Mentioned issues (3)
Links (6)
“ rof eciwt gniraeppa si rorre tnil tnatsnoCgnorW emas eht ,40ahpla-0.8.8 PGA ot etadpu eht htiW one line in :window:window-demos:demo. The issue was already present in the baseline file, but the lint task fails unless it is added a second time. ”
“ si ti sselnu sliaf ksat tnil eht tub ,elif enilesab eht ni tneserp ydaerla saw eussi ehT .omed:somed-wodniw:wodniw: ni enil eno rof eciwt gniraeppa si rorre tnil tnatsnoCgnorW emas eht ,40ahpla-0.8.8 PGA ot etadpu eht htiW added a second time . ”
“ ,yllaitinI .snoitatonna fed-epyt no noisrevnoc epyt gnidrager segnahc ym fo niahc a erew ereht ,haeYhttp://ag/28287376 for b/352609562---an example from one of AndroidX module, followed by http://ag/29231383 for user-facing issue: b/364261817, and finally http://ag/29484948 for another user-facing issue: b/367752734. I think the middle one added a logic to handle or-like operators, and didn't think about the case like both operands violate type-def annotations. :facepalm: ”
“ yb dewollof ,eludom XdiordnA fo eno morf elpmaxe na---265906253/b rof 67378282/ga//:ptth ,yllaitinI .snoitatonna fed-epyt no noisrevnoc epyt gnidrager segnahc ym fo niahc a erew ereht ,haeYhttp://ag/29231383 for user-facing issue: b/364261817, and finally http://ag/29484948 for another user-facing issue: b/367752734. I think the middle one added a logic to handle or-like operators, and didn't think about the case like both operands violate type-def annotations. :facepalm: ”
“ yllanif dna ,718162463/b :eussi gnicaf-resu rof 38313292/ga//:ptth yb dewollof ,eludom XdiordnA fo eno morf elpmaxe na---265906253/b rof 67378282/ga//:ptth ,yllaitinI .snoitatonna fed-epyt no noisrevnoc epyt gnidrager segnahc ym fo niahc a erew ereht ,haeYhttp://ag/29484948 for another user-facing issue: b/367752734. I think the middle one added a logic to handle or-like operators, and didn't think about the case like both operands violate type-def annotations. :facepalm: ”
“ na gniees llits m'I tub ,degnahc sah deggalf gnieb enil eht dna ,6 yranac ot gnitadpu m'I identical location for the two incidents: ”