Status Update
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2
Thank you for this feedback. The team may reach out for more information on triaging or reproducing this issue. <> #4
Same for me, macOS 10.12.2, 13" 2016 Macbook Pro w/ Touchbar
sdk tools: 25.2.4
platform-tools 25.0.3
fastboot version 0e9850346394-android
sdk tools: 25.2.4
platform-tools 25.0.3
fastboot version 0e9850346394-android
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
See the same issue, fastbook enters the process state of stuck on the new MacBook Pro w/Touchbar whenever it is run for anything over than the version command.
For me, it even prevents a clean reboot, eventually have to force power-cycle the machine.
For me, it even prevents a clean reboot, eventually have to force power-cycle the machine.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #6
I can reproduce this issue as well on Touch Bar MacBook Pro, and also when issue occurs Touch Bar is no longer responsive and stuck to terminal UI being displayed, instead of switching to front app. Also, unable to recover touch bar by fore quitting via activity monitor. Also cannot force quit fastboot when it is hung <> #7
Same for me. Adb works fine but fastboot hangs infinitely (New Macbook Pro 15, 2016 with touchbar). <> #8
can confirm this happens on my 15inch 2016macbook pro, even with USB hub.
Seems to get stuck in mach_msg_trap which also has the "benefit" of so freezing safari....
I have heard it will work with a vm so will try in Linux and see what happens..
Seems to get stuck in mach_msg_trap which also has the "benefit" of so freezing safari....
I have heard it will work with a vm so will try in Linux and see what happens.. <> #9
This is also a real problem for myself too. 2016 Macbook Pro with Touch Bar using USB-C to USB-C cable and using the latest platform-tools. ADB is fine, fastboot practically fucks my system requiring a hard reboot. <> <> #10
Same here, fastboot seems to cause the touchbar to no longer work.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #11
Confirmed on Macbook Touchbar. Any fastboot command forces me to hard reboot my entire computer. ADB seems fine. Guess it's time to break out my old linux. 😣 <> #13
I have the same issue but only when:
org.gradle.parallel = true
org.gradle.parallel = true <> #14
ek9852's fix has been merged, and will make it into the next platform tools release.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #15
I was able to bisect down to the Appsee apk in our symptomatic configuration. You can use the very latest setup docs and get a reproduction.
I've notified Appsee support but there was no commitment and they seem to believe that jack is still an exotic thing.
Poster above was including Fabric, which does include Appsee. Last time I tried changing Appsee jar's and had no luck. Seems all Appsee jars produce this issue
I also tested for sensitivity to org.gradle.parallel = true but this value did not matter.
I've notified Appsee support but there was no commitment and they seem to believe that jack is still an exotic thing.
Poster above was including Fabric, which does include Appsee. Last time I tried changing Appsee jar's and had no luck. Seems all Appsee jars produce this issue
I also tested for sensitivity to org.gradle.parallel = true but this value did not matter.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #16
Any idea when the next release of platform-tools will occur? <> #17
attached a project that reproduces the problem <> <> #18
kchq/vsiva: time to stop waiting for the atrace folks and just ship a new platform-tools? they've had two weeks now...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #19
we have a new build of platform-tools containing this fix, and it's going to QA now...
The error is
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:jillGoogleFreeDebugPackagedLibraries'.
> java.lang.AssertionError: A comparison has not been followed by an if
The odd thing is that I am getting different messages when building from the command line with --debug and with --stacktrace on. See the attached files for the messages for these two cases
AS version info
Android Studio 2.1
Build #AI-143.2790544, built on April 22, 2016
JRE: 1.8.0_25-b17 x86_64
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation
Mac OSX 10.11 (15A284)
Gradle version
Android SDK tools - 25.1.3