Status Update
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #2
Which device? All devices supported in AOSP run either 4.1 or 4.3 at this point.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #3
Device Samsung Galaxy with android 4.0.4
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #4
This report applies to an Android-based device, and the issue tracker where you reported it specializes in issues within the Open Source source code of the Android platform.
We are not able to provide support for individual devices. Please report this issue in the support forum for your device, which might be hosted by your device manufacturer or by the operator where you got your device.
We are not able to provide support for individual devices. Please report this issue in the support forum for your device, which might be hosted by your device manufacturer or by the operator where you got your device.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #5
I am having the exact same issue with an Amazon Basics Android Keyboard and
a Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000.
a Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000.
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #6
Having this issue with Nexus 10, logitech k810 and Apple MMouse too. Any fix in sight?
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #7
Exactly the same here too, Logitech Bluetooth Keyboard and Apple Trackpad :o(
mb...@gmail.com <mb...@gmail.com> #8
I've been following this thread... I'll mention I've got a matching problem with the Microsoft Sculpt Mouse and the Ankar Bluetooth Keyboard. I've been trying to contact support to find out what is causing the problem.
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #9
Hi all, I just recently received my Logitech K810 bluetooth keyboard and Microsoft Wedge Touch mouse in the mail, and paired them with my Nexus 7. I encountered this same key repeating issue within the first few key strokes. Incredibly frustrating. I set up my first Bluetooth network ever and came away very disappointed.
Researching the problem online dredged up similar issues people have had pairing Bluetooth mice/keyboards that were posted years ago. How has this been allowed to perpetuate for so long with no solid fix? I thought Bluetooth was known for its convenience and ease of pairing multiple devices? It completely ruined the experience of using my Nexus 7 as more of a netbook, or in an office setting.
I can verify that the keyboard/mouse combo works fine when Wifi is off, and I also get no key repeating if just the mouse is unpaired from my Nexus 7. But that is silly and inconvenient to use them this way because I bought them for web surfing in addition to word processing.
I can at least inform everyone dealing with this issue that I have found a temporary fix that seems to work fine, in an app called "External Keyboard Helper Pro". It has a setting under "advanced" that lets you not only set a delay for key repeating, but also to turn off key repeating completely. This eliminated the main issue for me, but now if I want to backspace over a lot of text, I have to press the key once for each letter. Small price to pay for a solution to "thiiiiiiiiiiiiis" problem, though.
I feel this is only a temporary fix, and I sincerely hope that these logs are regularly read by the people who work on Android, because these Bluetooth issues NEED addressing. There's no "that's good enough" here, because it certainly is NOT. I hate to think of my Nexus 7 as a device crippled as far as its Bluetooth. I have loved the heck out of this thing since I bought it in Februrary, but only tried out the Bluetooth recently. It should not need to be supported by an app to fix its issues. The app is only a crutch.
Pay attention to this and buck up, Google!
Researching the problem online dredged up similar issues people have had pairing Bluetooth mice/keyboards that were posted years ago. How has this been allowed to perpetuate for so long with no solid fix? I thought Bluetooth was known for its convenience and ease of pairing multiple devices? It completely ruined the experience of using my Nexus 7 as more of a netbook, or in an office setting.
I can verify that the keyboard/mouse combo works fine when Wifi is off, and I also get no key repeating if just the mouse is unpaired from my Nexus 7. But that is silly and inconvenient to use them this way because I bought them for web surfing in addition to word processing.
I can at least inform everyone dealing with this issue that I have found a temporary fix that seems to work fine, in an app called "External Keyboard Helper Pro". It has a setting under "advanced" that lets you not only set a delay for key repeating, but also to turn off key repeating completely. This eliminated the main issue for me, but now if I want to backspace over a lot of text, I have to press the key once for each letter. Small price to pay for a solution to "thiiiiiiiiiiiiis" problem, though.
I feel this is only a temporary fix, and I sincerely hope that these logs are regularly read by the people who work on Android, because these Bluetooth issues NEED addressing. There's no "that's good enough" here, because it certainly is NOT. I hate to think of my Nexus 7 as a device crippled as far as its Bluetooth. I have loved the heck out of this thing since I bought it in Februrary, but only tried out the Bluetooth recently. It should not need to be supported by an app to fix its issues. The app is only a crutch.
Pay attention to this and buck up, Google!
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #10
I am having the same exact issue! I just bought my N10 and Microsoft Wedge mouse and keyboard. It is very disappointing. I am considering returning the N10. Do you think this will get fixed with a software update or is it more of a hardware issue?
lo...@gmail.com <lo...@gmail.com> #11
[Comment deleted]
lo...@gmail.com <lo...@gmail.com> #12
Same issue here... Since this bug has been around for two years (see issue 36928057 ) I wonder if someone is getting some payola from someone else who writes an app. XD
Joking apart, please fix this issue because it is very important to whose want to use their smartphone as a mini-pc.
Joking apart, please fix this issue because it is very important to whose want to use their smartphone as a mini-pc.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #14
[Comment deleted]
ow...@gmail.com <ow...@gmail.com> #15
[Comment deleted]
gh...@gmail.com <gh...@gmail.com> #16
I also have this issue with my logitech bluetooth tablet keyboard and microsoft bluetooth mouse. When paired on my windows pc, everything is ok. When paired with my nexus 10 on a 5.0ghz wifi band, all ok. When paired with a 2.4ghz wifi band still on the nexus 10, interference gets in the way. The keyboard repeats random strokes, the mouse is lagging every second. It's really the 2.4ghz wifi band combined with the nexus 10 bluetooth that creates the problem.
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #17
I'm wondering if anyone has noticed improvement with Android 4.3?
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #18
I have the 2013 Nexus 7 and also cannot use a Bluetooth mouse/keyboard at the same time as WiFi. I do not have the keyboard issue, but the mouse is very, very jumpy and continually connects and disconnects. If I pair the keyboard first them the mouse, the keyboard is the thing that constantly connects and disconnects.
With WiFi off they work flawlessly. Amazon Basics keyboard and identical behavior with Apple Magic Mouse and Dell Travel Mouse.
4.3 build JSS15J
With WiFi off they work flawlessly. Amazon Basics keyboard and identical behavior with Apple Magic Mouse and Dell Travel Mouse.
4.3 build JSS15J
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #19
Bought a microsoft wedge keyboard and mouse, have the same issue± keyboard repeat random strokes when wifi is on. Now use a keyboard helper in (DEMO VERSION!) that stops repeating. verry anoying this! can someone tell us if this issue will be solved in android? samsung note 2 android 4.1.2
ar...@gmail.com <ar...@gmail.com> #20
Issue on my new nexus 7 too. Hugely disappointing. Pairing to a keyboard should be considered a standard use case. Aka a must fix bug as it is disrupting many users intended use of a android devices.
ow...@gmail.com <ow...@gmail.com> #21
Fixed in 4.3 update
ml...@gmail.com <ml...@gmail.com> #22
No, it is not fixed in 4.3. I am experiencing this problem on my Nexus 10 with Android 4.3 with a Poetic keyboard, no mouse. Haven't tried with wifi off yet. Also had the problem with 4.2 and an Apple keyboard, haven't tried the Apple with 4.3 yet.
ta...@gmail.com <ta...@gmail.com> #23
I am also having this issue with the new nexus 7 [2013] on Android 4.3.
The problem seems to be most prevalent while there is data streaming on the device over internet. Typing on the device when unconnected to wifi is error-free. Typing when connected to the internet has occasional blips 1-2 seconds long of repeated/missed keystrokes. Finally, typing on an ssh connection showed constant errors. This leads me to think that as data is passed over the internet connection the keyboard is interfered with. If there was interference being caused by keeping the internet connection alive, I think that the situation would probably be much worse when statically connected to wifi - almost as bad as the ssh connection would yield.
I think that the errors that occur when not ssh'd are caused by data being sent over the internet to Google, &c. occasionally, rather than checkups to the wifi router.
If the errors are not being caused by keeping the internet connection alive, but rather by actual data being sent over the internet, I am led to think that the error is probably software rather than hardware caused.
I won't be able to set up a build server to inspect this issue until later this month, but I'll work on trying to accurately determine the source of the issue once I can.
My hardware is google nexus 7 fhd [2013] and a logitech 920-003390 tablet keyboard.
all the best,
The problem seems to be most prevalent while there is data streaming on the device over internet. Typing on the device when unconnected to wifi is error-free. Typing when connected to the internet has occasional blips 1-2 seconds long of repeated/missed keystrokes. Finally, typing on an ssh connection showed constant errors. This leads me to think that as data is passed over the internet connection the keyboard is interfered with. If there was interference being caused by keeping the internet connection alive, I think that the situation would probably be much worse when statically connected to wifi - almost as bad as the ssh connection would yield.
I think that the errors that occur when not ssh'd are caused by data being sent over the internet to Google, &c. occasionally, rather than checkups to the wifi router.
If the errors are not being caused by keeping the internet connection alive, but rather by actual data being sent over the internet, I am led to think that the error is probably software rather than hardware caused.
I won't be able to set up a build server to inspect this issue until later this month, but I'll work on trying to accurately determine the source of the issue once I can.
My hardware is google nexus 7 fhd [2013] and a logitech 920-003390 tablet keyboard.
all the best,
rh...@gmail.com <rh...@gmail.com> #24
Same here using either Apple Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad with Poetic keyboard. Stopping me using my N10 as a laptop replacement. Hugely disappointing. I guess this is where the iPad users have an advantage insofar as Apple products 'just work' which is a shame.
wi...@gmail.com <wi...@gmail.com> #25
Except you cannot use a mouse on iOS :)
er...@gmail.com <er...@gmail.com> #26
I am also experiencing this with a jumpy mouse on 4.3. Nexus 7 (2013), Minisuit bluetooth keyboard, MS Notebook Bluetooth 5000 mouse.
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #27
I am seeing this with a Samsung Tab 2 7 wifi only model with a Logitech 810 keyboard and a Logitech T651 Trackpad. In addition to the repeating key, it also may bring up a special character menu that after I escape out of the next character I type will be capitalized.
Other than turning off wifi or disconnecting the mouse, the other work around I've done is starting to type really slow. This doesn't eliminate the issue but it reduces the frequency of it but also somewhat defeats the purpose of having and external keyboard.
Other than turning off wifi or disconnecting the mouse, the other work around I've done is starting to type really slow. This doesn't eliminate the issue but it reduces the frequency of it but also somewhat defeats the purpose of having and external keyboard.
si...@gmail.com <si...@gmail.com> #28
Same problem with Nexus 7 2013 on 4.3 using bluetooth Microsoft Wedge mouse and keyboard.
mr...@gmail.com <mr...@gmail.com> #29
I have similar problems useing:
Microsoft bluetooth notebook 5000 mouse,
Nexus 7 (2013),
With WiFi on the mouse pointer regularly freezes and jumps about.
The bluetooth connection drops out completely almost every time I select a video on Youtube or a web page with lots of graphics.
I called the Google help on the number given on the Nexus help page (0800 328 6081).
I was talked through how to clear the system cache , which was no help at all. Was then told that I should back up all info and perform a factory reset.
In the event of that failing to help, I was advised to reuturn the nexus to the retailer.
My wife also has a Nexus 7. So I tried the mouse on that.
It had the same problems.
I asked the google rep to find a Nexus 7 and bluetooth mouse to see if they could replicate the problem. unfortunately they didn't have a bluetooth device on the premises.
Apparently I was the first person to report the issue.
I urge anyone with a similar problem to Phone 0800 328 6081. to report the problem and ask them to try it for themselves.
Microsoft bluetooth notebook 5000 mouse,
Nexus 7 (2013),
With WiFi on the mouse pointer regularly freezes and jumps about.
The bluetooth connection drops out completely almost every time I select a video on Youtube or a web page with lots of graphics.
I called the Google help on the number given on the Nexus help page (0800 328 6081).
I was talked through how to clear the system cache , which was no help at all. Was then told that I should back up all info and perform a factory reset.
In the event of that failing to help, I was advised to reuturn the nexus to the retailer.
My wife also has a Nexus 7. So I tried the mouse on that.
It had the same problems.
I asked the google rep to find a Nexus 7 and bluetooth mouse to see if they could replicate the problem. unfortunately they didn't have a bluetooth device on the premises.
Apparently I was the first person to report the issue.
I urge anyone with a similar problem to Phone 0800 328 6081. to report the problem and ask them to try it for themselves.
pz...@pzi.net <pz...@pzi.net> #30
Same problem with Nexus 10 using 3 different BT keyboards. Moving the mouse to USB port fixes the issue but should not be taken as a resolution. Multiple BT devices should be able to work without going into spontaneous key repeats.
ry...@gmail.com <ry...@gmail.com> #31
I subscribed to this BUG because I am also having exactly the same issue.
With Wifi, Bluetooth keyboard and Bluetooth mouse all ON, I get random self-typing and/or repeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeating keys.
This happens on Nexus 7 (4.3 and 4.4) and Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (Android 4.1.2).
This does NOT happen on Sony Xperia Z (4.2.2).
Google, please investigate!
Logitech Bluetooth Illuminated Keyboard K810
Logitech Bluetooth Ultrathin Mouse T630
With Wifi, Bluetooth keyboard and Bluetooth mouse all ON, I get random self-typing and/or repeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeating keys.
This happens on Nexus 7 (4.3 and 4.4) and Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (Android 4.1.2).
This does NOT happen on Sony Xperia Z (4.2.2).
Google, please investigate!
Logitech Bluetooth Illuminated Keyboard K810
Logitech Bluetooth Ultrathin Mouse T630
ef...@gmail.com <ef...@gmail.com> #32
I consistently had the same issue. Every few seconds it would occur. I fixed it by setting the router channel to Auto rather than fixing it to 11 and it fixed it. I've been using it for 30 minutes without issues. This post was typed on the K810 and there were no overtypes.
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #33
[Comment deleted]
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #34
Ditto with a Nexus 10 and Kitkat. With Wifi on, HP BT mouse x4000b+logitech BT keyboard. The mouse is very sluggish. Keyboard is also unreliable, missing key presses.With a USB mouse, it is much better. USB mouse is no problem and the keyboard is more responsive. Wifi off: BT mouse+ BT keyboard no problem. Seems a problem of Wifi interfering with BT. Maybe they share the same antenna on Nexus 10?
ti...@gmail.com <ti...@gmail.com> #35
Has anyone had any luck on solving this issue?
I just purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note 2014 Ed., along with a Logitech K810 bluetooth keyboard and a Logitech T630 bluetooth mouse. I was really counting on using this set up as a pseudo-laptop replacement for the times I want to travel ultra-light, but need to get some browsing and quick word processing done. This is the ONLY reason I even considered my Note 2014 over a netbook or macbook air, since I thought they would all work together seamlessly.
As mentioned above:
Keyboard alone with wifi on = fine
Mouse alone with wifi on = fine
Keyboard and mouse together with wifi off = fine
Keyboard and mouse together with wifi on = PROBLEM
The mouse becomes extremely laggy/jump and the keyboard starts repeating keystrokes liiiiikeee thiisssss. Sometimes the keyboard even brings up a special character menu, as previously mentioned. Regardless of how slowly I type, the problem still persists. I even tried installing the external keyboard app and tweaking the keystroke settings, but still no success.
You would really think that a bluetooth capable tablet would be able to work flawlessly with bluetooth accessories. It's outrageous and downright ridiculous that over a year has passed since the creation of this thread and there is still no definitive fix. I'm running Android KitKat 4.4 and thought surely these problems would have been resolved with this latest update.
I purchased the tablet, mouse, and keyboard from BestBuy and they only have a 15-day return policy, so I need to figure out if I'm keeping all this by tomorrow or else it'll be too late. The worst part is I already purchased some very expensive accessories, including a nice tablet bag, Note 2014 case, and Spigen screen protector, and those are non-refundable. FML.
I just purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note 2014 Ed., along with a Logitech K810 bluetooth keyboard and a Logitech T630 bluetooth mouse. I was really counting on using this set up as a pseudo-laptop replacement for the times I want to travel ultra-light, but need to get some browsing and quick word processing done. This is the ONLY reason I even considered my Note 2014 over a netbook or macbook air, since I thought they would all work together seamlessly.
As mentioned above:
Keyboard alone with wifi on = fine
Mouse alone with wifi on = fine
Keyboard and mouse together with wifi off = fine
Keyboard and mouse together with wifi on = PROBLEM
The mouse becomes extremely laggy/jump and the keyboard starts repeating keystrokes liiiiikeee thiisssss. Sometimes the keyboard even brings up a special character menu, as previously mentioned. Regardless of how slowly I type, the problem still persists. I even tried installing the external keyboard app and tweaking the keystroke settings, but still no success.
You would really think that a bluetooth capable tablet would be able to work flawlessly with bluetooth accessories. It's outrageous and downright ridiculous that over a year has passed since the creation of this thread and there is still no definitive fix. I'm running Android KitKat 4.4 and thought surely these problems would have been resolved with this latest update.
I purchased the tablet, mouse, and keyboard from BestBuy and they only have a 15-day return policy, so I need to figure out if I'm keeping all this by tomorrow or else it'll be too late. The worst part is I already purchased some very expensive accessories, including a nice tablet bag, Note 2014 case, and Spigen screen protector, and those are non-refundable. FML.
ti...@gmail.com <ti...@gmail.com> #36
[Comment deleted]
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #37
Have the same issue, pls fix asap
cr...@gmail.com <cr...@gmail.com> #38
I am having the exact same issue on the Samsung Tab 10.1 WIFI-only with 4.1.2.
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #39
Happppppppening here too.......... Nexus 7 20111111111111111111112 with Zagg keybooooooooooooard case and Microsoft Scuuulpt Touch bBlueeeeeeeetoothhhhhhhhhhhhh mouse
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #40
Having the same issue on Galaxy Tab Pro with Samsung keyboard and bluetooth mouse. It's particularly bad in Citrix.
ro...@gmail.com <ro...@gmail.com> #41
[Comment deleted]
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #42
I am having this issue with my Nvidia Shield tablet, Logitech K810 Bluetooth keyboard, and HP X4000b Bluetooth mouse. As I type this with WiFi off, there is no problem. But as soon as I turn WiFi on: I get all kinds of keyboaaaaaard lag,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and the mouse becoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomes unuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusable becccccccccccause of allllllllll the ddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelay in moooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvement.
Mouse only, wifi off: Perfect.
Mouse only, wifi on: Perfect.
Keyboard only, wifi off: Perfect.
Keyboard only, wifi on: Perfect.
Mouse and keyboard, wifi off: Perfect.
Mouse and keyboard, wifi on: Absolutely unusable.
Mouse only, wifi off: Perfect.
Mouse only, wifi on: Perfect.
Keyboard only, wifi off: Perfect.
Keyboard only, wifi on: Perfect.
Mouse and keyboard, wifi off: Perfect.
Mouse and keyboard, wifi on: Absolutely unusable.
ri...@gmail.com <ri...@gmail.com> #43
I also have this issues on a Samsung Note Pro 12.2, when using Wifi + Zagg BT keyboard + S Action BT Mouse... I use this as a notebook replacement so this issue is really frustrating :(
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #44
I feel it is Android issue, similar symptoms happens on my SONY tablet as well.
Wifi becomes unstable when bluetooth mouse attached, if I connect keyboard only, it is fine.
Some people thinks it is 2.4GHz issue, but it is not, both keyboard and mouse works great on iPad air.
Wifi becomes unstable when bluetooth mouse attached, if I connect keyboard only, it is fine.
Some people thinks it is 2.4GHz issue, but it is not, both keyboard and mouse works great on iPad air.
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #45
same issue. Nexus 7 and Nvidia Shield Tablet w/ Anker or Amazon Basics keyboard and Microsoft bluetooth mouse. Exact same combos reported by "The.Matt"
jr...@googlemail.com <jr...@googlemail.com> #46
should have gone for apple :( - muppets dont code their OS as with android
ha...@gmail.com <ha...@gmail.com> #47
Having the exact same issue on my Lenovo Miix 2 8" Windows 8.1 tablet. Clearly it's an issue with the Bluetooth signal getting interference from the 2.4GHz WiFi signal. I have all the latest updates. Giving up on Bluetooth for now and going back to USB.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #48
Hi guys. got almost the same issue as you, the only way I've almost troubleshooted this by turning off the wifi and turn it on again and the lag was a little less annoying, here's my setup.
- asus transformer tablet with android 4.4.2
- USB keyboard
- Mouse microsoft wedge bluetooth
I was hopping to use my tablet more as as a netbook ans it's kind of annoying this issue.
- asus transformer tablet with android 4.4.2
- USB keyboard
- Mouse microsoft wedge bluetooth
I was hopping to use my tablet more as as a netbook ans it's kind of annoying this issue.
jm...@jennsllc.com <jm...@jennsllc.com> #49
Same issue here. Sony Xperia Tablet SGP561, Android Operating System 4.4.2, Logitech Keyboard and HP Mouse. The issue seams to get better when the Wifi is turned off, however the two bluetooth devices certaintly dont work together as they should.
jt...@gmail.com <jt...@gmail.com> #50
Same issues here with Nvidia Shield tablet, not unusable, however when both keyboard and mouse are connected, suffers from severe latency from inputs as well as repeated inputs. On 4.4.2
ml...@gmail.com <ml...@gmail.com> #51
Update to Lollipop doesn't fix it either.
ea...@gmail.com <ea...@gmail.com> #52
Same problem on my Nvidia Shield Tablet with an Anker Bluetooth UltraSlim keyboard and a Microsoft Sculpt Comfort mouse. Like other users have stated, the lag is only a problem when you have more than 1 Bluetooth device connected while the WiFi is on. From what I've heard, getting a router with 5GHz capability solves this problem. Its time for us to get a new router soon, so I'll be sure to post another response if it fixes the issues.
ml...@gmail.com <ml...@gmail.com> #53
It's not only a problem with more than one Bluetooth device connected. I
experience the problem with only keyboard connected and others have
reported this as well.
experience the problem with only keyboard connected and others have
reported this as well.
en...@google.com <en...@google.com>
so...@gmail.com <so...@gmail.com> #54
same problem here with a Logitech DiNovo kbm/touchpad combo. I'm experiencing the same behavior with a NON-Bluetooth IpazzPort KBD/AirMouse...
ka...@gmail.com <ka...@gmail.com> #55
Same problem here (mouse lag and ghost typing):
- Samsung note pro 12.2 (SM-P095V)
- Samsung S Action Mouse (ET-MP900D)
- Samsung Bluetooth Keyboard (EE-CP905)
I'm bringing my devices back if a fix doesn't come out soon.
- Samsung note pro 12.2 (SM-P095V)
- Samsung S Action Mouse (ET-MP900D)
- Samsung Bluetooth Keyboard (EE-CP905)
I'm bringing my devices back if a fix doesn't come out soon.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #56
Yesterday, a project member closed this issue, marking it obsolete. No comment was made for the status change, the issue was just closed. Yet, there has been repeated reports of this issue as recent as a few days ago.
This could someone from the project please provide some insight as to why this issue was closed? Has a fix been posted?
Thank-you and best regards,
- Gerry
This could someone from the project please provide some insight as to why this issue was closed? Has a fix been posted?
Thank-you and best regards,
- Gerry
ml...@gmail.com <ml...@gmail.com> #57
Not only is it not fixed, it persists in Lollipop. So no way this is
2014-12-14 4:24 GMT+01:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
2014-12-14 4:24 GMT+01:00 <android@googlecode.com>:
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #58
Having the same issue with Android 4.4.2.
Belkin YourType keyboardhttp://www.belkin.com/uk/p/P-F5L112/ , HP Bluetooth Mouse x4000b
Mouse freezes for ~1/3 second once in 10-15 seconds, keyboard misses and duplicates keystrokes.
Any way we can reopen the issue? Should we pressure the owners via Twitter? Facebook? Good old ego massaging?
Belkin YourType keyboard
Mouse freezes for ~1/3 second once in 10-15 seconds, keyboard misses and duplicates keystrokes.
Any way we can reopen the issue? Should we pressure the owners via Twitter? Facebook? Good old ego massaging?
ja...@bitpint.com <ja...@bitpint.com> #59
[Comment deleted]
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #60
Same on Nexus 9 w/ Lollipop and the custom keyboard cover w/ mouse and wifi. This is very disappointing. I use mine for remote server admin (RDP and VNC) while traveling. Sticking to my iPad Air which works fine.
ja...@bitpint.com <ja...@bitpint.com> #61
I opened a new issue as a developer. I've been through the code and think it's a thread priority issue.
ra...@gmail.com <ra...@gmail.com> #62
[Comment deleted]
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #63
I unfortunately have the same with my Lenovo Yoga tablet 2 generic wireless keyboard and HP 4000b mouse. Will try another mouse when I get a chance. Have no problems when I use OTG and a regular usb mouse.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #64
Same issue here:
Microsoft Sculpt Comfort mouse
Logitech K810 keyboard
NVIDIA Shield Tablet on Lollipop 5.0.1
When I am on my 2.4 GHz wifi the mouse and keyboard lag terribly (also with occasional repeating keys) when both devices are connected at the same time. They work fine if I have wifi disabled or I am on my 5 Ghz wifi.
Microsoft Sculpt Comfort mouse
Logitech K810 keyboard
NVIDIA Shield Tablet on Lollipop 5.0.1
When I am on my 2.4 GHz wifi the mouse and keyboard lag terribly (also with occasional repeating keys) when both devices are connected at the same time. They work fine if I have wifi disabled or I am on my 5 Ghz wifi.
tf...@gmail.com <tf...@gmail.com> #65
Same issues on Android 4.4 with both HP and Logitech bluetooth keyboards. Thiiiiiiiiiiiis suuuuucks. :-)
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #66
I have a work around for the lagging mouse and keyboard, i noticed that when scanning for other bluetooth devices the lagging disappeared.
So i installed an app (BlueScan)en let it scan continuously in the background.
When its scanning everything works whitout lag!!!
So i installed an app (BlueScan)en let it scan continuously in the background.
When its scanning everything works whitout lag!!!
tl...@gmail.com <tl...@gmail.com> #67
Above post seems to be very helpful!
When BT-scan is being performed, no lags!
Many thanks!
Above post seems to be very helpful!
When BT-scan is being performed, no lags!
Many thanks!
tl...@gmail.com <tl...@gmail.com> #68
Well, lags are still attacking even with BT-scanning enabled... Sony Xperia Z2, canyon kb + hp bt mouse.
in...@gmail.com <in...@gmail.com> #69
[Comment deleted]
in...@gmail.com <in...@gmail.com> #70
I get both mouse lag and keyboard keys repeating when connected to Wifi and Bluetooth.
Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet
Android Lollipop 5.0.2
Microsoft Wedge Keyboard
Microsoft Wedge Touch Mouse
Having a continuous scan in the background removes a small bit of lag but it is still there and very evident.
Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet
Android Lollipop 5.0.2
Microsoft Wedge Keyboard
Microsoft Wedge Touch Mouse
Having a continuous scan in the background removes a small bit of lag but it is still there and very evident.
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #71
I get same as above with mouse lag and no keyboard problems. Less lag with bt scanner running, but still lag, and wifi drops to 1/4 download rate so not a viable option. Asus memo pad fhd 10 me302c jellybean rooted, generic chinese bt mouse and keyboard. Used to work perfectly, not sure what changed. 2.4ghz router
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #72
Update: Got a replacement router from cable company just to see if it would help. The new router has two bands, 2.4ghz and 5ghz. Hooked up to 5ghz and presto, bt mouse and keyboard work flawlessly
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #73
I'm having this problem with Nexus 10, Logitech keyboard and generic BT mouse. Just installed the demo version ofExternal Keyboard Helper Pro, set delay to recommended value and perfection! Too bad Google can't get off their whatsit and fix this!
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #74
Lollipop 5.1 does not fix this issue. It is not Obsolete.
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #75
I can verify that the issue is only on the 2.4GHz band, but that is usually the only band available.
a....@gmail.com <a....@gmail.com> #76
Got the same as above. Have a 4.2.2 tablet with OEM keyboard and Samsung mouse. When connecting both devices and open up WiFi, keyboard gives me repeated chars and mouse lags.
With closed WiFi no problem. I don't have 5Ghz.
Has there been any solution?
With closed WiFi no problem. I don't have 5Ghz.
Has there been any solution?
su...@gmail.com <su...@gmail.com> #77
I've not seen a solution posted as of yet. :(
a....@gmail.com <a....@gmail.com> #78
Is there any difference with 4.4 or even 5.0? Though not all devices have got a 4.4 update.
a....@gmail.com <a....@gmail.com> #79
It should not be the 2.4Ghz band's problem. I use the exact same combination, keyboard and mouse, with a Windows 8.1 laptop, and WiFi on, and sending/receving data, and they work flowleslly.
I suppose it has something to do with the kernel's BT filtering code. That's why moving to 5Ghz (moving one data stream to other frequency and maybe to other part of the code) makes the difference. One thing to try is have three, or more BT devices connected to the tablet, e.g. keyboard/mouse and BT speaker. Will this work?
I suppose it has something to do with the kernel's BT filtering code. That's why moving to 5Ghz (moving one data stream to other frequency and maybe to other part of the code) makes the difference. One thing to try is have three, or more BT devices connected to the tablet, e.g. keyboard/mouse and BT speaker. Will this work?
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #80
If you can configure the router, changing the 2.4 to use just 20 or 40 (can't remember which) instead of 20/40 broad spectrum might solve it. Also, changing to a specific channel (11?) Might help too.
a....@gmail.com <a....@gmail.com> #81
[Comment deleted]
a....@gmail.com <a....@gmail.com> #82
Interestingly enough, I tried with WiFi off, BT keyboard, mouse and soundbar (playing some music). Everything worked fine. After a while I opened up the WiFi, still streaming music to the BT, and guess what... everything works as expected. No repetitive keystrokes, no mouse lag.
I even tried speedtest, and download to have constant WiFi data transfer, and at the same time writing and moving mouse around. Very strange behavior meaning it has something to do with SW or BT chip hardware???
Meanwhile I tried various channels on my AP with no luck. BTW my tablet connects to 65Mbps even thought it is 802.11 b/g/n, and my AP is configured for 802.11 b/g/n. I have other devices connected to the same AP with 150Mbps.
I even tried speedtest, and download to have constant WiFi data transfer, and at the same time writing and moving mouse around. Very strange behavior meaning it has something to do with SW or BT chip hardware???
Meanwhile I tried various channels on my AP with no luck. BTW my tablet connects to 65Mbps even thought it is 802.11 b/g/n, and my AP is configured for 802.11 b/g/n. I have other devices connected to the same AP with 150Mbps.
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #83
20Hz/40Hz are the channel width. So picking just one will reduce interference.
a....@gmail.com <a....@gmail.com> #84
No difference when picking 20Mhz or 40MHz in my 2.4GHz router. BTW my tablets always connects with 65MBps. As I understand this is for 802.11g, even thought the specs for the tablet are 802.11bgn.
But since in my previous experiment running BT keyboard, mouse and streaming to my BT soundbar has been working with WiFi on, that means it might not be a band interference problem, but something in the chip (Intel Z2580 processor, BMC chipset) or SW. Since I found that problem reported on many fora for various Android devices, I suspect it is a problem in the SW.
But since in my previous experiment running BT keyboard, mouse and streaming to my BT soundbar has been working with WiFi on, that means it might not be a band interference problem, but something in the chip (Intel Z2580 processor, BMC chipset) or SW. Since I found that problem reported on many fora for various Android devices, I suspect it is a problem in the SW.
na...@gmail.com <na...@gmail.com> #85
Oct 2015, same problem. I've used several different Bluetooth keyboards (Logitech, iHome, others). They all suffer from the "repeating key" problem with Nexus 7 (2013) (Android 5.1.1). Same keyboards paired with Moto E mobile phone (Android 4.4.4) has no issues.
tl...@gmail.com <tl...@gmail.com> #86
New software update (to android 5.1.1) for Sony Xperia Z2 tablet seems to have resolved an issues documented in this thread: bt mouse and bt keyboard are working fine now. Have to spend more time testing them though.
ml...@gmail.com <ml...@gmail.com> #87
Happy to report that on my Nexus 5 and 10 it works finally indeed. Am
actually typing this on the Blue tooth keyboard. Two years after buying
the keyboard I can finally use it!
actually typing this on the Blue tooth keyboard. Two years after buying
the keyboard I can finally use it!
a....@gmail.com <a....@gmail.com> #88
Great news. Just to make sure we are testing the exact same behavior, you need to open up your WiFi (do some network intensive work like speedtest or radiofm) and work with your BT keyboard and mouse at the same time (open up a word processor and write down letters and move your mouse around). Make sure you don't have a third BT device connected. At least in most cases I have seen this combination with Android 5 or previous, the mouse lags and in some cases I have repetitive keystrokes.
Though you can eliminate the repetitive keystrokes effect utilizing some software, or even Android Settings->Keyboard specific options in some ROMs.
Though you can eliminate the repetitive keystrokes effect utilizing some software, or even Android Settings->Keyboard specific options in some ROMs.
ri...@thenymans.net <ri...@thenymans.net> #89
[Comment deleted]
ri...@thenymans.net <ri...@thenymans.net> #90
[Comment deleted]
ri...@thenymans.net <ri...@thenymans.net> #91
I have a Note 2014, a Tecknet BT mouse and a Motorola BT keyboard. When I first connected the mouse, I think it worked well most of the time, but have some recollections of having stutter problems at times.
I haven't used either keyboard or mouse for a few months, it's possible that my Android 5.1.1 upgrade came in since I last used them. In any case, I decided to start using them both again. The mouse stutters badly (it seems to update position only 1-2 times/second. The keyboard is working fine, but every few minutes, one keystroke won't appear and I'll see English(US) flash at the bottom of the screen. I think that's the Samsung Keyboard app restarting.
I've tried unpairing everything but the headphones (which are off), disabling WiFi and repairing, and rebooting, but I can't seem to get the stuttering.
Updating this post, I decided to try the streaming audio - With Slacker playing music through my old Motorola s805 headphones, the mouse performance is much better.
I haven't used either keyboard or mouse for a few months, it's possible that my Android 5.1.1 upgrade came in since I last used them. In any case, I decided to start using them both again. The mouse stutters badly (it seems to update position only 1-2 times/second. The keyboard is working fine, but every few minutes, one keystroke won't appear and I'll see English(US) flash at the bottom of the screen. I think that's the Samsung Keyboard app restarting.
I've tried unpairing everything but the headphones (which are off), disabling WiFi and repairing, and rebooting, but I can't seem to get the stuttering.
Updating this post, I decided to try the streaming audio - With Slacker playing music through my old Motorola s805 headphones, the mouse performance is much better.
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #92
You pretty much have to use 5GHz band WiFi with bluetooth to avoid
interference. This means if you have this issue with a public hotspot that
is 2.4Ghz only (all of them), there is NO solution with Android
interference. This means if you have this issue with a public hotspot that
is 2.4Ghz only (all of them), there is NO solution with Android
ri...@thenymans.net <ri...@thenymans.net> #93
OK, so this symptom is a little weird. I have an old Logitech bluetooth mouse (I think it might be called a laser mouse). I decided to try it, and it doesn't have the skipping issue of the Tecknet mouse.
I switched back and forth between the two mice, so the only variable between them is switching the mouse.
Too bad I can't pair the better optics of the Tecknet with the better working bluetooth of the Logitech.
I switched back and forth between the two mice, so the only variable between them is switching the mouse.
Too bad I can't pair the better optics of the Tecknet with the better working bluetooth of the Logitech.
ac...@gmail.com <ac...@gmail.com> #94
Anyone using Citrix?
It was perfectly normal before i start some citrix session. Once it is started, the typing will go crazy even with google docs and others. Restart the tablet and running google doc and it became normal and perfect again. This is only intermittent though, which is hard to fix on a root cause.
Samsung GT-N8010 note 10.1 + Microsoft Wedge Mobile Keyboard + MS Scrulpt comfort mouse
Mouse on/off seems not making a difference....
It was perfectly normal before i start some citrix session. Once it is started, the typing will go crazy even with google docs and others. Restart the tablet and running google doc and it became normal and perfect again. This is only intermittent though, which is hard to fix on a root cause.
Samsung GT-N8010 note 10.1 + Microsoft Wedge Mobile Keyboard + MS Scrulpt comfort mouse
Mouse on/off seems not making a difference....
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #95
I have a samsung galaxy tab A and I am too having a similar issue with using bluetooth mice, my problem is that I am having jerky and lagging issues with the mouse and only on the tablet, the mouse works pefectly fine on my laptop. not sure if it is my tablet or my mouse being a cheapie from walmart, I also use a bluetooth keyboard which works fine and that is a logitech. Any suggestions?
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #96
Just to try to use 5ghz wifi while using a BT mouse or keyboard. Limit the
wifi router to a single 20 or 40Hz? thingy don't remember the setting, but
yeah anything to reduce possibilities of conflict between wifi and BT
wifi router to a single 20 or 40Hz? thingy don't remember the setting, but
yeah anything to reduce possibilities of conflict between wifi and BT
This doesnt happens if I pair only the keyboard, or if I pair mouse and keyboard with Wifi OFF.
If I pair a bluetooth keyboard and use a USB mouse with Wifi ON, everything works fine.
I think it is an issue with two bluetooth devices paired at the same time with Wifi ON.
This is a Nexus 10 with Android 4.2.2.
I then tried all these situations in my LG Nexus 4 (v. 4.2.2 also). In every situation, everything works fine, so it should be a problem with the Nexus 10.
So here is a summary:
BT mouse and BT keyboard / Wifi ON ----> repeating chars (bug)
Only BT Keyboard / Wifi ON ----> works fine
BT mouse and BT keyboard / Wifi OFF ----> works fine
USB mouse and BT keyboard / Wifi ON ----> works fine
All these situations with Nexus 4 ----> works fine
Please fix soon.