Status Update
Comments <> #2
Jeremy, is this still an issue? I think the problem was that you had two transitions targeting the same View for the same action (e.g. two Slide() transitions). <> #3
I have a similar issue with plain AnimatorSet:
doesn't play animation in resume(). <> #4
Should clarify that if I filter out setCurrentPlayTime(0)
(or replace it with setCurrentPlayTime(1)
) it works well.
Also even with setCurrentPlayTime(0)
, onAnimationEnd
is notified with correct delay (as if the animation has played). <> #5
I think that is intended for Animator. If you set the currentPlayTime
to 0 or the total duration the animator completes. We do some <> #6
Did some investigation on the Fragment side and it seems like the merged transition is targeting correctly.
Exiting Transition: Slide@aa9288e: tgts(android.widget.LinearLayout{f9add3d})
>>>>> ExitingViews <<<<<
View: android.widget.LinearLayout{f9add3d}
Entering Transition: Slide@35b8af: tgts(android.widget.LinearLayout{b7f24bc})
>>>>> EnteringViews <<<<<
View: android.widget.LinearLayout{b7f24bc}
Final merged transition: TransitionSet@7bc1c45:
Slide@aa9288e: tgts(android.widget.LinearLayout{f9add3d})
Slide@35b8af: tgts(android.widget.LinearLayout{b7f24bc})
merged transition passed to controlDelayedTransition: TransitionSet@7bc1c45:
Slide@aa9288e: tgts(android.widget.LinearLayout{f9add3d})
Slide@35b8af: tgts(android.widget.LinearLayout{b7f24bc})
Still digging. <> #7
Branch: androidx-main
commit 567b7459329d1ec8d27a8c6fe1c4a86442065d7d
Author: Jeremy Woods <>
Date: Tue Sep 26 20:06:54 2023
Add additional logging for transitions
Adding more debug logging in transitions to track the entering and
exiting transitions as well as the final merged transition and its
Test: added logging
Bug: 300157785
Change-Id: I0d9ad72b865422493c6c895ddb6115abf85eed16
M fragment/fragment/src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/DefaultSpecialEffectsController.kt <> #8
So I have isolated this outside of fragment into something much simpler and I think it breaks down when it comes to the adding and removing of Views with animateToStart.
The attached sample is a simple add that goes between two screens BLUE
. It has code for both the 1.5.0-alpha03
and 1.5.0-alpha04
versions, but I think alpha04 is currently broken in another way so I will upload the alpha03 version here.
This is integrated with predictive back similar to how fragment is, so upon cancelling we call animateToStart
, then we do a beginDelayedTransition
on a 0
duration Fade()
and we reverse the view visibility back to what it was prior to starting the transition.
If you only do visibility, cancel always works the view never goes away, it is wonderful, but when you do adding and removing views like we need to in fragment it fails.
First the code for beginDelayedTransition goes from this:
TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(container, Fade().apply {
duration = 0
to this:
TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(container, Fade().apply {
duration = 0
addListener(onEnd = {
blueScreen.visibility = View.VISIBLE
greenScreen.visibility = View.VISIBLE
reverseViews(useVisibility = true)
We need to make this change because after the animateToStart()
view is still parented by the overlay, so we call reverseViews(useVisibility = true)
to only change the visibility and then once the transition finishes we can call reverseViews()
to parent the view properly, then we make both views visible again.
From our perspective after the 0
duration transition our views are back in the proper state, but they do not transition properly after a cancel.
If the app is doing this wrong and we can make the appropriate fixes, doing the same in fragment should resolve this. There is logging available that shows the state of the views when we start the transition. <> #9
The API has changed since that project was created in a way that makes the API more robust. I'm hoping that has fixed this... <> #10
There appears to be a problem with the order of operations. I'm going to look into fixing that. <> #11
Branch: androidx-main
commit e57dd5f9ac6cbb8cf83b221e2d5b3fbd3e88ce6b
Author: George Mount <>
Date: Thu Nov 09 14:33:53 2023
Fix animateToStart with Slide.
Fixes: 300157785
Slide was not repositioning the View to its proper
translation after animating it to the start position.
This fixes that so that it is moved.
Test: new test
Change-Id: I698f4dbcef46304f9aa545847d205f7b70c80d63
M transition/transition/src/androidTest/java/androidx/transition/
M transition/transition/src/androidTest/java/androidx/transition/
M transition/transition/src/main/java/androidx/transition/ <> #12
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
androidx.transition:transition:1.5.0-alpha05 <> #13 <> #14 <> #15 <> #16 <> #17 <> #18
Should we use one of the workarounds posted here? <> #19
While we can't fix the general case here within an unbundled library like Fragments, we can fix this in cases where the parent layout is a FrameLayout / extends FrameLayout by delaying the removal of the old View until after the animation completes under the assuption that children of a FrameLayout are suitably independent that animating one in while the other still exists in the layout is not an issue.
This should at least fix the issue for libraries built on top of Fragments such as Navigation.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #21 <> #22 <> #23
Ignore the fact that this library is a React Native library, it works the same for native apps. <> #24
I've made a custom view group based on ScreenCoordinatorLayout
In bug case, Fragment.animateRemoveFragment() is called, but <> #25
Still, this is was a frustrating and time consuming bug to work around, and I look forward to seeing a fix for this in the Jetpack Navigation library. <> #26
We probably need to stick to activities if we want to follow material design guidelines.
I also look forward for this being fixed. <> #27 <> #28
With the Navigation Component, and because of this limitation, is impossible to have an "slide on top" kind of transition. <> #29
Currently, it's a FrameLayout which has this issue.
From :
public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container,
@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
FrameLayout frameLayout = new FrameLayout(inflater.getContext());
// When added via XML, this has no effect (since this FrameLayout is given the ID
// automatically), but this ensures that the View exists as part of this Fragment's View
// hierarchy in cases where the NavHostFragment is added programmatically as is required
// for child fragment transactions
return frameLayout;
} <> #30 <> #31
Here may be a solution: <> <> #32
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit 2534c731cc31a615e4584d74327521ec8c5a8aa7
Author: jbwoods <>
Date: Thu Jun 20 12:42:37 2019
Draw exit animations first in FragmentContainerView
ViewGroups always draw exiting view animations last. For Fragments, this
means that the exiting Fragment is always on top of all others. There
can be no interaction with entering fragments, and there is the
possiblity of a "pop" when the exit animation finishes to reveal the
Fragment underneath.
FragmentContainerView overrides the dispatchDraw and drawChild method to
force all disappearing children to be drawn first. It overrides public
methods from ViewGroup to build the proper list of transitioning views
and disappearing child views.
Test: Added units tests, tested visually in app, ./gradlew checkApi
BUG: 37036000
Change-Id: I054eaf4ae234258bc7abec22c4c8e559a2c6be71
M fragment/fragment/api/1.2.0-alpha01.txt
M fragment/fragment/api/current.txt
M fragment/fragment/api/restricted_1.2.0-alpha01.txt
M fragment/fragment/api/restricted_current.txt
M fragment/fragment/src/androidTest/java/androidx/fragment/app/FragmentContainerViewTest.kt
M fragment/fragment/src/androidTest/res/layout/fragment_container_view.xml
M fragment/fragment/src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/ <> #33
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #34
1. When going forward, I want exit animation to be bottom, and enter animation on top
2. When going backwards, I want exit animation on top, and enter animation on the bottom.
That way I could replicate iOS animation behavior where new fragment "comes on top" on previous, but when click back, I also want that fragment to disappear "from the top" and reveal previous fragment beneath it. android:zAdjustment sounds like something that should fix this problem, but is it working for Fragments and Navigation library?
Can anybody help me here? <> #35 <> <> #36 <> #37
"Fragments using exit animations are drawn before all others for FragmentContainerView. This ensures that exiting Fragments do not appear on top of the view."
Is our long national nightmare of improperly drawn transition animations over? <> #38
^ This. I think ideally we should have a way of telling the Fragment its Z ordering during the animation. I know that are ways, but couldn't find any that works with the Navigation Components. <> #39
I am experiencing the same issue for version 1.2.3 when using the "FragmentContainerView" and setting "EnterTransition" to a slide transition, and using an exisiting fade transition in "ExitTransition"?
So I am not using "FragmentTransaction.setCustomAnimations", but I guess it is supposed to work the same way?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #40
- works with setCustomAninations
- still does not work with setExitTransition / setEnterTransition
It looks like FragmentContainerView.startViewTransition is not called properly in the broken case, which causes that FragmentContainerView falls into the standard drawing path.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #41
The actual problem with setExitTransition / setEnterTransition is caused by fact that any subclass of Visibility transition (e.g. Fade, Slide, etc.), uses ViewOverlay to realize the animation when the exiting View is removed from its parent. And this is actually happening when performing replace() Fragment transaction. The trouble is than the entering view wont use ViewOverlay and will be effectively BELOW the exiting view :(
It is very sad that such basic usecases are still broken :(
I really cant believe that it was not catched earlier :(
As a workaround, one may try to write customized FragmentContainerVIew (cant inherit, because the one from Jetpack is final.... ) and write a customized set of Transitions that does not use ViewOverlay or use it in consistent manner preserving the z-order. <> #42
Problem not fixed for Translations - suggest reopening.
My fix to allow enterTransition to act as if Hold() was working correctly. I don't enterTransition animate at all:
exitTransition = HoldBackground(resources).setDuration(duration)
enterTransition = Slide(Gravity.RIGHT).setDuration(duration)
With HoldBackground looking like this:
class HoldBackground(val resources : Resources) : Transition() {
init {
duration = resources.getInteger(android.R.integer.config_mediumAnimTime).toLong()
var inProgress = false
override fun captureStartValues(transitionValues: TransitionValues) {
if(inProgress) return
transitionValues.view.also { exitingView ->
exitingView.parent.also { fragmentContainer ->
if(fragmentContainer is View && exitingView.width > 0 && exitingView.height > 0) {
inProgress = true
val previousBackground = fragmentContainer.background
val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
fragmentContainer.background = BitmapDrawable(resources, bitmap)
// Simple animator so timing matches developer animation scales
val animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, 1).setDuration(duration)
animator.addListener(object : BlankAnimatorListener() {
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) {
fragmentContainer.background = previousBackground
inProgress = false
override fun captureEndValues(transitionValues: TransitionValues) {}
It's very likely stupidly resource intensive given it's creating a screen size bitmap... but it does happen to work. <> #43
- Cancelling replace-fragment transitions, i.e. navigating up during a transition, causes the pop-exiting fragment to appear below the pop-entering fragment.
- It doesn't work with setExitTransition / setEnterTransition. Entering fragment is below the exiting fragment.
I have no words for this. Ill probably just use multiple-activities (instead of single-activity) and use activity transitions.
If someone has a solution, it will be much appreciated.
ft.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_right, R.anim.slide_out_left);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="
<translate android:fromXDelta="100%"
android:toXDelta="0%" android:fromYDelta="0%"
android:toYDelta="0%" android:duration="400">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="
<translate android:fromXDelta="0%"
android:toXDelta="-50%" android:fromYDelta="0%"<!-- -50% shows the problem, 100% does not -->
android:toYDelta="0%" android:duration="400">
(The zAdjustment tag does nothing)
The exiting fragment will be on top of the entering fragment, which is the opposite behavior than what is expected or useful. Currently, an exiting fragment must leave the frame completely, otherwise it will be on top of the entering fragment at the end of the animation, at which point in the last frame of the animation the exiting fragment will pop out of existence. The Z order of the fragments should be reversed or made customizable. The current z ordering offers no advantages.
I am trying to achieve the material effect of putting one "page" of a fragment on top of another while moving the exiting "page" somewhat to the left (50%), rather than 100% which would give the effect of just shoving the exiting "page" to the left, not putting it under the entering fragment. There are some work arounds described here
but they don't apply to my case.