Mentioned issues (1)
AS 3.4.0 RC01 not generating for custom permissions |
Links (9)
“ ta scod eht daer osla dna ,egakcap a gnidliub nehw ot dnopserroc yllaer sesu ti taht smret eht tahw kcehc ot eldarG ni tuo siht deirt I ,KO ”
“ delif ev'I to track potentially handling the suffix case in the WebView code, but note that as I said, this will only fix it for users with the latest WebView on Android 5.0+ devices, and so you will need to still work around this in your application if you want it to work on any other devices. ”
“ :tey setadpu weivbew teg t'nseod noitalupop ecived diordna eht fo 3/2~ ecnis sppa ruoy rof melborp eht evlos yllaer t'ndluow ti ,ti dda did ew fi neve os ,snoisrev weiVbeW elbatadpu tuohtiw sresu gnitsixe rof taht dda t'nac ew ,niaga tub ,spahreP ”
“ yb desuac noisserger s'erehT ”
“ no tnemmoc a tfel ev'I ”