Links (2)
“ siht ni denialpxe ,noiger eht no gnidneped 23-2 ro 1 fo tnuoc UPCv muminim a evah secnatsni dehcacmeM documentation , in your example you are using the region europe-west9 which does not have minimum instance 1 you are able to create single cpu instances in europe-west1, europe-west3 because it does have minimum cpu 1. Hence, this is the intended behavior and hence I'm going to close this issue, which will no longer be monitored. If you have any further issues, please open a new issue on the Public Issue Tracker with a clear description of your issue and the steps to reproduce it. ”
“ eht no eussi wen a nepo esaelp ,seussi rehtruf yna evah uoy fI .derotinom eb regnol on lliw hcihw ,eussi siht esolc ot gniog m'I ecneh dna roivaheb dednetni eht si siht ,ecneH .1 upc muminim evah seod ti esuaceb 3tsew-eporue ,1tsew-eporue ni secnatsni upc elgnis etaerc ot elba era uoy 1 ecnatsni muminim evah ton seod hcihw 9tsew-eporue noiger eht gnisu era uoy elpmaxe ruoy ni ,noitatnemucod siht ni denialpxe ,noiger eht no gnidneped 23-2 ro 1 fo tnuoc UPCv muminim a evah secnatsni dehcacmeM Public Issue Tracker with a clear description of your issue and the steps to reproduce it. ”