Status Update
en...@google.com <en...@google.com>
m3...@gmail.com <m3...@gmail.com> #2
Yup. Facing similar issue. The indicator gets hidden under the background.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #3
A workaround is to call TabLayout.setBackgroundColor() at runtime instead of specifying color in xml.
a....@gmail.com <a....@gmail.com> #4
Yeah, But now status for this issue is FutureRelease. So we can wait.
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #5
Or you can use android:background, instead of app:tabBackground
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #6
Released in v22.2.1.
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #7
In my case this is still not working.
Only if i remove the tabBackground i can see the tabIndicatorColor.
I have tried as attributes:
and as styles:
<item name="tabBackground">@color/orange</item>
<item name="tabIndicatorColor">@color/yellow</item>
<item name="tabIndicatorHeight">@dimen/space_small</item>
Same negative result for both.
Only if i remove the tabBackground i can see the tabIndicatorColor.
I have tried as attributes:
and as styles:
<item name="tabBackground">@color/orange</item>
<item name="tabIndicatorColor">@color/yellow</item>
<item name="tabIndicatorHeight">@dimen/space_small</item>
Same negative result for both.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #8
I can't recreate. Make sure you're using v22.2.1.
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #9
My bad, you are right. I had the old 22.2.0 in a this other branch.
It works as expected now.
It works as expected now.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #10
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #11
v22.2.1 bug!
text color blink when i fast speed change swipe to change tab.
color is:
<item name="tabTextColor">@color/text_color_accent_gray</item>
<item name="tabSelectedTextColor">@color/app_accent</item>
text color blink when i fast speed change swipe to change tab.
color is:
<item name="tabTextColor">@color/text_color_accent_gray</item>
<item name="tabSelectedTextColor">@color/app_accent</item>
ma...@android.com <ma...@android.com>
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #12
#13: Don't spam bugs with irrelevant comments. Search the tracker, there is already a bug for that.
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #13
@chrisba are you sure the bug has been cleared in 22.2.1 ?. I still couldn't see the tab indicator when i set tab background color. I can see it's clearly the tab background hides the indicator bar.
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #14
Yes, I'm sure.
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #15
There is a bug in v 23.1.0 at TabLayout
when i changed the height of the indicator to be full height, it cover the tab name.
this is degradation from v 22.2.0.
I explored the root of the problem and here the results:
In v 22.2.0 they draw the indicator in onDraw() and this function called before view draw the children so the indicator draw below the text, but in v 23.1.0 they draw the indicator in draw() after calling to super.draw() so it draw after the view already draw its children and it cover the text.
please fix it
when i changed the height of the indicator to be full height, it cover the tab name.
this is degradation from v 22.2.0.
I explored the root of the problem and here the results:
In v 22.2.0 they draw the indicator in onDraw() and this function called before view draw the children so the indicator draw below the text, but in v 23.1.0 they draw the indicator in draw() after calling to super.draw() so it draw after the view already draw its children and it cover the text.
please fix it
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #16
#17: That's working as intended.
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #17
#18 i do not understand what do you mean "That's working as intended"? as i said if you change the indicator height using app:tabIndicatorHeight="48dp" it cover the text and you can not see the tab name.
Please specify what you mean.
Please specify what you mean.
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #18
It means don't set the indicator height to overlap the text, that's not how it is designed to be used.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #19
#20 it is a degradation! and also the api allow to change the height, so you fixed one thing and brake another.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #20
Nothing is broken, it's working correctly and as expected.
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #21
#21 Google doesn't care about my or your problems. We must suffer.
Also take a look at AOSP Bluetooth repository — it seems that Google finally fixes bluetooth due to its Brillo project.
I think their managers finally tried to use Android Bluetooth stack themselves and accidentially found out that it doesn't work at all.
Also take a look at AOSP Bluetooth repository — it seems that Google finally fixes bluetooth due to its Brillo project.
I think their managers finally tried to use Android Bluetooth stack themselves and accidentially found out that it doesn't work at all.
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #23
@ p...@pebblebee.com:
I should explain a little better. I do not need any real time communication. What I mean with delay are delays that can be noticed by humans. So delays of several 100 ms and this is a very high value for writing this small amount of bytes. More concretely I am setting colors of several juggling balls. The problem is for example if you set a color effect rainbow (all colors fading) then you can see that every ball starts after another. Sometime even half a second later. Here it would be important if they are synchronous. I know what happens in the firmware as these balls are also developed in the company I am working in.
There also exists an app for iOS which does not have this problem.
Thanks for your links. I will check them on later time.
I should explain a little better. I do not need any real time communication. What I mean with delay are delays that can be noticed by humans. So delays of several 100 ms and this is a very high value for writing this small amount of bytes. More concretely I am setting colors of several juggling balls. The problem is for example if you set a color effect rainbow (all colors fading) then you can see that every ball starts after another. Sometime even half a second later. Here it would be important if they are synchronous. I know what happens in the firmware as these balls are also developed in the company I am working in.
There also exists an app for iOS which does not have this problem.
Thanks for your links. I will check them on later time.
ei...@google.com <ei...@google.com>
sa...@google.com <sa...@google.com> #24
Thank you for your feedback. We assure you that we are doing our best to address all issues reported. For now, we will be closing the issue as won't fix obsolete. If this issue currently still exists, we request that you log a new issue along with the bug report here https://goo.gl/TbMiIO and reference this bug for context.
LG Nexus 4, LG Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini, Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One (M7), HTC Nexus 9, Sony Xperia Z Ultra, Sony Xperia Z3 Mini, Motorola Moto G2
Known affected Android OS versions:
4.4.2, 4.4.4, 5.0.2, 5.1.1
After several connects or disconnects to some Bluetooth Low Energy device the BluetoothGattCallback from Android API (function public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState)) delivers the status code 22 (0x16) which causes the connected BLE devices to disconnect. After this scenario a connect is only possible after restarting Bluetooth. It does not matter if you are currently connecting or disconnecting a device. This error can happen any time when the connection state changes.
On disconnecting this error sometimes causes the BluetoothGattCallback, which has been registered, to get null which causes an exception:
Line 152: mCallback == null: in the Android class BluetoothGatt.java
When this exception occurs the app has to be restarted.
The status code 22 (0x16) is not documented and therefore hard to solve.
It seems that this error does not dependent on a certain phone but more on the Android OS itself.
In addition I can say, that this error can also happen if trying to connect/disconnect only a single device but chances were higher trying with 3-4 devices. I am always closing the Gatt connection after a disconnect so it cannot be a reason of using too much resources.