Status Update
Comments <> #2
Yes, please <> <> #3
Yes please, if Apple can do it, so should Google. <> #4
It's about time this feature be available. <> #5
This would be a big win for schools who use these proxies and actually want to make use of some of the great Android apps out there using their network... I see plenty of schools adopting iPads but few trying to support Android due to issues like this. Oh and let's not forget about the thousands of BYOD programs starting up in businesses that could benefit from this too.
Please add this feature!
Please add this feature! <> #6
Please don´t forget to add proxy support to apps as well, proxy support ONLY for browsers is not sufficient... please take a look at ProxyDroid available at Google Play Store -
Features in that app, that should be native in Android:
1. Support HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS4 / SOCKS5 proxy
2. Support basic / NTLM / NTLMv2 authentication methods
3. Individual proxy for only one or several apps
4. Multiple profiles support
5. Bind configuration to WIFI's SSID / Mobile Network (2G / 3G)
6. Widgets for quickly switching on/off proxy
7. Low battery and memory consumption (written in C and compiled as native binary)
8. Bypass custom IP address
9. DNS proxy for guys behind the firewall that disallows to resolve external addresses
10. PAC file support
Features in that app, that should be native in Android:
1. Support HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS4 / SOCKS5 proxy
2. Support basic / NTLM / NTLMv2 authentication methods
3. Individual proxy for only one or several apps
4. Multiple profiles support
5. Bind configuration to WIFI's SSID / Mobile Network (2G / 3G)
6. Widgets for quickly switching on/off proxy
7. Low battery and memory consumption (written in C and compiled as native binary)
8. Bypass custom IP address
9. DNS proxy for guys behind the firewall that disallows to resolve external addresses
10. PAC file support
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #7
Big win for schools as mentioned above. And big win also for Enterprise who uses proxies. ;) <> #8
Yes, proxy support for apps plus all of those features is exactly what we need #6. <> #9
Please implement proxy support for vpn tunnels too. <> #10
Yes, Proxy support is needed <> #11
Needed! <> #12
This is a badly needed feature. <> #13
+1 for schools that use proxies to "keep kids safe on the internet". Without proper proxy support like iPad has, none of my schools are ever going to have android devices for students. <> #14
would you believe NZ's ministry of education is pushing unfiltered access?
madness.... <> #15
Apple well and truely won this battle long ago and as a result tablet devices used for education in the state I live in is exclusively and primarily Apple already. Infrastructure to support these devices is already in place and is not compatible with androids. It will be years before Android is considered for replacing these educational items EVEN if Android manage to catch up to apple with proxy support tomorrow (which we all know is impossible).
Still - better late than never Android, it would still be a benefit to staff members in my state who use Android devices. It would also reduce the sour taste in my mouth toward Android's apparent neglect towards this in the past.
Still - better late than never Android, it would still be a benefit to staff members in my state who use Android devices. It would also reduce the sour taste in my mouth toward Android's apparent neglect towards this in the past. <> #16
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes....please <> #17
+1 we need authenticated proxy integration in the system and not only in browser and app which exposes settings to configure it. <> #18
[Comment deleted] <> #19
Guys, please don't forget to click on the STAR icon at the top of the page to vote for this feature! I am assuming many of us have just entered a comment to this feature request thinking it is a vote. Comments do not count as votes - only stars do! <> #20
Yes please, allow us to protect our children <> #21
please add proxy support to android apps so that android system wide proxy authentication is allowed to use wifi. <> #22
I need my home proxy which needs authentication. Cause more and more advertisements and uncontrolled connections are struggle my phone.
thx for a fast implementation
thx for a fast implementation <> #23
yes please!! <> #24
Yes please ....!!!! <> #25
+1 need it for entreprise authenticated proxy. <> #26
100% yes. <> #27
There are lot of networks where one need to have proxy authentication required.
We should have this feature.
We should have this feature. <> #28
This issue has been raised time and again for years. I haven't seen a single official response from Google of why this is not supported. Competing with another Mobile OS means matching their capabilities. Why on earth is proxy support not included years ago Google? <> #29
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease <> #30
Windows Phone didn't support this feature, only iOS. :( <> #31
#30 - I had a Lumia 1020, and it was possible to set global autheticated proxy, binded to specific network.
I only miss that in Android...
I only miss that in Android... <> #32
yes please, proxy support with authentication <> #33
Please add proxy support to http API so any app using http/https calls can use the proxy without having to care about it being involved.
Apps should check the SSL certificate if they wish to make sure proxy is not doing man in the middle attach.
Apps should check the SSL certificate if they wish to make sure proxy is not doing man in the middle attach. <> #34
Is Google even reading this? Do they even care??
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #35
It's crap like this that really makes me hate Google over all the GOOD they are capable of doing (and no, I don't particularly mind they make a few bucks along the way).
As mentioned earlier in this thread; this STAR rating system to upvote FIXES is a JOKE - I too manage a large network of a 1000 devices, a fifth of which are Chromebooks, FFS!
My answer was to BAN all Android devices from connecting to Corporate services; if I find them sneaking on via WiFi they are then blacklisted on the controllers.
My reasoning to senior management is that they do not support our network infrastructure without more $$$$$ for upgrades (which other devices do not require).
It's even sadder still that AFTER ALL THIS TIME; the auto config option still doesn't work as even when pointed MANUALLY to the wpad.dat/proxy.pac file, the device refuses to send HTTPS traffic to the port specified in the file.
As mentioned earlier in this thread; this STAR rating system to upvote FIXES is a JOKE - I too manage a large network of a 1000 devices, a fifth of which are Chromebooks, FFS!
My answer was to BAN all Android devices from connecting to Corporate services; if I find them sneaking on via WiFi they are then blacklisted on the controllers.
My reasoning to senior management is that they do not support our network infrastructure without more $$$$$ for upgrades (which other devices do not require).
It's even sadder still that AFTER ALL THIS TIME; the auto config option still doesn't work as even when pointed MANUALLY to the wpad.dat/proxy.pac file, the device refuses to send HTTPS traffic to the port specified in the file. <> #36
Seems it is Google's style not responding to issues... Anyway I give my vote and speak for a lot of Chinese people like me, that FULL proxy support, as #6 comment has already noted, are badly needed.
Proxydroid is not the answer, because it needs ROOT.
Drony is not the answer, because it is a VPN solution, and do not work here for me either without root.
Take a back step, the core request is:
0. Make that proxy setting really work for all apps! If that's not possible with HTTP proxy, then SOCKS proxy should be.
1. Support proxy authentication;
2. Support SOCKS proxy;
3. Bind configuration to WIFI's SSID / Mobile Network (2G / 3G) / USB network (rndis);
4. PAC file support.
Proxydroid is not the answer, because it needs ROOT.
Drony is not the answer, because it is a VPN solution, and do not work here for me either without root.
Take a back step, the core request is:
0. Make that proxy setting really work for all apps! If that's not possible with HTTP proxy, then SOCKS proxy should be.
1. Support proxy authentication;
2. Support SOCKS proxy;
3. Bind configuration to WIFI's SSID / Mobile Network (2G / 3G) / USB network (rndis);
4. PAC file support. <> #37
Google, you are about to loose my custom permanently if this remains ignored and unresolved.
Can anyone advise how to upvote this issue? Or how can we REALLY make this an issue google listens to? I think this was reported as far back as 2009...
Can anyone advise how to upvote this issue? Or how can we REALLY make this an issue google listens to? I think this was reported as far back as 2009... <> #38
I think maybe Google's issue tracker system do not work as efficiently as Mozilla. <> #39
I have been working with schools for a long time that are frustrated with the Android system not allowing access to many Apps that the schools would like to use with their students.
Currently my position is recommending software and devices to use in all NSW DoE schools and at present I advise NOT to use Android tablets or phones. I have worked directly with Google over this issue and they don't see that it is a technical issue as they think they already have proxy access in their OS.
Where Google fails is in their enforcement of App developers to make their apps Secure Proxy Aware and implementing the NTLM code that will allow those apps to user SPA and pop up a user authentication box when required.
My understanding is that this is simply a few extra lines of code that need to be added to each App.
As stated by a number of other comments, Apple finally got their act together a couple of years back supporting SPA and I can now be reassured that all Apple Apps will work within our schools.
Google really needs to focus on delivering a mature OS that has basic connections to the very apps that are making it a substantial amount of money. The simple resut would be the sale of many more of their Android devices to school students and staff.
Currently my position is recommending software and devices to use in all NSW DoE schools and at present I advise NOT to use Android tablets or phones. I have worked directly with Google over this issue and they don't see that it is a technical issue as they think they already have proxy access in their OS.
Where Google fails is in their enforcement of App developers to make their apps Secure Proxy Aware and implementing the NTLM code that will allow those apps to user SPA and pop up a user authentication box when required.
My understanding is that this is simply a few extra lines of code that need to be added to each App.
As stated by a number of other comments, Apple finally got their act together a couple of years back supporting SPA and I can now be reassured that all Apple Apps will work within our schools.
Google really needs to focus on delivering a mature OS that has basic connections to the very apps that are making it a substantial amount of money. The simple resut would be the sale of many more of their Android devices to school students and staff. <> #40
The proxy should be invisible to the apps. I.e. the app needs to go out of its way not to use it. <> #41
A massive issue for me at my school. All I want to do is run Google Expeditions and not need to lug around a wireless router/portable hot-spot to every class. Not to mention that students aren't able to access the most basic things at school for their learning.
Let alone that when I connect to the school wifi I can't use my phone or the Chromecast I bought for presentations.
Let alone that when I connect to the school wifi I can't use my phone or the Chromecast I bought for presentations. <> #42
Yes this would make it so much easier in my school. Waiting patiently. <> #43
the need to add support for authentication to proxies so it does not require any app changes. And then if an app wants to not go via the proxy they need to add extra code to the app <> #44
This issue if hurting Google's sales, and giving a free kick to Apple. Fix it!! <> #45
For Schools in Australia check out FamilyZone's school gateway, it converts non-proxy requests from Android devices and converts them to proxy ones transparently. Supports authentication as well. <> #46
Yes this would be so beneficial to students. We need to allow access to multiple devices possible for 21st Century, innovative learning. <> #47
I notice a lot of queries here from people who are at their wit's end; threatening to buy apple devices.
But hey there is a app for that!! Drony is an app that can be installed to allow the use of authenticated proxy servers.
But hey there is a app for that!! Drony is an app that can be installed to allow the use of authenticated proxy servers.
see <> #48
LOL @ "threatening to buy apple devices."
You get one feature and lose 100.
People also love to "threaten". They will come back to Android within hours.
(How do I know? I just got an iPhone 8 from work, it's the most limited device I have used in the past 5 years. It's more limited than my 3GS was with iOS5. It's ridiculous how locked down this thing is. You CANNOT USE VPNs properly!!! Can you believe that? You can connect to an OpenVPN network but you will lose the connection each time the phone goes to sleep. You can only use "non encrypted" tunnels, but those also disconnect. tl;dr: It's ridiculously dumb. want to commit digital seppuku? Go ahead!)
You get one feature and lose 100.
People also love to "threaten". They will come back to Android within hours.
(How do I know? I just got an iPhone 8 from work, it's the most limited device I have used in the past 5 years. It's more limited than my 3GS was with iOS5. It's ridiculous how locked down this thing is. You CANNOT USE VPNs properly!!! Can you believe that? You can connect to an OpenVPN network but you will lose the connection each time the phone goes to sleep. You can only use "non encrypted" tunnels, but those also disconnect. tl;dr: It's ridiculously dumb. want to commit digital seppuku? Go ahead!) <> #49
Whilst I love android the reality is that it is dying on tablets. More and
more switch to other options. partly at least due to this proxy issue.
On 22 November 2017 at 19:07, <> wrote:
more switch to other options. partly at least due to this proxy issue.
On 22 November 2017 at 19:07, <> wrote: <> #50
You are right wa, it's "dying" on tablets. But not because of a proxy feature that 0.0001% of the users would use. It's more because there are no good Android tablets coming out at all. Even Apple is going crazy. The former premium iPad (or Air) is no more. There is only a plastic-y cheap-o tablet instead that is called the Air now. Android is not much different. Years ago Samsung pushed it hard, we had 10,000mAh tablets with kick ass specs and even pens (S-Pen). We had gamer tablets (Nvidia), Nexus tablets and the list just goes on.
What do we have today?
Samsung has some weak specced S Tab tablet that is nothing like the glorious previous models.
The Nexus tablet is gone, and the last one was utter trash. There is no new gamer tablet by Nvidia either.
LG too, had great tablets.
So... it's not really Android. Android works just fine on tablets. It's more about the manufacturers' lack of support.
Talking about support, Samsung dropped support super-fast for even their Note 10.1 2014 model. So yeah, I am not really compelled to pay ~800$ for a tablet that will get a year or a half of support ... maybe.
(Then again, Google should bring back a proper Nexus tablet first.)
Back to the thread/topic: Others already posted apps in the comment thread, try them out if you really need proxy + pw support. (Not saying it should not be added, hell it should be. Just saying that there is some workaround out there.)
What do we have today?
Samsung has some weak specced S Tab tablet that is nothing like the glorious previous models.
The Nexus tablet is gone, and the last one was utter trash. There is no new gamer tablet by Nvidia either.
LG too, had great tablets.
So... it's not really Android. Android works just fine on tablets. It's more about the manufacturers' lack of support.
Talking about support, Samsung dropped support super-fast for even their Note 10.1 2014 model. So yeah, I am not really compelled to pay ~800$ for a tablet that will get a year or a half of support ... maybe.
(Then again, Google should bring back a proper Nexus tablet first.)
Back to the thread/topic: Others already posted apps in the comment thread, try them out if you really need proxy + pw support. (Not saying it should not be added, hell it should be. Just saying that there is some workaround out there.) <> #51
Sorry, but Drony is not a solution, at least not in MY proxied environment. Here it's iPads everywhere, because it's long been known that Android just doesn't work (and I'm an Android person!)
Sent from my iPad
Sent from my iPad <> #52
Absolute essential feature needed. Im sick of getting hundreds of ipads/iphones etc only because they support government and school authenticated proxy systems.
Hundreds every year, thousands to millions of potential sales just given to apple.
Fix it
Hundreds every year, thousands to millions of potential sales just given to apple.
Fix it
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #53
Nothing has been done to this day. I have not yet tested on the android Oreo, but in Nougat, only a few applications work. YouTube itself does not connect :(
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #54
WPAD does not work properly, just browsers and some apps.
Now if you enter the ip and the port works fine.
Why this Google?
I want to put an automatic script on the devices and Android does not work.
Now if you enter the ip and the port works fine.
Why this Google?
I want to put an automatic script on the devices and Android does not work. <> <> #55
I find it unbelievable that this issue hasn't been rectified. Plenty of environments use an authenticated proxy. Lots of schools do, too.
The fact that Apple devices, Windows devices, and Chromebooks work with an authenticated proxy - and yet Android devices do not - is a major flaw in the development of the Android OS.
I'm a big fan of Android. But, until this issue is fixed, will no longer be recommending them for use in a school environment.
Clearly - you just simply do not care.
The fact that Apple devices, Windows devices, and Chromebooks work with an authenticated proxy - and yet Android devices do not - is a major flaw in the development of the Android OS.
I'm a big fan of Android. But, until this issue is fixed, will no longer be recommending them for use in a school environment.
Clearly - you just simply do not care.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #56
Why can my pkay store or galaxy store dont have google class room <> #57
Just to update - while Drony has worked in my case to get my Android device on the network with an authenticated proxy - it doesn't make sense that I needed to download a third party app to do so.
Android should support working with an authenticated proxy natively (just like Apple, Windows and Chromebooks do).
Android should support working with an authenticated proxy natively (just like Apple, Windows and Chromebooks do). <> #58
Any update on this issue? It's been a few years already since it was first requested. <> #59
I don't think this feature will be supported in any time frame.
Authenticated proxies would require several changes in Android architecture and they're almost unused nowadays.
Authenticated proxies would require several changes in Android architecture and they're almost unused nowadays. <> #60
Authenticated proxies are still used in education. They haven't disappeared completely from that environment.
Unfortunately, the only solution is download app called Drony/Droni. The way I use it is to first connect to the school WiFi as normal using my credentials then launch Drony (configuring the proxy details for the WiFi connection on first launch) and turn that on.
After doing this I able to use my school WiFi connection as normal. I do the same on any student Android devices.
Android is not really suited for education - although with the latest Android OS getting a tablet optimised release that MIGHT be changing. It would have to go hand-in-hand with App support.
Otherwise for education I would say iPads and/or Windows Laptops are really the most hassle free.
Chromebooks are okay.... but not everything that runs on a Chromebook will work in an Education environment (e.g. Minecraft Education Edition on Chromebooks doesn't work in an authenticated proxy environment).
Unfortunately, the only solution is download app called Drony/Droni. The way I use it is to first connect to the school WiFi as normal using my credentials then launch Drony (configuring the proxy details for the WiFi connection on first launch) and turn that on.
After doing this I able to use my school WiFi connection as normal. I do the same on any student Android devices.
Android is not really suited for education - although with the latest Android OS getting a tablet optimised release that MIGHT be changing. It would have to go hand-in-hand with App support.
Otherwise for education I would say iPads and/or Windows Laptops are really the most hassle free.
Chromebooks are okay.... but not everything that runs on a Chromebook will work in an Education environment (e.g. Minecraft Education Edition on Chromebooks doesn't work in an authenticated proxy environment). <> #61
It was easy enough for those old lenovo pro touchpads that came out way back to have authenticated proxy built-in but as per most android lost support from producers and eventually google <> #62
I am glad that Drony is available as an option. However, I really wish that Google could add this feature in the near future. It's really inconvenient in some of the environments I have been accessing.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #63
Very Great Post!
Proxy Switcher is a Windows application that allows users to alter their traffic routing from any location on the planet. The software has been updated to accommodate changes in proxy settings. According to the most current tests, the software can be used by over 11,000 agent accounts. Proxy switch cracks come in handy in a variety of scenarios.
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