Status Update
jb...@android.com <jb...@android.com> #2
Correction: I meant mysid/toro, not yakju, in the subject line. But this affects yakju, as well.
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #3
I want this.
sk...@android.com <sk...@android.com>
sa...@google.com <sa...@google.com> #4
I wan't this too! And I want't all Android 4.1+ devices to have it, not only the Nexus.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Type 21 email address in message text space and end all the email address with either semicolon / comma
2. Select all and copy the email address from the message text box
3. Open the calender and paste the email address.
Null Pointer Exception is see at line no. 2949 in the file RecipientEditTextView.java while executing doInBackground().
Please note: if we don't put semicolon / comma at the end of 21st email address then there is exception.