Status Update
Comments <> #2
Assuming this is for the iOS SDK. Please advise if this is not the case. <> #3
Changing text color and the overflow icon color is important to us too! Awesome work on the feature though. <> #4
The same here. I need to add buttons to the info window in order to add functionality to my App. <> #5
same here. please help. <> #6 <> #7
Do buttons in those custom views respond to user interaction? (I mean, independently to the generic InfoWindow's delegate method that gets invoked when the user taps anywhere in the InfoWindow) <> <> #8
No they don't, the UIView is rendered to a image and converted a gl texture so it is essentially a flat surface and you can only get a tap.
It probably isn't a good user experience to have multiple buttons in a infowindow anyway and you should try to use other UI patterns instead, but this depends on your use case and UI.
It probably isn't a good user experience to have multiple buttons in a infowindow anyway and you should try to use other UI patterns instead, but this depends on your use case and UI.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #9
I've been dealing with a similar issue. I have a big annotation view with two buttons, so I need to detect touch on both of them.
Here is what I do. I create a fake UIView with the same size that my annotation, transparent and empty, which will be added as the info window.
Then, my info window is manually added to google maps + I replaced it each time the camera moves. Here is my code. Hope it will be helpful
#pragma mark - Google maps delegate
// The Google maps iOS SDK does not support yet the actions on annotation detail since it is render as an image (03/28)
// So, we are forced to provide a false annotation view + add our own and handles the repositining!
// Shame
- (void)replaceCalloutViewForCoordinates:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate inMap:(GMSMapView *)pMapView {
CLLocationCoordinate2D anchor = [pMapView.selectedMarker position];
CGPoint arrowPt = CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.calloutView.frame) / 2.0, CGRectGetHeight(self.calloutView.frame));
CGPoint pt = [pMapView.projection pointForCoordinate:anchor];
pt.x -= arrowPt.x;
pt.y -= arrowPt.y + [pMapView.selectedMarker icon].size.height /*height of POI Image*/;
self.calloutView.frame = (CGRect) {.origin = pt, .size = self.calloutView.frame.size };
- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)pMapView didChangeCameraPosition:(GMSCameraPosition *)position {
if (pMapView.selectedMarker != nil && self.calloutView.superview) {
[self replaceCalloutViewForCoordinates:[pMapView.selectedMarker position] inMap:pMapView];
} else {
[self.calloutView removeFromSuperview];
- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate {
[self.calloutView removeFromSuperview];
- (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoWindow:(GMSMarker *)marker {
if ([[marker userData][kShouldDisplayCallout] boolValue]) {
[self.calloutView removeFromSuperview];
self.calloutView = [[AnnotationDetailPOI alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
[self.calloutView displayPoint:[marker userData][kPointToDisplayOnCallout]];
self.calloutView.delegate = self;
[mapView addSubview:self.calloutView];
[self replaceCalloutViewForCoordinates:marker.position inMap:mapView];
[mapView animateToLocation:[marker position]];
return [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:self.calloutView.frame];
return nil;
I've been dealing with a similar issue. I have a big annotation view with two buttons, so I need to detect touch on both of them.
Here is what I do. I create a fake UIView with the same size that my annotation, transparent and empty, which will be added as the info window.
Then, my info window is manually added to google maps + I replaced it each time the camera moves. Here is my code. Hope it will be helpful
#pragma mark - Google maps delegate
// The Google maps iOS SDK does not support yet the actions on annotation detail since it is render as an image (03/28)
// So, we are forced to provide a false annotation view + add our own and handles the repositining!
// Shame
- (void)replaceCalloutViewForCoordinates:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate inMap:(GMSMapView *)pMapView {
CLLocationCoordinate2D anchor = [pMapView.selectedMarker position];
CGPoint arrowPt = CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.calloutView.frame) / 2.0, CGRectGetHeight(self.calloutView.frame));
CGPoint pt = [pMapView.projection pointForCoordinate:anchor];
pt.x -= arrowPt.x;
pt.y -= arrowPt.y + [pMapView.selectedMarker icon].size.height /*height of POI Image*/;
self.calloutView.frame = (CGRect) {.origin = pt, .size = self.calloutView.frame.size };
- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)pMapView didChangeCameraPosition:(GMSCameraPosition *)position {
if (pMapView.selectedMarker != nil && self.calloutView.superview) {
[self replaceCalloutViewForCoordinates:[pMapView.selectedMarker position] inMap:pMapView];
} else {
[self.calloutView removeFromSuperview];
- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate {
[self.calloutView removeFromSuperview];
- (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoWindow:(GMSMarker *)marker {
if ([[marker userData][kShouldDisplayCallout] boolValue]) {
[self.calloutView removeFromSuperview];
self.calloutView = [[AnnotationDetailPOI alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
[self.calloutView displayPoint:[marker userData][kPointToDisplayOnCallout]];
self.calloutView.delegate = self;
[mapView addSubview:self.calloutView];
[self replaceCalloutViewForCoordinates:marker.position inMap:mapView];
[mapView animateToLocation:[marker position]];
return [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:self.calloutView.frame];
return nil;
} <> #10
Well, I think that a minimum support for that should be possible, similar to the standard iOS Apple's MapKit framework (and official Apple Maps app):
You know, at least one accessory button-view that you could add to a standard InfoWindow the same way you can use it in the standard Apple's framework.
Furthermore, I really believe that rendering the InfoWindow into a static GL texture is not the most powerful tool compared to having a UIView which you could, for example, animate to get user attention based on some new event...
You know, at least one accessory button-view that you could add to a standard InfoWindow the same way you can use it in the standard Apple's framework.
Furthermore, I really believe that rendering the InfoWindow into a static GL texture is not the most powerful tool compared to having a UIView which you could, for example, animate to get user attention based on some new event...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #11
I agree with that.
From what I saw, there are no rendering issue at all using my technic above (#9)
Besides what it is said on #10, we should get at least a UI response to a tap on the info window, or a tap on specific point of the info window (highlight).
Anyway, moving it to UIView is just fine in terms of performances, and is really more flexible for us to customize the info window
From what I saw, there are no rendering issue at all using my technic above (#9)
Besides what it is said on #10, we should get at least a UI response to a tap on the info window, or a tap on specific point of the info window (highlight).
Anyway, moving it to UIView is just fine in terms of performances, and is really more flexible for us to customize the info window
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #12
I would also like to see support for this issue. I strongly disagree with the project member's explanation that this is bad UI/UX design and frankly find that cop-out response insulting.
This functionality is common practice in Apple's Maps as well as in Google's own native maps application for iOS. Please do not try to hide the SDK's inadequacies by telling talented developers that we are probably just designing poor UIs.
Is this expected to be included in the next release?
This functionality is common practice in Apple's Maps as well as in Google's own native maps application for iOS. Please do not try to hide the SDK's inadequacies by telling talented developers that we are probably just designing poor UIs.
Is this expected to be included in the next release?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #13
I'm still stucked without that feature.
Any tips to add actions in custom infowindows ?
Any tips to add actions in custom infowindows ? <> #14
We made a video tutorial on how to implement custom info windows atop Google Maps for iOS SDK:
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #15
Brett - everybody knows how to return a UIView - the problem with the SDK as mentioned time and again is the lack of ability to uniquely interact with it. <> #16
I understand your desire to go above and beyond what is shown in that video, but Apple has placed limits on the interaction between UIKit and OpenGL views exposed in the publicly accessible APIs. <> #17
We ended up rolling our own implementation. We drop our own UIViewControllers to act as info windows when our users tap on a map marker. On my mobile now but happy to share the specific code later this evening if that's of interest <> #18
Still no buttons? <> #19
Any news in the regards?
@charlie, if you are still wiling to share your implementation, this would definitely help me.
@charlie, if you are still wiling to share your implementation, this would definitely help me.
Thanks! <> #20
I solved this issue by using SMCalloutView... Not 100% perfect but still better than nothing. <> #21
This should be the top issue! <> #22
We require high level of customization to the markerInfoWindow for one of our application, and it seems like there are limited number of options available for customizing stuff, and neither of that is useful for us.
I think there should be more enhanced way to customize the call out view / Map info view on markers. Because why would I be using another third party to resolve a simple issues.
Please suggest is there any way of getting more flexibility in Customizing the same.
I think there should be more enhanced way to customize the call out view / Map info view on markers. Because why would I be using another third party to resolve a simple issues.
Please suggest is there any way of getting more flexibility in Customizing the same. <> #23
As this issues was marked invalid over a year ago, I strongly suggest you raise a new feature request that details what you are attempting to achieve and what feature additions to Google Maps SDK for iOS would help you achieve that goal.
thanks! <> #24
I have the same issue I need to button action in custom info window in maps but I struck anyone got solution tell me <> #25
Voting +1 for this feature. <> #26
Voting +1 for this feature. <>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #27
Not being able to set a proper dark or light statusbar/toolbar icon color is breaking our app color design very bad.
+1 for this feature.
+1 for this feature. <> #28
Voting +1 for this feature.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #29
Estoy de acuerdo con este comentario, es molesto cuando el diseñador te levanta la mano porque no le convence el contraste de los colores y te es imposible responder con fundamento y suplir los criterios. Sería genial poder personalizar más esta sección. <> #30
This has been an issue for 6 years now. Why isn't Google dealing with it? If I'm to use Custom Tabs, I need to be able to change the toolbar text and color at will. <> #31
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However, for my app, the derived colors for both are noticeably different than the rest of my application. While the functionality of custom tabs is winning over the designer, they are not happy with the visual result.
Therefore, I'd like to be able to specify the status bar color to use with the custom tab (ie the primaryColorDark from my application). Seems reasonable if the developer doesn't specify a status bar color it uses the derived color as it does today.
As well I'd like to control the icon tint in the tool bar for the default "close" and "overflow" icons. While, specifying my own bitmap works around the "close" icon, the overflow icon tint is still controlled by the custom tab and may not match the overall theme.