Status Update
Comments <> #2
The link in the above description doesn't work external to google, expanded link: <> #3
This will be fixed in the next release. <> #4
@maxdownunder76 you should be using Espresso for this type of tests:
Lowering the priority on this since there is no good way to fix it and the impact is fairly low - the activity will be leaked between orientation change and the end of the test case.
Lowering the priority on this since there is no good way to fix it and the impact is fairly low - the activity will be leaked between orientation change and the end of the test case. <> <> #5
This will be fixed in the next release v1.0.2.
Version used: 0.4.1
What steps will reproduce the problem?
0. enable strict mode (StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder().detectAll().penaltyLog().penaltyDeath().build());)
1. run a test using ActivityTestRule
2. do an orientation change during test
How are you running your tests (via Android Studio, Gradle, adb, etc.)?
android studio and gradle
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
the problem is that the ActivityTestRule keeps a reference to the first activity and after orientation change a new one is created. this causes a penalty for violation of VmPolicies.