Status Update
Comments <> #2
Seeing as though a lot of corporate and educational networks use 802.1x EAP, this is a glaring emission from the 5.1.1 update. <> #3
This is kind of strange tbh, as someone mentioned a large number of educational (eduroam for one, one of the biggest educational networks across US/Canada) and office networks use it by! <> #4
A must fix for educational institutes. As previously mentioned, EduRoam relies on 802.1x w/ EAP to authenticate. EduRoam is replacing most California university's (UC, CSU, and most Private) authentication systems. <> #5
yep. can't use the WiFi connectivity at work, where it would be the most useful with a multi-building campus.
hopefully will be addressed in a future update as it greatly reduces the usability of the WiFi functionality.
hopefully will be addressed in a future update as it greatly reduces the usability of the WiFi functionality. <> #6
Very Sad that I cannot use the watch to connect to my company's wifi. Employing more than 40,000 people with offices all over the world, this really is disappointing <> #7
Working in a hospital this would be a great addition so that I would not have to take my phone everywhere I go in the hospital but would still be able to stay connected with everything. <> #8
I bought my watch yesterday and will return it today after discovering this issue. Only reason I got one was to use the wifi but the inability to connect at work makes it pretty useless to me. <> #9
My workplace has several meeting rooms with very poor mobile signal. What they do have is WiFi. But since it's a corporate wifi it's secured by 802.1x and as we all know - this type of security is not supported. It should be a no-brainer to implement. <> #10
In Europe almost every University uses Eduroam for accessing WIFI. So no one is able to connect his/her android wear item to the network. <> #11
Our company has ~130'000 staff worldwide, we have a universal 802.1x network across all our offices, mobile rigs and ships. Not being able to use Android Wear devices on WiFi in these places is a major detractor for us. <> #12
This is very annoying for me as well - our office uses 802.1x EAP <> #13
Also used at my New York City hospital, the other alternative is a guest network where an agreement button has to be pressed, but with android wear this is impossible <> #14
I can't use wifi in our office because EAP, very sad <> #15
On my corporate wifi with PEAP I have some users with samsung galaxy s6 that after update to android 5.1.1 was unable to connect to wifi network.
Waiting for an update, hopefuly the problem will be solve.
Samsung didn't recognize the problem, they suggest to use wpa home network. They are kidding!!!
Waiting for an update, hopefuly the problem will be solve.
Samsung didn't recognize the problem, they suggest to use wpa home network. They are kidding!!! <> #16
Galaxy note 5 won't connect to enterprise wifi all other android devices are connecting with no issues. it really sucks. <> #17
Same issue, cannot connect to Wifi at work on my Android wear watch which uses 802.1x <> #18
So disappointed and bummed when I found out that wireless support doesn't help me. There's numerous deadzones in my basement office area,so I wanted to leave my phone on my desk where signal is good and move about with just my watch. Any word on when this will be fixed? <> #19
I don't see why if our Android powered phones can connect, why can't our watches with Android Wear connects to WiFi 802.1x or EAP networks. Please fix it soon <> #20
Also having this issue - my university has three networks: EPA/802.1x local, same for eduroam, and a guest that requires web portal authentication. None of these options are available, but it'd be great to be able to connect watch to wi-fi, as I leave my phone behind sometimes. <> #21
I rooted my G Watch R and installed custom firmware specifically for this feature. When it didn't connect i thought it was an issue with the firmware. Low and behold the official update releases and its actually Google's issue... great. <> #24
I am also having this issue. This limitation basically eliminates 50% of the wifi connectivity usability on the watch. 50% is definitely failing in almost every subject and environment. <> #25
I bought the watch specifically to use in a mental health unit where I'm not allowed to carry a phone because of patient risk, but need my disabled husband to be able I to reach me in an emergency. Please fix this as soon as possible. <> #26
As all the others here, I was really excited to see my Moto 360 working well over WiFi at home, but was extremely disappointed to be unable to even find Eduroam in the network list at workplace. Please have this functionality added in the next update. <> #27
This feature hasn't been present since Android Wear started, and people have been complaining about it ever since. I don't know what the reason is that it's not supported, but if fixing it were trivial, it would be fixed by now. Asking for this in the next update is just wishful thinking. <> #28
packyand: I disagree with you. Implementing Enterprise/EAP support is trivial. But as you see only 71 people have starred this topic. Compared to other topics it Google wont't prioritize fixing it. <> #29
Let me put it this way: I'm positive Google uses EAP on their own networks in their offices. So Android Wear won't work on Google's own WiFi. It's probably not a big deal to them because they all have company-issued Nexus phones in their pockets and are never out of Bluetooth range of their phones, but I have to think that if it were a trivial matter, it would have been fixed already. Perhaps the power requirements are too much for such a small device.
But at the very least, demands like "Please fix this as soon as possible" and "Please have this functionality added in the next update" are just silly. As a developer, it always bothers me when a single customer starts frothing at the mouth about a non-trivial feature that's lacking in my product being ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL when its absence hasn't bothered any of my other customers over the past decade (it also bothers me when they try to argue that "all MODERN software" does something one way when I can show them a handful of clearly "modern" software that does something the same way my product is doing it).
Google is going to pay attention to bug reports that have lots of users following them, and the 71 people concerned about this don't merit "added in the next update" priority. I'm just hoping it merits "someday" priority.
But at the very least, demands like "Please fix this as soon as possible" and "Please have this functionality added in the next update" are just silly. As a developer, it always bothers me when a single customer starts frothing at the mouth about a non-trivial feature that's lacking in my product being ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL when its absence hasn't bothered any of my other customers over the past decade (it also bothers me when they try to argue that "all MODERN software" does something one way when I can show them a handful of clearly "modern" software that does something the same way my product is doing it).
Google is going to pay attention to bug reports that have lots of users following them, and the 71 people concerned about this don't merit "added in the next update" priority. I'm just hoping it merits "someday" priority. <> #30
Packyand: Seems we do mostly agree after all. I am also involved in software development and bugs are solved based on their severity. This bug has a "small" priority. Actually it's probably not even a bug - it's a change request. It's criticality is low, also it seems to a affect only a small number if users.
So even though I still believe it's easily solvable defect I don't expect a fix in any near future. At least not from Google.
A fix from a non-Google developer is probably more likely.
So even though I still believe it's easily solvable defect I don't expect a fix in any near future. At least not from Google.
A fix from a non-Google developer is probably more likely. <> #31
Is this a bug, though? This never worked. This is an un-emplemented feature. There is nothing to fix. There IS something to implement, though. It's not "broken" as it never worked to my knowledge. Ready to be corrected if I'm wrong. <> #32
No, this is TOTALLY an unimplemented feature.
But that's another annoying thing customers do: if your product doesn't do exactly what they want, even if you have never claimed it does that, even if your documentation CLEARLY STATES it isn't supported, then they will insist that it's a bug. To the end user, bug doesn't mean "product doesn't work as designed", it means "product doesn't work as DESIRED".
To anybody who stumbles across this thread who wants this feature: star the thread so you're counted as someone who wants this feature. But please skip the empassioned pleas of need and requests for an immediate "fix". Google will add support for this (if it's technically feasible) when there's enough demand to be worth an engineering team's time. 50 people DESPERATELY needing this feature won't be as convincing as 50,000 people mildly interested in it.
But that's another annoying thing customers do: if your product doesn't do exactly what they want, even if you have never claimed it does that, even if your documentation CLEARLY STATES it isn't supported, then they will insist that it's a bug. To the end user, bug doesn't mean "product doesn't work as designed", it means "product doesn't work as DESIRED".
To anybody who stumbles across this thread who wants this feature: star the thread so you're counted as someone who wants this feature. But please skip the empassioned pleas of need and requests for an immediate "fix". Google will add support for this (if it's technically feasible) when there's enough demand to be worth an engineering team's time. 50 people DESPERATELY needing this feature won't be as convincing as 50,000 people mildly interested in it. <> #33
It would be one thing if, indeed, the documentation stated that this was not supported, but it doesn't (see "Limitations" at - it mentions captive portals but nothing about EAP). I suspect that there are others, like myself, who read the documentation before purchasing our Android Wear device, knowing that this was a requirement.
In any case, I've turned off WiFi on my ASUS Zenwatch 2, even when I'm at home, since I found that it was unreliable and killed the battery life to the point where I couldn't make it through a full day on a single charge. Maybe the next rev of hardware/software will be better, but for now this is pretty much a useless feature.
In any case, I've turned off WiFi on my ASUS Zenwatch 2, even when I'm at home, since I found that it was unreliable and killed the battery life to the point where I couldn't make it through a full day on a single charge. Maybe the next rev of hardware/software will be better, but for now this is pretty much a useless feature. <> #34
Yeah, this falls into the "they didn't claim it could do this" category. But, in Google's defense, it's really difficult to list all the things your product DOESN'T do (because the list of things it doesn't is always going to be longer than the list of things it does do), and customers who insist that unless you clearly state that a product DOESN'T have a feature then the lack of that feature is a bug are just being unrealistic. <> #35
Also experiencing this issue as an academic who simply wishes to connect his Sony Smartwatch 3 to <> #36
Yet another employee of an educational institution - please make it possible to connect my Moto 360 v2 to eduroam! This is a bizarre oversight. <> #37
I was very surprised that the watch doesn't support this. I have the Tag Heuer Connected and really do need to connect to my company's WiFi, which uses EAP authentication.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #38
Sad to see no support for EAP. This is the only way I could connect my watch on the company network. The watch should be capable of importing a certificate from the phone. Hoping to see the implemented in the future. <> #39
Whether this is a bug-report or change-request, it is making the feature useless for major usecases (many (most?) Company / EDU wifi networks) <> #40
another +1 for adding all wifi networks that are set up on the phone directly to the watch.
tag connected shows the netweork under saved, is set to automatic, but can't connect, and setting a network manually only allows WEP (ha!) and WPA2 options, no 802.1x/EAP option, no username, etc.
hoping for a fix soon.
tag connected shows the netweork under saved, is set to automatic, but can't connect, and setting a network manually only allows WEP (ha!) and WPA2 options, no 802.1x/EAP option, no username, etc.
hoping for a fix soon. <> #41
What the heck android .. there is no fix for this since more than 7 years. hell with google ...loosers <> #42
prabhude, this issue was opened last year, not 7 years ago. It is not a bug as the feature was never supported in Android Wear, so there is no "fix". This is a feature request for something that has never existed. <> #43
@ShannonC, buddy this issue is not only in Android Wear, but in most of the android phones like Samsung, lenovo etc. Most phones are not getting connected to office wifi.But iphones dont have any issue . This issue is there since more than 7 years, in general not talking about this particular thread. Google it you will find people asking for solutions for android phone problem long time back, but no solution provided by google. worst android...worst google.. <> #44
Well, it's interesting that just you have this problem with your
phones, I did not since many years ago. I'm talking about Samsung,
motorola, china phones, OnePlus and Acer.
I guess you need to search for a tutorial about how to configure EAP on android.
phones, I did not since many years ago. I'm talking about Samsung,
motorola, china phones, OnePlus and Acer.
I guess you need to search for a tutorial about how to configure EAP on android. <> #45
@prabhude, I'm connected to office 802.1x EAP wifi right now with my Nexus 6p and Nexus 7 2013, so I'm not sure what you're referring to. Anyway, you are off topic. This thread is specifically for Android Wear and lack of 802.1x EAP with Android Wear devices, which have only been around for a couple years now and have never had that functionality. <> #46
@daniel and @ShannonC :
Dudes, i know this off topic. But there are some issues with android phones connecting to 802.1x, which was secured by most office networks. There is no perfect solution for this since many years. Google failed to give solution for this . There are many threads out there on this , one sample is
I hate ios , but google lacking to fix this issue since many years is making me nuts .
Dudes, i know this off topic. But there are some issues with android phones connecting to 802.1x, which was secured by most office networks. There is no perfect solution for this since many years. Google failed to give solution for this . There are many threads out there on this , one sample is
I hate ios , but google lacking to fix this issue since many years is making me nuts . <> #47
@prabhude, I'm sorry you are having problems with your non-Android Wear device(s). Unfortunately you are polluting this thread with something irrelevant to the thread topic. Please delete your comments from this Android Wear thread or at least stop posting off topic. Appreciate it. <> #48
@prabhude, I'm also connected to my office's 802.1x EAP with no issues. Moto X 2014
As others have said, that is off-topic for this issue.
As others have said, that is off-topic for this issue. <> #49
I guess we're never gonna get industry standard (EAP) wireless security on wear... Apple watch users still making fun of my wear for not being able to connect to wireless at work. <> #50
[Comment deleted] <> #51
The only reason I bought the 360 v2 was so I could roam around my office without a phone. <> #52
Fix this Google! You've let me down so much lately! <> #53
Seeing as most people would be connected to Wi-Fi at work/school/universities most of the day and that Wi-Fi networks there tend to be secured with 802.1x, I'm surprised the issue has been labeled as just a 'defect' with small priority.. <> #54 <> #55
Looks like, based on reviews, it is very spammy, requires in-app purchase and an additional browser app. I’m not interested in a spam app for my watch. I’d pay full price for a good quality app though. <> #56
I tried the above suggested app today. Paid for the “full” wifi version (€1.51 was worth the try). I switched off Bluetooth and actually managed to connect a view times via 802.1x company Wi-Fi. However, the connection is faulty. It keeps getting unconnected pretty quickly and doesn’t seem to reconnect automatically. You have to reconnect manually on the watch, through the not-so-intuitive user interface. The app comes with a wear-keyboard (which works pretty reasonable) to enter the credentials. Of course, it would be more logical to get the username and password from the profile on the phone.
I’m going to uninstall the app, because it is a bit spammy and buggy indeed. It shows the same network several times in the list, for example. And it doesn’t do the trick since it doesn’t stay connected. Battery life wouldn’t be an issue for me, because I’m close enough to my private phone 75% of the day. It would be just fantastic it would automatically switch to wifi if BT is out of range, because then I wouldn’t have to carry around both phones if I leave my desk.
But, however, it proves that implementing (or “activating”) EAP support on Wear is just a software issue. The hardware is up for it. It should be trivial to implement, as earlier stated by
How do we get Google’s attention, seems to be the challenge at hand here…
I’m going to uninstall the app, because it is a bit spammy and buggy indeed. It shows the same network several times in the list, for example. And it doesn’t do the trick since it doesn’t stay connected. Battery life wouldn’t be an issue for me, because I’m close enough to my private phone 75% of the day. It would be just fantastic it would automatically switch to wifi if BT is out of range, because then I wouldn’t have to carry around both phones if I leave my desk.
But, however, it proves that implementing (or “activating”) EAP support on Wear is just a software issue. The hardware is up for it. It should be trivial to implement, as earlier stated by
How do we get Google’s attention, seems to be the challenge at hand here… <> #57
OH, and I have an LG Urbane with a Sony Z3c. Please feel free to try the app with other hardware, but I doubt it will bring a difference... <> #58
Interestingly, I've tried the Wear Wifi Manager app before hoping it would solve this problem, but at the time, it didn't support EAP login. They've obviously updated it, and trying it today it has worked consistently. <> #59
Sony smartwatch 3 and it works flawlessly. Thank you app developer. Hey
Google, maybe hire these folks huh? They work faster than you.
Google, maybe hire these folks huh? They work faster than you. <> #60
Peter: yes, this is definitively a software problem. Snapdragon 400 is a popular Android Wear SoC, but it is also used in some phones as well. <> #61
It looks like this feature was added in Android Wear 2 perhaps. I can see a secure wifi connection on my Huawei Watch, but the beta software is crashing the android wear app on my Nexus 6p every time I attempt to connect to that network. I can't remember if the secure networks could be seen before with Android Wear 1.5 or not.
Anyone else trying out the Android Wear 2 drop 3?
Anyone else trying out the Android Wear 2 drop 3? <> #62
I tried AW 2.0 DP3 for about 5 minutes until I saw that Embedded App sync was not supported.
May reflash it to see if EAP might be enabled.
May reflash it to see if EAP might be enabled. <> #63
Is this fixed in AW 2.0? <> #64
Has anyone a clue if AW 2.0 does support 802.1x ? <> #65
Just installed AW 2.0 on my LG Urbane and it still doesn't seem to support 802.1x EAP. <> #66
Same on my Polar M600 <> #67
Yeah, this is super frustrating. Not able to connect at work on my new Huawei Watch 2. Way to make an impression. <> #68
There is an app called "Wifi Manager" in the Wear Play Store that will allow you to connect to secure networks. I decided I didn't want to wait anymore and bought it. Works great. Of course it should be natively supported. <> #69
I would love to see support for PEAP connections on Android Wear! <> #70
i think basic connectivity issues like this is a big reason adoption of Android Wear has stagnated. it really turns a blind eye to key use cases 😟 <> #71
Same deal with Google Home. Would love to put one in our office at work, but no PEAP. <> #72
I'd also like to see 802.1x EAP support for Android Wear. My corporate wifi is unusable otherwise! <> #73
Also, my watch doesn't connect to the internet via the phone when the phone is on this kind of network. Would love to see it corrected. I'm OK with watch not accessing Wi-Fi, I'm not OK with it not accessing Internet via phone. <> #74
Yeah, it's really a pity that EAP is not working natively. With the mentioned WiFi Manager it works like a charm. So what's the reason not to support it natively? License? At least tell us a reason. <> #75
what, we are in 2018 and this still not supported!! so strange..I bought Huawei watch 2, but i cannot connect to my uni network... <> #76
I'm disappointed that this has been a documented issue for ~3yrs and there appears to be zero progress made. <> #77
Any news on this issue? I am on the newest Foosil Q Carlyle with Wear OS 2.8 and not able to connect to 802.1x EAP networks. <> <> <> #78
Issue still present on Wear OS 3.5 <> #79
I still have this issue on Samsung Galaxy watch 5. Any alternative way to connect to eduroam? <> #80
Now that Google laid off a bunch of people, this is going to get resolved exactly in the month of NEVER. <> #81
Very disappointing lack of response on this