Status Update
Comments <> #2
Continues to not exist or be an option in v0.8.2.
If I've missed something simple on how to do this, instructions would be very helpful.
If I've missed something simple on how to do this, instructions would be very helpful. <> #3
This needs to be supported by the Gradle plugin. I believe there is already an issue tracking it, but leaving this open until somebody finds the duplicate issue id. <> #4
I have the same/similar issue. We distribute an SDK/API as library module (*.aar) in which we do not provide the source but need to provide the javadocs. This is very easy to do in IntelliJ so I expect this will be supported in Android Studio. <> #5
Additionally Jamal Eason asked to be referenced to this issue from a colleague of mine. <> #6
Glad to see some motion on this thread and that I'm not the only one. Been holding off on adopting aar and pushing an Android Studio friendly library because of this. <> #7
Me too.
We build a library, now a .AAR, that has JavaDocs. I can build the JavaDocs but my
customers can't use them inside AndroidStudio. Help.
We build a library, now a .AAR, that has JavaDocs. I can build the JavaDocs but my
customers can't use them inside AndroidStudio. Help.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #8
Same problem for me.
For information, in Eclipse + ADT, it is possible to configure the path to the source by adding a file with the jar, name like
This file constains a 'doc' property that links to the path of the documentation
It would be great to have similar (ideally the same) system.
For information, in Eclipse + ADT, it is possible to configure the path to the source by adding a file with the jar, name like
This file constains a 'doc' property that links to the path of the documentation
It would be great to have similar (ideally the same) system. <> #9
@alruiz - do you know the proper format or location in order to enable the Java Docs in Studio for third-parties?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #10
I'm using Android Studio 1.1.0 and I still can't find a way to add javadoc, anybody knows how to do it (not add source but add javadoc). Has this been fixed?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #11
[Comment deleted] <> #12
It is slated for release 1.3 from the looks of it. Still pending. <> #15
Screenshots of new "Library Properties" dialog, where users can add/remove source and javadoc attachments. <> #16
Great news Alex Ruiz!
Does this also automatically work with dependencies from maven?
(aka=sources/javadoc automatically downloaded, if available, and used?)
Does this also automatically work with dependencies from maven?
(aka=sources/javadoc automatically downloaded, if available, and used?) <> #17
Hi Daniele. I don't know if it would work with Maven, because I don't know if Maven projects sync the project state with Maven, just like Gradle projects do. In Gradle projects, we need to store the user-defined paths to attachments (sources and javadoc) before project sync and then restore them after sync is done. It is worth trying though. <> #18
Oh sorry for the confusion!
I was actually talking of maven _dependencies_ on gradle.
So, for example, if I do:
dependencies {
compile ''
will the new version automatically get javadoc / sources and use them in Android Studio if they are available?
I was actually talking of maven _dependencies_ on gradle.
So, for example, if I do:
dependencies {
compile ''
will the new version automatically get javadoc / sources and use them in Android Studio if they are available? <> #19
This change is not made in the Gradle plugin, so Javadocs are not automatically attached yet. This change makes it possible to have user-defined source and Javadoc attachments in libraries. <> #20
Will we need a separate issue to deal with external module dependencies managed from a repository, e.g.
repositories {
dependencies {
compile ''
repositories {
dependencies {
compile ''
} <> #21
I see Alex,
I ask the same question as comment #21 , do we need to create another issue?
Can we instruct Android Studio to auto-download sources/javadoc from maven / jcenter using groupId/artifactId/version or do we have to manually download them somewhere and set them?
I ask the same question as
Can we instruct Android Studio to auto-download sources/javadoc from maven / jcenter using groupId/artifactId/version or do we have to manually download them somewhere and set them? <> <> #22
Sorry, I Can't Find "Library Properties" dialog, so this function not release yet? <> #23
It only visible for maven attached jars;
It only visible for maven attached jars; <> #24
Not true, I use it for a local jar just fine. There may be an easier way to get to it, but I have my UI interface set up so I can see both project and structure windows at the same time (setting structure to "split mode"). I select the project that has the library I want to attach javadocs to in the project window, and the structure window updates with all included libraries automatically. I then right click the library I want to attach to and select Library Properties. From there you can add local or remote docs. <> #25
The above method works. However, when you sync your project with your Gradle files, you must attach the Javadocs manually again.
Does anyone have a possible workaround?
Does anyone have a possible workaround? <> #26
[Comment deleted] <> #27
You're so right bryce. I was wondering why I'd have to reset it so often. Seems there's an xml file generated in \.idea\libraries\ folder with the name of the library in question (library_name.xml). It's in this file that the reference to the <JAVADOC> is kept. Upon syncing of gradle, that <JAVADOC> tag gets wiped.
If you could devise a way to keep that file the same after syncs, please let us all know. I'm guessing there also may be something you can do in the build.gradle file itself so that these xml files are generated properly via gradle sync, but I wouldn't know off-hand.
If you could devise a way to keep that file the same after syncs, please let us all know. I'm guessing there also may be something you can do in the build.gradle file itself so that these xml files are generated properly via gradle sync, but I wouldn't know off-hand. <> #28
I find a bug in the original fix and now it is fixed for real.
OS version: Windows 8.1 x64
Java JRE/JDK version: 1.7.0_60
I maintain a networking-suite library of which my company doesn't release the source of, but javadocs are extremely helpful while using it. Not only must I use my own source in order to see any documentation within Android Studio as I use my own library, I'm now confused on how I am to deliver this expected behavior to other developers who use Android Studio when they're not allowed to have my source. I do not know, but I assume the same feature is lacking for local closed-source AAR files as well.
That I could attach javadocs to a local jar, without needing the source, so that it would appear within Android Studio with the Ctrl+Q command or hovering over a method or class name.
Only sources can be attached. This is a problem for close-source libraries, and brings only blank documentation windows.