Status Update
Comments <> #2
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit 2283075d1a2c5e45d9859aa0611e752a61d7dadd
Author: Andrew Bailey <>
Date: Mon Aug 05 11:32:26 2024
Partially revert "Pin dependencies to annotation and collection libraries"
This reverts the collection pinning from commit
The pinned version of collection has a metadata corruption bug
( b/352560465 ) in ScatterSet, ScatterMap, and their primitive
variants. This commit reverts the pinning for Compose modules,
which use these data structures extensively. We will re-pin
after a new hotfix version of collection is published
(release tracked in b/357575863 ).
Test: N/A
Change-Id: Ib019701d8e4f988e99c6d622e48daae50522de27
M compose/animation/animation-core/build.gradle
M compose/animation/animation-graphics/build.gradle
M compose/animation/animation/build.gradle
M compose/foundation/foundation-layout/build.gradle
M compose/foundation/foundation/build.gradle
M compose/material/material-ripple/build.gradle
M compose/runtime/runtime/build.gradle
Branch: androidx-main
commit 2283075d1a2c5e45d9859aa0611e752a61d7dadd
Author: Andrew Bailey <>
Date: Mon Aug 05 11:32:26 2024
Partially revert "Pin dependencies to annotation and collection libraries"
This reverts the collection pinning from commit
The pinned version of collection has a metadata corruption bug
variants. This commit reverts the pinning for Compose modules,
which use these data structures extensively. We will re-pin
after a new hotfix version of collection is published
(release tracked in
Test: N/A
Change-Id: Ib019701d8e4f988e99c6d622e48daae50522de27
M compose/animation/animation-core/build.gradle
M compose/animation/animation-graphics/build.gradle
M compose/animation/animation/build.gradle
M compose/foundation/foundation-layout/build.gradle
M compose/foundation/foundation/build.gradle
M compose/material/material-ripple/build.gradle
M compose/runtime/runtime/build.gradle <> #3
1.4.3 ships tomorrow. <> #4
The ability of customize the status bar color is very important! <> #5
It is in the essence of a "custom" UI component to have a custom color. Please add this feature! <> #6
I have noted that the status bar automatically generated from the toolbar color is a bit darker than needed. The status bar color of the chrome activity is different to the one of the rest of my app. It doesn't strictly follow Material guidelines. <> #7
The same issue I met. And is there a way to customize the title? using my own title rather than the url's. Thanks <> <> #8
Would very appreciate this enhancement!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #9
I'd love to have the possibility to change title text color, I'll be a very important graphic consistency inside my app <> #10
Voting +1 for this feature.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #11
It has been more than a year. Please add this!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #12
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #13
It will certainly be a nice feature and have a nice title for the chrome tab. Please fix this. <> #14
Customize the status bar color is a real need. Voting +1
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #15
Yes, it's needed definitely. Please!! Voting+1. <> #16
Any date to the release of this feature? Working with VectorDrawables is awesome and let us have an IconKit but this little impediment make it not perfect <> #17
Voting +1 for this feature. <> #18
Voting +1 for this feature. <> #19
voting +1 for this feature <> #20
Voting +1 for this feature. <> #21
Voting +1 for this feature. <> #22
+1 from me. I really need this feature. <> #23
+1 from me. I've to fallback my implementation to webview because of this graphic inconsistency. <> #24
Voting +1 for this feature. <> #25
Voting +1 for this feature. <> #26
Voting +1 for this feature. <>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #27
Not being able to set a proper dark or light statusbar/toolbar icon color is breaking our app color design very bad.
+1 for this feature.
+1 for this feature. <> #28
Voting +1 for this feature.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #29
Estoy de acuerdo con este comentario, es molesto cuando el diseñador te levanta la mano porque no le convence el contraste de los colores y te es imposible responder con fundamento y suplir los criterios. Sería genial poder personalizar más esta sección. <> #30
This has been an issue for 6 years now. Why isn't Google dealing with it? If I'm to use Custom Tabs, I need to be able to change the toolbar text and color at will. <> #31
ช่วยแก้ไข browser ให้ผมหน่อยครับ
However, for my app, the derived colors for both are noticeably different than the rest of my application. While the functionality of custom tabs is winning over the designer, they are not happy with the visual result.
Therefore, I'd like to be able to specify the status bar color to use with the custom tab (ie the primaryColorDark from my application). Seems reasonable if the developer doesn't specify a status bar color it uses the derived color as it does today.
As well I'd like to control the icon tint in the tool bar for the default "close" and "overflow" icons. While, specifying my own bitmap works around the "close" icon, the overflow icon tint is still controlled by the custom tab and may not match the overall theme.