, it will, apparently, enter Snooze (note that alarm screen remains displayed). If phone is oriented portrait - no problem. If Auto-rotate turned off - no problem.
Note that if the phone is laying flat on table, you have a 50/50 chance of alarm success. It depends on whether, or not, the phone/Android determines itself to be in portrait or landscape.
Auto Rotate turned on.
Lock Screen turned on (my lock screen wallpaper is the hot-air balloon).
Create an alarm with snooze activated.
Set alarm for 1 minute, or so, from current time.
Lock phone (I'm set for Swipe Unlock, no PIN, or anything).
Orient phone in LANDSCAPE position.
Wait for alarm.
Alarm will BRIEFLY sound. As alarm display rotates to landscape, it will, apparently, enter Snooze (note that alarm screen remains displayed). If phone is oriented portrait - no problem. If Auto-rotate turned off - no problem.
Note that if the phone is laying flat on table, you have a 50/50 chance of alarm success. It depends on whether, or not, the phone/Android determines itself to be in portrait or landscape.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #184
I also have a S4 and the alarm problem. I tried to reproduce following your
instructions, but the alarm worked fine for me in all the 3 tries :(
2014-12-08 4:33 GMT-02:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
instructions, but the alarm worked fine for me in all the 3 tries :(
2014-12-08 4:33 GMT-02:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #185
After additional testing:
I have 'Wake up in lock screen' turned on. If I uncheck that option, the problem goes away.
Note that I'm on AT&T, and the problem began (or was first noticed) after the most recent OTA update. And, no, I didn't make any 'Settings' changes after the update.
There may be multiple alarm issues at play here. My issue started after the latest update, but some of you seem to have been having issues for some time now (no pun intended). >grin<
I have 'Wake up in lock screen' turned on. If I uncheck that option, the problem goes away.
Note that I'm on AT&T, and the problem began (or was first noticed) after the most recent OTA update. And, no, I didn't make any 'Settings' changes after the update.
There may be multiple alarm issues at play here. My issue started after the latest update, but some of you seem to have been having issues for some time now (no pun intended). >grin<
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #186
Be aware that, at least in my case, all of the conditions in my original message (183) must be satisfied in addition to 'Wake up in lock screen'.
jw...@gmail.com <jw...@gmail.com> #187
This problem occurs for me with auto-rotate turned off.
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #188
This is happening with my wife's unrooted, stock Galaxy SII. It was previously my phone, and I never encountered the issue (stock, or rooted and running CM10). Even after flashing back to stock it worked fine up until the day I upgraded and put it in a drawer. It appears to have started with the most recent OTA update.
om...@gmail.com <om...@gmail.com> #189
What a strange coincidence. I received an update of this discussion and after one day the problem occurred again.....The first time I have solved it disinstalling the app Clean Master and wipes.
g....@gmail.com <g....@gmail.com> #190
After some testing with an lg g2 alarm that wasn't going off, going into the app settings and disabling alarm, then clearing cache/data and also making sure the "daydream" settings were disabled, alarm has never failed. Maybe worth trying.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #191
#190, I would say it was a pure coincidence... be prepared because it will
fail sometime, at last based on my experience.
2014-12-20 5:20 GMT-02:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
fail sometime, at last based on my experience.
2014-12-20 5:20 GMT-02:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #192
My Samsung s3 mini alarm only beeps for 1 second
yo...@warpi.net <yo...@warpi.net> #193
Same here, with my S3 mini the alarm works good some mornings but some mornings it just beeps for ~1 sec.
al...@android.com <al...@android.com> #194
Please star this issue if it's occurring on your device.
discussions please visit:
Please describe the problem in detail. Be sure to include:
- Steps to reproduce the problem.
- What happened.
- What you think the correct behavior should be.
Don't forget to mention which device you have, and which version of Android
is installed on it. (Find it under Home > Menu > Settings > About phone.)
If you happen to have a development environment, please also run "adb
bugreport" and archive the output as it could help diagnose the problem.