Status Update
Comments <> #2
Also confirmed issue persists on 4.4. <> #3
There are a lot of expensive accessories I've purchased or been gifted that quit workin with android 4.2. Android devs need to get on this. 3 broken versions and numerous minor updates and it hasn't even been triaged yet. Completely unprofessional. <> #4
We are loyal to Android as and they treat us like this.. I have a google device and yet it still is not fixed. <> #5
Please fix <> #6
Yes, please fix it. =) <> #7
I abandoned iPhone to discover something better, but I'm finding a lot of my Bluetooth paired devices won't work properly on android... I hope this gets fixed soon. I don't want to have to buy an iPhone again and suffer with their long agreements and system restrictions. <> #8
[Comment deleted] <> #9
fix will ya? make the android better more <> #10
Yes, count me as someone who would like to see this fixed. It apparently isn't fixed in KitKat. <> #11
I have two nexus devices and this is a regular issue. The kid can't play games properly. Way to replace a working stack with a subpar homebrewed one. <> #12
Please roll back previous API. This fratura is importante. <> #13
Android 4.3 killed my super mario :( <> #14
Please fix, pretty please <> #15
I have a device that worked fine with Bluez and now is broken with Bluedroid. Please add support for devices requiring L2CAP connectivity. From the logs, it seems to try and run L2CAP over GATT/ATT even with devices that are not BLE.
Thanks <> #16
Please fix this!! We want to play with us wii u pro controller!! C'mon Google!! <> #17
PLEASE GOOGLE, LET US HAVE BLUETOOTH FREEEEEEEEDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <> #18
Google, please fix this issue. many games are unplayable with said issue. <> #19
Please google, can someone please fix this issue. thanks <> #20
Would love to see this resolved. Like a handful of others on here I just wanted to sync a bluetooth controller to my Android device to play some games. (I'm not very good at Megaman X with the touchscreen). I know it isn't a huge system issue, but maybe it could be changed anyway?
Games already look great on the Note 3, would be better with my controller.
Thanks in advance!
Games already look great on the Note 3, would be better with my controller.
Thanks in advance! <> #21
Just want to play some Bayou Billy for nes on my Note 3 with wiimote controller please. <> #22
[Comment deleted] <> #23
I was really upset when I went to use a feature that used to work perfectly, this is stupid, what gives Google? <> #24
I, like many others, wish to enjoy computer gaming nostalgia via excellent emulators. Please fix my first world problem...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #25
Please fix. This is really dissapointing and I think I'm switching to Apple. <> #26
Several Android devices and several Android versions from 4.2 to 4.4 : I cannot use m'y game contrôler I bought especially for my first Android phone under 2.2. Please fix !! <> #27
Blue Tooth has been broken for nearly a year. How is that even a thing that is? This is how your lose paying customers, Google. <> #28
Please support Bluetooth L2CAP. This is important to me. It's hard to believe the famous Android lacks such a basic Bluetooth function. <> #29
Still don't work... <> #30
Please fix this.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #31
Waht is the big deal?
Please fix this already!
Please fix this already! <> #32
[Comment deleted] <> #33
Please fix this. I want to pair my Wiimote with my Android phone and tablet. <> #34
Please repair this issue <> #35
I cant pair my wii remote with my new smartphone android, please fix this. :) thanks <> #36
Please fix this if you can. <> #37
I would like see this fixed too. It's extremely poor business practice to break compatibility with a software update and not address it in last three versions. <> #38
As a fellow Android user interested in this bug, I strongly agree that it should be fixed. However, by starring the issue, you've already expressed an interest in it being fixed, so it's unnecessary to add a comment saying the same thing. None of the recipients of the comments (user or developer alike) benefit from the added noise. I humbly request that instead of commenting, share this bug with your friends and get them to star it as well, or start a petition. Thanks in advance. <> #39
can't connect almost any peripheral I own VIA BT after the 4.4 update. Hardware supports it, but your software has disabled it at a core level that even root level changes cannot provide a solution. I know you want us all to buy new toys, but some of these don't have proper new replacements!!! <> #40
Wish my wiimote worked on my droid tablet <> #41
[Comment deleted] <> #42
This bug has been unattended to for over a YEAR. This is COMPLETELY inexcusable. <> #43
Solve this problem <> #44
Can anyone tell us why this issue is still here, or why L2CAP support was turned off in the first place? <> #45
I poked around with the same question. It seems to be the case that L2CAP
was never officially supported. In fact, in some forums, there were
warnings that non-API calls like this were prone to disappear in the
future. That being the case, this is more appropriately called a feature
request than a bug.
Access to L2CAP disappeared when the Linux Bluetooth stack blueZ was
replaced by the Broadcom-built library, BlueDroid. I couldn't find any
online justification for the library swap. Maybe security, maybe
reliability. It is open source though. You can dig through the source and
find the low-level implementation of L2CAP (RFCOM builds on top of it) and
see what it takes to expose the connection. I did this a few months ago
and saw it promised to be non-trivial.
turned off in the first place?
was never officially supported. In fact, in some forums, there were
warnings that non-API calls like this were prone to disappear in the
future. That being the case, this is more appropriately called a feature
request than a bug.
Access to L2CAP disappeared when the Linux Bluetooth stack blueZ was
replaced by the Broadcom-built library, BlueDroid. I couldn't find any
online justification for the library swap. Maybe security, maybe
reliability. It is open source though. You can dig through the source and
find the low-level implementation of L2CAP (RFCOM builds on top of it) and
see what it takes to expose the connection. I did this a few months ago
and saw it promised to be non-trivial.
turned off in the first place? <> #46
I know that in in the rest of linux bluez just recently had a major version change and many utilities which worked well with the previous version are broken until their maintainers update their code for the new version.
That being said perhaps this change promised to break a lot of stuff for droid, or at the very least cause power consumption concerns. I haven't looked at bluez code, but it its also possible there might have been some issues with how the new version plays on ARM architecture. (to the best of my knowledge bluez is primarily written for x86 which is found on most PCs but NOT any smartphone and few if any tablets)
This is all purely speculation on my part and would need verification from someone far more knowledgeable than I.
Would anyone be able to shed more light on the issue?
That being said perhaps this change promised to break a lot of stuff for droid, or at the very least cause power consumption concerns. I haven't looked at bluez code, but it its also possible there might have been some issues with how the new version plays on ARM architecture. (to the best of my knowledge bluez is primarily written for x86 which is found on most PCs but NOT any smartphone and few if any tablets)
This is all purely speculation on my part and would need verification from someone far more knowledgeable than I.
Would anyone be able to shed more light on the issue? <> #47
Fix this please. I will have no choice but to switch to another OS if it not fixed. <> #48
I miss this functionality. I used it on my old android 2.1 and it worked fine. I wish it would work with my newer 4.4.2 phone. I don't understand why something that used to work breaks with updates. <> #49
Seems google is getting a reputation for things like this. Hopefully they
work to correct it
work to correct it <> #50
Alright so I'm on a nexus 7 rooted and running the latest official build of CyanogenMod 11 and before I flashed cm it always asked for a password when trying to connect a wiimote via straight Bluetooth and now that I'm running cm it connects to on without asking for a pin. So I'm wondering if there's an app on Google play that will make android accept its input as a native gamepad. Anyone know of such a thing? <> #51
Google! Fix this please! This is ridiculous! <> #52
Bought a TabPro 8.4 to play some games only to discover it won't work with my Wii U Pro Controller.
What a waste of money. Come the fuck on, Google!
Bought a TabPro 8.4 to play some games only to discover it won't work with my Wii U Pro Controller.
What a waste of money. Come the fuck on, Google!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #53
Help! <> #54
Please fix this issue, thank you <> #55
Might need at least another 1800 folks before google takes this seriously <> #56
Fix it please <> #57
Fix please! <> #58
[Comment deleted] <> #59
Please work to correct this. <> #60
Fix it please. <> #61
Though I really want this to be fixed, it probably won't cause Google. <> #62
Lads(Google), go on and fix this. Would like to be able to use BT devices on Nook again <> #63
Does anyone know if this has finally been addressed in Android 5.0 Lollipop? <> #64
Please fix!!!! <> #65
[Comment deleted] <> #66
Why has this not been fixed?? <> #67
This is the reason why we all love Android... Otherwise We'd just buy and IOS device... Please address this issue. <> #68
please fix this <> #69
another fix request!! common google!! <> #70 <> #71
[Comment deleted] <> #72
Please, fix it.
I want use my bluetooth !!
I want use my bluetooth !! <> #73
Cant use my wiimote on galaxy s4 due to this issue. :( Hope it gets fixed...
Just happy that i also have an ipad where it works perfectly for the time till here maybe happens something.
Just happy that i also have an ipad where it works perfectly for the time till here maybe happens something. <> #74
Any updates here? <> #75
Come on fix it plz!!! <> #76
Christmas present for your loyal fans, Google? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease fix this. Thanks! <> #77
Jesus, why hasn't this been fixed already? What are you doing, Google? Why don't you want Nintendo controllers to work on Android? Do you have beef with Nintendo or something? Screw Xbox and Playstation controllers, the Wii U Pro Controller is the best controller ever made. Just take a minute and fix it so we can use this controller on Android. <> #78
Houhou! Please fix it! <> #79
Since submitting this issue I've learned how to solder and converted my non-working bluetooth devices into working USB controllers. Thanks for motivating me to better myself, if anything else ;p <> #80
Please correct this issue. <> #81
I Want to use my Wiimotes with my Tablet Expedia Z2.
PLEASE Fix this issue
PLEASE Fix this issue <> #82
It´s easy earn money when you have your clients happy, for this google you should let they play with the bluetooth divices like in jelly bean. It is ease for you and you can make many people happy and enjoy with his old controllers. <> #83
I am unable to connect. Wii remote to emulator due to this bug in 4.4 please fix! <> #84
Please resurrect the fucntion. Google! If not so I have to develop my H/W for ios only. <> #85
why is this still unfixed ? it seems like many people have such issues with bluetooth; me included?? tried different ways to connect wii controllers to my brand new one plus one and none of them worked... please its my first smartphone which is able to let me play games and i cant even play them with a bt controller... God of Android pleasy dont disappoint us :) <> <> #86
Not impressed with how long google take to fix a defect. <> #87
[Comment deleted] <> #88
What they said. <> #89
Really need to fix this, this is a deplorable state :( <> #90
So my options appear to be downgrade to an old version or get an iPad. <> #91
Please fix this. I want to be able to use my wiimote again and other Bluetooth devices. <> #92
I echo the sentiments of everyone else. Please fix this issue. <> #93
For the love of Linus, Google, fix this nonsense. <> #94
please fix it!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #95
Yes please! <> #97
I am amazed this is still an open issue after more than 1 year and a half. Come on Google! <> #98
A quick comment on this for everybody here who think this is a defect or a bug, it's not. Google changed the Bluetooth stack(from Bluez to Bluedroid) in 4.2, this stack does not include the L2CAP protocol in Classic Bluetooth but it does in BLE.
Although does is not a bug, it would be very helpful if L2CAP gets implemented again.
Although does is not a bug, it would be very helpful if L2CAP gets implemented again. <> #99
Hi Ronald, that is the definition of a regression :-) Functionality was there, now it's not. Plus, as the request shows, L2CAP support is available in the new stack. <> #100
Please implement L2CAP <> #101
Please address this. I want to be able to use my wiimote in the new version of android. <> #102
Please please Google fix this so it's compatible AGAIN with Wiimotes! <> #103
Please add L2CAP support. <> #104
This is needed badly. <> #105
iOS can function with peripherals just fine! why does android (OPEN SOURCE) get locked out. <> #106
Can anyone confirm if this issue is fixed under Android 5.0 Lollipop?? (Although I don't think Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 will ever get such update :-( GABRIEL <> #107
still not fixed in the lollipop 5.0 update. Lame Google, very lame..... <> #108
Can't believe this issue isn't fixed yet...
Google get your crap together!!
Google get your crap together!! <> #109
STATUS NEW? my balls! wtf
please bring back bluez since it has new nice features!
please bring back bluez since it has new nice features!
Fix this triaged FATAL HIGH PRIORITY BUG! <> #110
Evident on 4.4.2 as well. Samsung tab4 10.1 <> #111
Is there any form of way to bypass this problem. I dont think that its cool for my old phone to be better than my new phone. <> #113
Pleeeeease good google people, fix this issue :( <> #114
WEll shit
the link says, merge, build, congratulations.
so next release should have it in? am I reading this correctly?
That would be AWESOME
the link says, merge, build, congratulations.
so next release should have it in? am I reading this correctly?
That would be AWESOME <> #115
I'm also waiting for this fix since version 4.2 came out and I'm now on 5.0.2 with no sign of patch available... and my expensive wiimote controller is getting dust over waiting as well for this! <> #116 <> #117
Is there any better way to get this to the Android developers? I mean, they haven't even post a reply! :/ As a costumer i'm very unsatisfied with this service. <> #118
Please reinstate this much-needed feature.
We are not asking you to create new functionality, just restore what once was available.
We are not asking you to create new functionality, just restore what once was available. <> #119
Please fix so I can use my wiimote to play my games. <> #120
Please fix this Wiimote bluetooth sync for NES.EMU <> #121
It is selfish but I won't lie, I only want this to ve fixed in order to play super metroid on a emulator. <> #122
This still isn't fixed? I see no reason to stay loyal to a company that removes features. <> #123
Just amother update to fix please <> #124
Chrome OS (along with Windows and OS X) supports L2CAP[1], and Google has expressed interest in further feature parity of Android and Chrome, so this should definitely be supported.
Supporting L2CAP on Android would greatly help improve the performance characteristics of an audio app I'm working on.
Supporting L2CAP on Android would greatly help improve the performance characteristics of an audio app I'm working on.
[1] <> #125
I switched from my old Apple Ipad for a Galaxy Tab 4 November 2014 because I believed it to be an upgrade for many reasons. Well its not for wii remote pairing. I purchased my nes emulator (nes.emu) and downloaded a few classics. I was excited about the Wii controller blue tooth option. So I downloaded the WiimoteControler app to pair it. I had nothing but difficulty. After doing plenty of due diligence I discovered what many on here already know. I have Andriod 4.4.2 and it doest recognize the wii controller the way pre 4.2 versions did. I try pairing it directly also but since I don't know anything about binary code. I was able to find my wii controller ip address and understand the code is translated backwards and in binary....thats as far as I could understand. It seems way to difficult to accomplish something that on my original ipad or previous Android 4.2 users could do in 3-4 easy steps. Fix this by the next update please. If it's not fixed I will transition back to Apple. Thank you. <> #126
Cmon google get your shit together i wanna play super mario on the toilet with my wiimote! <> #127
fix pls <> #128
Please fix this I bought several apps that are now useless because of this issue. <> #129
Please fix <> #130
Please fix it. Thank you.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #131
This is not supported in Lollipop 5.0.2 on my Xperia Z3. Wtf, does anyone know how to contact google directly? <> #132
Please fix this!!!!! <> #133
Please fix the bluetooth stack to support wimotes! <> #134
C'mon google just do it return the support! <> #135
Please. Fix this problem with BT. <> #136
Please fix this bluetooth problem asap. <> #137
very disappointed Google decided to break functionality like thiss, I don't suppose android 5.1 has fixed the issue. seems like a major blow to Bluetooth being useful for anything other then audio or mice and keyboards <> #138
Please add support for Wiimotes! <> #139
I’ve developed mesh networking library for Android that uses Bluetooth in such way that it doesn’t need Discoverable confirmation from the user each 5 minutes. It also allows background connection between devices thus allowing true seamless mesh networking.
You can try it here:
I’ve developed mesh networking library for Android that uses Bluetooth in such way that it doesn’t need Discoverable confirmation from the user each 5 minutes. It also allows background connection between devices thus allowing true seamless mesh networking.
You can try it here: <> #140
Place fix that =( <> #141
please fix this motherfuckers!! <> #142
Please ix this issue! <> #143
Why the shit don't you fix this? PORCODDIO! <> #144
Seriously fix this issue. It's mind boggling that it's been known for years now. <> <> #145
Please consider working on it. Imagine all the sad dusty wiimotes. <> #146
If this is still relevant, please let us know what would constitute a "fix" here.
It's not clear to me from the bug description which public API is no longer working as expected?
It's not clear to me from the bug description which public API is no longer working as expected?
Thanks <> #147
Yes, it is still relevant!
To put it short: most people posting here (like me) just want to connect their good old handy WiiMote to their Android devices.
This worked fine for a lot of devices until Android 4.2 (like on my Galaxy S3mini GT-I8190 @ Android 4.1.2).
I wrote a longer text but lost it due to google re-asking my pswd, so this one won't be as elaborated - sorry...
I am not a BT-pro, so here is what I've read: The issue arose with the switch from Bluez to the BlueDroid BT stack on Android JB 4.2. There seems to be no (or no working?) implementation of the L2CAP protocol used to connect to the WiiMote by some apps (see below), since the WiiMote is a "pairless" BT-HID device BUT it's not abiding by the std. BT HID protocol. I'll cite " ":
To put it short: most people posting here (like me) just want to connect their good old handy WiiMote to their Android devices.
This worked fine for a lot of devices until Android 4.2 (like on my Galaxy S3mini GT-I8190 @ Android 4.1.2).
I wrote a longer text but lost it due to google re-asking my pswd, so this one won't be as elaborated - sorry...
I am not a BT-pro, so here is what I've read: The issue arose with the switch from Bluez to the BlueDroid BT stack on Android JB 4.2. There seems to be no (or no working?) implementation of the L2CAP protocol used to connect to the WiiMote by some apps (see below), since the WiiMote is a "pairless" BT-HID device BUT it's not abiding by the std. BT HID protocol. I'll cite "
There are at least two apps providing access to the WiiMote on pre-4.2 devices:
- Android-BlueZ-IME - (
- WiimoteController - (
*Both do work on my aforementioned S3Mini@4.1.2
As far as I understand, they had to use the L2CAP protocol, since Android devices were unable to cope with the WiiMote's non-standard way of (ab-)using BT HID.
For further information, please, be so kind to check the repo/issues of android-bluez-ime (link above). Maybe you can even contact one of the above devs - at least the bluez-ime guy somewhere expressed interest in fixing his app if Android's BT stack would properly (re-)implement L2CAP again.
A great bunch of Android gamers would really appreciate your efforts! We do not want to buy a new BT gamepad. This is your possibility to become a real hero ;-)
For my current device (Galaxy Tab3 10.1 @ 4.4.2) it is possibly to late for a fix. But I'd really like to use my handy WiiMote + its Nunchuck companion on my next Android tablet (then running Android 6.x/Android N). Maybe it would even be possible to compile custom kernels and ROMs to backport these fixes to 4.4 - just dreaming...
Big thanks for reviewing this issue and considering a fix/patch/implementation.
kLik (kaelka) <> #148
Still not fixed???? This is the
Shittiest inconvenience ever.
Shittiest inconvenience ever. <> #149
Can this please be fixed already. Holy crap!! We're on android 6 now and I still cannot connect my Bluetooth device to my phone!! Comon Google, get your crap together please. <> #150
Please please fix! <> #151
would be awesome if this get fixed. annoys me that i can not use my wiimote =/ <> #152
Just purchased my first application from Google Play store, and find out my Wii remote can not connect as it can on the same application on other platforms. <> #153
[Comment deleted] <> #154
Please fix <> #155
Please fix this <> #156
I noticed in the below link it says "needs code review" in the top beside the change number. But I also see it has a reviewer. Sites that mean it needs a certain amount of reviewers, a certain type of reviewer (Google employee) or am I misunderstanding this? <> #157
fix this!!! <> #158
People have been waiting for this to be fixed since 4.2 and there's more than enough information in the comments to understand the issue. Please read the comments more thoroughly before asking if this is still relevant, as many people have been waiting over two years just to get back something that was perfectly fine before 4.2. <> #159
Google are bloody fucking dumbshits for not fixing this. <> #160
Please fix. <> #161
I guess if your a multi-billion dollar company like google you don't have to give damn if there's a problem a group of customers want or need fixed. <> #162
Please fix this. The issue is still relevant . there are plenty of people now with newer versions of Android who would like to use their wiimotes for apps. We've been waiting for about 3 years now. Make this happen <> #163
Android 4.4.4
Same Problem. Time to fix it!
Same Problem. Time to fix it! <> #164 <> #165
They really need to fix this! Now it is impossible to use some game pads at all! <> #166
Still no fix. Thanks for fucking nothing. <> #167
Just tested on Androind 5.0.1. Galaxy S4+ still does not work :(
I expect google is not gettin this to work ever. What are they scared about? Or at least tell us the reason why this will not be solved and why complaining users are ignored?
I expect google is not gettin this to work ever. What are they scared about? Or at least tell us the reason why this will not be solved and why complaining users are ignored?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #168
Well, at least tell us the reason why took it out or whether you are gonna put it back or not.
Don't you?
Don't you? <> #169
Just updated my phone to S7 Edge and was really disappointed to notice that my wiimote won't work on it. Guess i have to Root the phone to get it to work. Shame on you google! <> #170
Root breaks Samsung Pay and won't fix the problem. You have to install a custom ROM with a different Bluetooth stack... Or Google gets it together and enables L2CAP in the newer (open source) BT stack... <> #171
Please fix it! Android 4.2.2 has the same problem <> #172
This prevents me from directly emulating an A2DP receiver. If I had access to raw L2CAP I could capture and mux audio from other devices and route it through my phone's own DAC.
L2CAP support enables many new peripheral use cases.
L2CAP support enables many new peripheral use cases. <> #173
[Comment deleted] <> #174
This is a little bit of a "me too" post, but I thought perhaps I could supply additional details for devs.
I'm trying to create an app that will connect with a wiimote, but there are problems.
The first is the pairing issue which this change partially addresses:
I say partially because on a phone running Cyanogenmod 12, which incorporates this change, I can pair older wii remotes, but not more recent ones. So there's still some bug there, but I don't know what it is.
The second is that, once the device is paired, I need to be able to connect to it and communicate with it. It's an HID device, so it expects to speak L2CAP, but the API doesn't offer support for this--there are two methods for creating BluetoothSockets, and they are createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord and createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord. Obviously, both create RFCOMM sockets. Thus, it's necessary to use reflection to create a workaround, as per:
Next, when you want to actually connect this socket, there's a further problem:
Note at line 138, it checks if you're trying to connect an L2CAP socket, and if you are, it gives a BT_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED error. This also happens for SCO connections.
Cyanogenmod 12 also has a workaround for this--it's all in
I don't know what the licenses are for that, but perhaps it'd be possible to incorporate those changes into main line Bluedroid. (For direct comparison, their version of the same file:
although I'm pretty confident that other changes are required as well--e.g., they have a file called btif_sock_l2cap.c that's also not present in the Google version.
It'd be really nice to have direct API support for creating L2CAP sockets, too, though. It currently takes quite a lot of digging to figure out how to make it work, since many posts simply say "that's not possible since Android 4.2."
Hope this helps clarify the issues.
I'm trying to create an app that will connect with a wiimote, but there are problems.
The first is the pairing issue which this change partially addresses:
I say partially because on a phone running Cyanogenmod 12, which incorporates this change, I can pair older wii remotes, but not more recent ones. So there's still some bug there, but I don't know what it is.
The second is that, once the device is paired, I need to be able to connect to it and communicate with it. It's an HID device, so it expects to speak L2CAP, but the API doesn't offer support for this--there are two methods for creating BluetoothSockets, and they are createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord and createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord. Obviously, both create RFCOMM sockets. Thus, it's necessary to use reflection to create a workaround, as per:
Next, when you want to actually connect this socket, there's a further problem:
Note at line 138, it checks if you're trying to connect an L2CAP socket, and if you are, it gives a BT_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED error. This also happens for SCO connections.
Cyanogenmod 12 also has a workaround for this--it's all in
I don't know what the licenses are for that, but perhaps it'd be possible to incorporate those changes into main line Bluedroid. (For direct comparison, their version of the same file:
although I'm pretty confident that other changes are required as well--e.g., they have a file called btif_sock_l2cap.c that's also not present in the Google version.
It'd be really nice to have direct API support for creating L2CAP sockets, too, though. It currently takes quite a lot of digging to figure out how to make it work, since many posts simply say "that's not possible since Android 4.2."
Hope this helps clarify the issues. <> #175
I should point out that the pin/pairing issue affects only the wii remote, but the rest of the L2CAP stuff affects an entire category of bluetooth devices, including every HID device as well as some bluetooth audio, etc. <> #176
Please fix it !! It's a major issue ! <> #177
I just tried it with Android 5.1 and it asked me for a PIN when I attempted to pair. Couldn't pair :-( <> #178
Still have this problem <> #179
Why is this still an issue? <> #180
This is still an issue, Google should respond with an official statement on the outcome it's been almost 2 years now. <> #181
This is still a HUGE issue, I recently got a Google cardboard and would love to use the Wii remote that is gathering dust in the corner as a peripheral for movement. Pls fix this issue. <> #182
How am I supposed to play Pokemon Snap with onscreen controls? <> #183
Sue these ridiculous motherfuckers.
1. You paid for the phone.
2. Price includes 'support'.
3. I see no support here.
3. That's honest services fraud.
4. Android 'supports bluetooth devices': false-statement/advertising. Wiimotes are Bluetooth devices, so are heapdphones and speakers.
5. L2CAP is a part of Bluetooth.
6. No warning labels advise purchaser of the Bluetooth compatibility defects. This is dishonest and misleading information.
7. This voids all disclaimers and warranties from google and the manufacturers. (They don't exist, it's a false agreement for even saying 'bluetooth').
This should never have been a problem. I think google owes restitution to everyone (including manufacturers) for these inconveniences. It might be legal fees, a new phone, or new bluetooth devices to replace the ones you cant use. This much is certain. There is no way to fix all the phones and agreements that ARE broken.
No amount of legal arguing can justify selling almost-bluetooth as Bluetooth. It would be perjury in a court of law to say it is bluetooth because everyone here testifies its a false-statement: they can't use their bluetooth-devices with their "bluetooth" phone.
Piss me off again Google. I'm already working on another legal-angle to cut you down to size: smaller than us. Services serve the users. Get your ass on the job or quit. The fruits of my labor will not be taken for granted.
1. You paid for the phone.
2. Price includes 'support'.
3. I see no support here.
3. That's honest services fraud.
4. Android 'supports bluetooth devices': false-statement/advertising. Wiimotes are Bluetooth devices, so are heapdphones and speakers.
5. L2CAP is a part of Bluetooth.
6. No warning labels advise purchaser of the Bluetooth compatibility defects. This is dishonest and misleading information.
7. This voids all disclaimers and warranties from google and the manufacturers. (They don't exist, it's a false agreement for even saying 'bluetooth').
This should never have been a problem. I think google owes restitution to everyone (including manufacturers) for these inconveniences. It might be legal fees, a new phone, or new bluetooth devices to replace the ones you cant use. This much is certain. There is no way to fix all the phones and agreements that ARE broken.
No amount of legal arguing can justify selling almost-bluetooth as Bluetooth. It would be perjury in a court of law to say it is bluetooth because everyone here testifies its a false-statement: they can't use their bluetooth-devices with their "bluetooth" phone.
Piss me off again Google. I'm already working on another legal-angle to cut you down to size: smaller than us. Services serve the users. Get your ass on the job or quit. The fruits of my labor will not be taken for granted. <> #184
Apple and Nintendo (as well as all L2CAP device manufacturers) stand a chance to claim reparations for unfair market practices on behalf of google for these actions. It cannot go unsung that the fraud in marketing and production has had negative outcomes for these parties as well.
If we do not find corrective-action on the issues, we will have to convince the legal departments of these parties as well as our fellow device-users to pursue action against Google.
If we do not find corrective-action on the issues, we will have to convince the legal departments of these parties as well as our fellow device-users to pursue action against Google. <> #185
NEed to connect My wiimote on my Samsung S7 please UPDATE THIS. <> #186
And another one hoppin' on the win10 train soon :) <> #187
C'est dommage de ne pas avoir intégré un bluetooth oùl'on ne peut pas connecter de manette. <> #188
This is insane. 2 years and still no fix. I expected a fully functioning bluetooth service. This is a disgrace. <> #189
Seriously, still no fix for this? <> #190
Same issue here on practically every device I own. Can confirm issue does not exist in ice cream sandwich but does on marshmallow and nougat. Others untested. <> #191
I can confirm that Android 4.2 somewhat broke it, then 4.4 fully made it not work, I need some confirmation on this <> #192
FIX THE DAMN L2CAP SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <> #193
Seriously, fix this already. If the security is such an issue just require a user interaction to confirm a pairing, problem solved. Ridiculous. <> #194
Bring back L2CAP, please! <> #195
If it is not possible to return L2CAP support to Android in the near future, please release instructions on how to find the correct PIN address for pairing a Wii Remote (or a Wii Remote w/ MotionPlus) over Bluetooth to recent Android versions (I'm using 6.0.1, for instance). I'm sure this would make a lot of people happy. <> #196
And still we yet to have a fix or even a response. It's this kind of stuff that makes me feel unimportant and makes you guys look like you don't give a shit about your customer base. <> #197
Any news? <> #198
Please fix and support L2CAP on all Android devices <> #199
Gonna throw in some support for this, would like to see better Bluetooth compatibility. <> #200
Hey devs, at least say something, we asked for this fix years ago and people have been reminding you at least once a month since then. Is this whole thing just for show? Because it looks like you will run out of letters for android versions before we get a fix or a response at the very least. <> #201
Yes, the issue tracker is just for show. <> #202
That's reassuring. :/
The last dev response was just about 1.5 years ago, and it wasn't even anything worthwhile.
The last dev response was just about 1.5 years ago, and it wasn't even anything worthwhile. <> #203
Please remove my email from this issue or list, I am not involved or even
know what this is about
On May 3, 2017 12:52 PM, <> wrote:
know what this is about
On May 3, 2017 12:52 PM, <> wrote: <> #204
Please remove me from this list as well. I don't know how my email got on
this list.
Thank you,
On May 3, 2017 12:59 PM, <> wrote:
this list.
Thank you,
On May 3, 2017 12:59 PM, <> wrote: <> #205
Same here, please remove me from the list.
Thanks <> #206
Please stop spamming and just click yellow star in top left corner on this issue's page. <> #207
If you read the bottom of the email, it will tell you why you're getting
notifications. Most likely: you starred this issue. Click the link to open
it and choose unstar.
On 3 May 2017 18:09, <> wrote:
notifications. Most likely: you starred this issue. Click the link to open
it and choose unstar.
On 3 May 2017 18:09, <> wrote: <> #208 <> #209
Please fix this thank <> #210
pls help to fix it. we need some entertainment with bluetooth gamepad. thank you ! <> #211
Please fix this I can see it but can't pair it! It's a shame... <> #212
Making a final decision on this issue sometime soon would be appreciated. At the very least, this kind of backwards-compatibility could cut down on e-waste by allowing the use of old bluetooth devices that would otherwise end up in landfill. I'm sure Google cared about that sort of thing at some point.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #213
They dropped the "Dont be evil" slogan a while back <> #214
Por favor Reparar esto en una versión futura. Deja Inhabilitados los dispositivos bluetooth clásicos y no hay manera de conectarlos.
Gracias <> <> #215
Google still not willing to fix this? <> #216
Lol I commented in 2015, now 2019 still not fixed <.< <> #217
Google are about to come out with a game streaming service and want you to buy their controller. Why would they support all bluetooth gamepads? <> #218 <> #219
Wow, I starred this 6 years ago. Still no fix. Thanks google. I've thrown my WiiMote out by now.
Altough the new bluedroid-Stack seems to include an l2cap implementation (see bluedroid/stack/l2cap) it is not enabled to be used via the android.bluetooth.* API.
Calls requesting a L2CAP Socket are turned down with BT_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED.
L2CAP is one of the building blocks of many Bluetooth Classic services. Please support this in future versions of Android.