Status Update
Comments <> #2
Definitely not the expected behavior. Can you please try to use the latest runner/rules (0.5) and espresso (2.2.2) versions, to see if the bug is still reproducible? 0.5 contains some stability fixes for ActivityTestRule. If this persists we might need to have ATR have implement its own ActivityLifeCycleMonitor. <> #3
Sure I will try it tomorrow when I get to work.
BTW you can repro this even on a "hello world" type project
BTW you can repro this even on a "hello world" type project <> #4
I created sample project that can confirm this behaviour:
When you run MainActivityTest and check logcat you can see that next test activity onCreate evaluated before previous test activity onDestroy -
Also you can check Espresso LifecycleMonitor -
According LifecycleMonitor logs next test activity run onCreate, onStart and onResume before previous activity onStop and onDestroy
It's critical if you have shared resources or subscribe/unsubscribe for events on lifecycle
I understand that it not perfect architecture, but this behaviour can produce many strange and hard to fix bugs
As temporary workaround I added Thread.sleep(500) to rule afterActivityFinished()
When you run MainActivityTest and check logcat you can see that next test activity onCreate evaluated before previous test activity onDestroy -
Also you can check Espresso LifecycleMonitor -
According LifecycleMonitor logs next test activity run onCreate, onStart and onResume before previous activity onStop and onDestroy
It's critical if you have shared resources or subscribe/unsubscribe for events on lifecycle
I understand that it not perfect architecture, but this behaviour can produce many strange and hard to fix bugs
As temporary workaround I added Thread.sleep(500) to rule afterActivityFinished() <> <> #5
Looking for a solution, any updates on this? <> #6
This will be fixed in next release. Meanwhile, look at comment #3 for a horrible but temporary solution. Thanks! <> #8
Similar or related issue to this and ? Executing a set of tests in a single class seem to work but running a suite of tests (@Suite junit4) seems to have similar failures. <> #9
Hi, is there any news when the next release will be available? It's been almost a year since 2.2.2 and half a year since #6. <> #10
Hi, is there any update on this bug? <> #11
Hi guys,
please give us an update about the fix for this :)
It's making making using Espresso extremely unpleasant
please give us an update about the fix for this :)
It's making making using Espresso extremely unpleasant <> #13
It's been about a month. When will the v1.0 release of Rules/Runner be released? <> #15
We just tried to update our runner/rules, but test suite crashed :) I guess we may need to update Espresso to 3.0 as well. <> #16
Any updates on this bug? Is this fixed? <> #17
Yes, this was fixed for a while now. Please give it a try with the latest version of our libraries. <> #19
Any other updates about this bug? I'm still issuing it with:
- androidTestImplementation ''
- androidTestImplementation ''
- androidTestImplementation ''
Tests always passes individually.
Running the suite instead, they have an unpredictable behavior: sometimes they passes, sometimes do not.
- androidTestImplementation ''
- androidTestImplementation ''
- androidTestImplementation ''
Tests always passes individually.
Running the suite instead, they have an unpredictable behavior: sometimes they passes, sometimes do not. <> #20
For some reason with databinding and static class I cannot debug code in ViewModel at every 2 test. Individually everything is just fine. espresso 3.0.2 <> #21
This is works like this (everything is without package). In my View which is Activity I call onStart() and onPause() of ViewModel. In xml I have button with enabled set to MutableLiveData<Boolean> property in ViewModel. I write in Kotlin
//This is button enabled field update, each time when this MutableLiveData<Boolean> is called it prints this.toString()
//Second test start onStart() of ViewModel
START: PersonalViewModel@43321e0
PersonalViewModel@43321e0 //Calls button MutableLiveData<Boolean> for enabled property only ONCE
//Second test onPause() of ViewModel
PAUSE: PersonalViewModel@43321e0
//Third test start onStart() of ViewModel
START: PersonalViewModel@dc72c50
PersonalViewModel@dc72c50 //Calls button MutableLiveData<Boolean> for enabled property only ONCE
PAUSE: PersonalViewModel@dc72c50
When the second test starts it seems like it calls MutableLiveData<Boolean> property only once for button and then it fails to bind or something, because button is not updating anymore. Individually all tests work.
//This is button enabled field update, each time when this MutableLiveData<Boolean> is called it prints this.toString()
//Second test start onStart() of ViewModel
START: PersonalViewModel@43321e0
PersonalViewModel@43321e0 //Calls button MutableLiveData<Boolean> for enabled property only ONCE
//Second test onPause() of ViewModel
PAUSE: PersonalViewModel@43321e0
//Third test start onStart() of ViewModel
START: PersonalViewModel@dc72c50
PersonalViewModel@dc72c50 //Calls button MutableLiveData<Boolean> for enabled property only ONCE
PAUSE: PersonalViewModel@dc72c50
When the second test starts it seems like it calls MutableLiveData<Boolean> property only once for button and then it fails to bind or something, because button is not updating anymore. Individually all tests work.
Version used: 2.2.1
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Have atleast 3 tests
2. Log messages in activity onCreate and onDestroy
3. Observe onCreate -> onDestroy messages not going in order (onCreate -> onDestroy, onCreate -> onDestroy, onCreate -> onDestroy)
How are you running your tests (via Android Studio, Gradle, adb, etc.)?
Android Studio 1.5.1
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Log messages going sequentially (onCreate -> onDestroy, onCreate -> onDestroy, onCreate -> onDestroy)
I am trying to use espresso and junit4. The problem seems to be that I have code that is statically initialized in activity.onCreate and deinitialized in activity.onDestroy to prevent leaks, etc.
Now when I run espresso, the tests seem to run in "parallel". I added log class to activity onCreate and onDestroy.
What I am seeing is
onCreate = example.package.MainActivity@ABC
onCreate = example.package.MainActivity@JKL
onDestroy = example.package.MainActivity@ABC
onCreate = example.package.MainActivity@XYZ
onDestroy = example.package.MainActivity@JKL
onDestroy = example.package.MainActivity@XYZ
**and ofcourse it fails on NPE in third test because the second test's onDestroy ran after third's onCreate (which null-ed out the static code)**
Is this behaviour normal? Can I force espresso to teardown activity instance first and only then start a new one? Thanks!