Status Update
Comments <> #2
Attached reproducing video of an app using calculateWindowSizeClass
and LocalConfiguration
On the second time resizing to be 50%/50% from smaller, the displayed configuration is incorrect. <> #3
When resizing the activity in multi-window mode under those conditions, there are cases where:
the Activity is not recreated Activity.onConfigurationChanged is not called View.onConfigurationChanged is not called
Is this just for 33 / is there a framework bug filed? The amount of broken things in configuration land we already had to workaround in Compose is a bit untenable. It seems like we are missing a lot of test coverage in the platform to avoid these issues hitting us in the future <> #4
In any case this seems like more ammunition for us to push more strongly on 'pure-compose apps should always opt out of configuration changes'
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
Yes, API 33 introduced this behavior, (internal) platform bug is here: <> #6
I was incorrect, this is also reproducible on API 32 as well. Not reproducible on API 31. <> #7
Adam/Louis, how do we want to handle this one? Is there someone on platform who should take this, or since API 32 is already out in the wild maybe this should go to devrel to push more strongly on 'pure-compose apps should always opt out of configuration changes'. <> #8 <> #9
I'm having issues on pre-33 api levels on a pure compose app (has all configChanges added in the manifest file) pared with AppCompatActivity
just for multi language support. When changing the language I'm using AppCompatDelegate.setApplicationLocales(compat)
which calls onConfigurationChanged
on the activity. LocalConfiguration changes to the new configuration on 33+ but remains the same on pre-33. Workaround that i've found is calling if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 33) contentView.dispatchConfigurationChanged(newConfig)
in onConfigurationChanged
. I'm guessing it's a compose issue since activity wise everything works as expected. <> #10
but a separate issue. <> #11
Thanks for the heads up, I've tried to find a related issue but only managed to find this one after a brief search. <> #12
Ok <> #13
Thanks for the heads up, I've tried to find a related issue but only managed to find this one after a brief search.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #14
I think the whole scheme file:///android_res/ ideally should be deprecated in favor to android.content.ContentResolver.SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE, which allows specify package and resId and used everywhere in Android except WebView.
What do you think? <> #15 <> #16
This won't fix it for users with pre-L android versions, or who don't upgrade to at least WebView 53 once it's released, though, so you will not be able to rely on this as a full workaround :/ <> #17 <> #18 <> #19
L+ devices so, it might not solve the real issue, but it is sufficient for
me :) <> #20 <> #21 <> #22
I'm going to close this bug as we aren't planning to do anything further to address this issue beyond the change made some time ago in #16 (and fixing it again after it broke in a more recent version) <> #24
طوفان <> #25
طوفان <> #26
android { defaultConfig { applicationId "com.example.myapp" minSdkVersion 15 targetSdkVersion 24 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } ... android { defaultConfig { applicationId "com.example.myapp" minSdkVersion 15 targetSdkVersion 24 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } All this is fraud and money was stolen <> #27
Issue solved <> #28
Good <> #29
Thank you so much. <> #30
I have a applicationId and packageName org.myorg.myapp and use an applicationIdSuffix '.debug' for debug builds. The classloader is then looking for the class org.myorg.myapp.debug.R.raw, which does not exist because my R class is org.myorg.myapp.R.
The correct behaviour should be that the class {packagename}.R should be loaded instead of {applicationId}.R
I get this error on a Motorola XT1092 running android 5.0