Status Update
Comments <> #2
can you share your android studio version <> #3
Is this happening with Studio 3.0? <> #4
Note: This worked for me on Windows 7 Pro 32-bit (with Android Studio 2.3.3). Seems like an issue with adt-branding module (which should contain the "/idea/AndroidStudioApplicationInfo.xml" resource). <> <> #5
Hi, also happened on Mac Book Pro 15 retina mi-2015
MacOs Sierra 10.12.6
Android Studio 2.3.3
java version "1.8.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_51-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.51-b03, mixed mode)
MacOs Sierra 10.12.6
Android Studio 2.3.3
java version "1.8.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_51-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.51-b03, mixed mode) <> #6
Thank you for this feedback. Your feedback helps make sure Android development tools are great! Given your issues has been resolved I am closing this issue. <> #7
I have same experience with 2.2.0-alpha2 and 2.1.0-alpha2. The thing is that some of the 9patches are good and some not. For example SwitchCompat's background is broken.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #8
I have the same issue with 2.2.0-alpha1 & 2.2.0-alpha2. When I go back to 2.1.0 the issue is gone.
I have a pretty standard tab layout from the design support library with icons in it, when I press a tab on Android 4.1 or 4.2 I see the 9 patch not correctly rendering (blurry black sides). I did try with a gradle clean & building the project again but same result.
<style name="AppTheme.TabLayout" parent="Widget.Design.TabLayout">
<item name="android:background">@color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="tabIndicatorColor">@color/white</item>
I have a pretty standard tab layout from the design support library with icons in it, when I press a tab on Android 4.1 or 4.2 I see the 9 patch not correctly rendering (blurry black sides). I did try with a gradle clean & building the project again but same result.
<style name="AppTheme.TabLayout" parent="Widget.Design.TabLayout">
<item name="android:background">@color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="tabIndicatorColor">@color/white</item>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #9
On Android 6.0 the images look correct though! I also checked if it was dependent on the density but that didn't seem to matter, both mdpi & xhdpi devices had the issue. <> #10
I managed to reproduce at least some of the issues here.
Simple 9-patch PNG (as described in my previous comment), relative layout taking the whole screen with the PNG as background.
Shows correctly on Android Studio 2.2.0 Preview 2 but does not show correctly on Marshmallow in emulator (see attached PNGs).
Simple 9-patch PNG (as described in my previous comment), relative layout taking the whole screen with the PNG as background.
Shows correctly on Android Studio 2.2.0 Preview 2 but does not show correctly on Marshmallow in emulator (see attached PNGs). <> #11
The message-bubbles 9patchs from the AOSP messaging app are showing the same issues when displayed as the background of a TextView. The preview is fine on Android Studio, but fails on a device or an emulator (I checked API 21 only). Behavior confirmed on 2.2.0-alpha1 and 2.2.0-alpha2, and works fine on 2.1.0. <> #12
Problem is related to an "optimization" (= bug) in aapt processing PNGs. We decided to keep the non-crunched PNGs if they were bigger than the original ones but that breaks 9-patch as seen in this bug.
In practice, this bugs shows up every time the 9-patch PNG processed by aapt is bigger than the original 9-patch PNG.
Problem is related to an "optimization" (= bug) in aapt processing PNGs. We decided to keep the non-crunched PNGs if they were bigger than the original ones but that breaks 9-patch as seen in this bug.
In practice, this bugs shows up every time the 9-patch PNG processed by aapt is bigger than the original 9-patch PNG. <> #17
Can you give us timeline for the next canary build or a temporary fix <> #18
Fix is in master. Should be released with Preview 4. <> #19
Can you give us timeline for the next fixed version of Android Plugin for Gradle? <> #20
No official release dates. The fix will be released in preview 4. Preview 3 was released yesterday. As said in , we release canary releases on a roughly weekly basis. <> #22
[Comment deleted] <> #23
I known the reason!
classpath ''
buildToolsVersion '23.0.2'
the version of the AndroidStudio.
Let's do a test.
If you change
classpath ''
classpath ''
But,if you still use the AndroidStudio 2.1.2,then the issue appears in the old version of AndroidStudio.
As this reason,you can think about why the AndroidStudio 2.2.0-alpha3 has this issue.
classpath ''
buildToolsVersion '23.0.2'
the version of the AndroidStudio.
Let's do a test.
If you change
classpath ''
classpath ''
But,if you still use the AndroidStudio 2.1.2,then the issue appears in the old version of AndroidStudio.
As this reason,you can think about why the AndroidStudio 2.2.0-alpha3 has this issue.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #24
Everyone knows this is the reason, and that it has been fixed in 2.2.0-alpha4. <> #25
I have not receive the update notice.
I have not receive the update notice.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #26
Look at comments #12 and #20 <> #27
However alpha4 is not out yet as of right now <> #30
@sufian It looks like the same bug as 212804. Merged that one here. Thanks for spotting the duplicate.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #31
Indeed, this is fixed for me in preview 4! :)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #32
Hello everyone ,
I am also facing same issue after updating my android studio 1.5 to 2.2.4 preview.
Before updating it all work well.
I got error in 9 patch image.
I got error like following :
--> Error:Image must be at least 3x3 (1x1 without frame) pixels. -
--> Error:Must have one-pixel frame that is either transparent or white. -
--> Error while executing 'D:\Android\android-sdk-windows\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\19.1.0\aapt.exe' with arguments {singleCrunch -i.....}
My Android Studio version : 2.2.4 preview
and : compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion '23.0.2'
and dependencies :
classpath ''
So, Please suggest me what is wrong or what is solution of it!!!
I am also facing same issue after updating my android studio 1.5 to 2.2.4 preview.
Before updating it all work well.
I got error in 9 patch image.
I got error like following :
--> Error:Image must be at least 3x3 (1x1 without frame) pixels. -
--> Error:Must have one-pixel frame that is either transparent or white. -
--> Error while executing 'D:\Android\android-sdk-windows\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\19.1.0\aapt.exe' with arguments {singleCrunch -i.....}
My Android Studio version : 2.2.4 preview
and : compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion '23.0.2'
and dependencies :
classpath ''
So, Please suggest me what is wrong or what is solution of it!!! <> #33
Try changing your buildToolsVersion to "24.0.0"
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #34
Getting same issue after changes buildToolsVersion to "24.0.0" and downloading some component of "24.0.0" <> #35
The issue was fixed for my by the above as well as setting compileSdkVersion to 24 and using 24.0.0 support library dependencies, but I wasn't sure if it was required.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #36
I tried all , but not getting success , getting same issue, i waste more time in this so currently just i put older version dependencies again and it work well again :( <> #37
I think you are hitting a different issue that this one. Could you file a separate bug and attach the PNG aapt is complaining about?
I think you are hitting a different issue that this one. Could you file a separate bug and attach the PNG aapt is complaining about?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #38
I will send you the image of error , it only occur after changing dependencies to new one , but if i put older one then it work well.
Please check my attached image.
Please check my attached image. <> #39
@nirav Continuing this one #214903 as this is a different issue.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #40
my one of 9patch image are following. <> #41
I still observe this issue with AndroidStudio 2.2 Preview 4 after updating Android Gradle plugin from 2.0.0 to 2.2.0-alpha4. AndroidStudio shows my 9 path images as "No marked region found along edge. Found along top edge.". Even if I draw them again opening the files from error messages - after Gradle rebuild the same issue appears.
Could you please fix this as it's blocking our app to build at all.
Could you please fix this as it's blocking our app to build at all.
Thanks <> #42
@misza two things:
1. With respect to the gradle plugin version, do you have something like this in the build.gradle:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
2. With respect to the 9-patch files not showing up, do you have your 9-patch files in src/main/res/drawble? If so, does the error studio show is when you open those files in studio?
1. With respect to the gradle plugin version, do you have something like this in the build.gradle:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
2. With respect to the 9-patch files not showing up, do you have your 9-patch files in src/main/res/drawble? If so, does the error studio show is when you open those files in studio? <> #43
Thanks for quick respond.
1. Yes, I have exactly the same lines in build.gradle
2. Res are placed under ..../res/drawable-nodpi. When I'm opening those files from file manager (not by opening full project) - it's all right with the resources. Also when I'm opening them using draw9patch - it's all right too. But when I'm opening the Gradle project - clean / build is failing and Android studio doesn't show any 9path settings in editor then.
1. Yes, I have exactly the same lines in build.gradle
2. Res are placed under ..../res/drawable-nodpi. When I'm opening those files from file manager (not by opening full project) - it's all right with the resources. Also when I'm opening them using draw9patch - it's all right too. But when I'm opening the Gradle project - clean / build is failing and Android studio doesn't show any 9path settings in editor then. <> #44
Could you run aapt to process the PNG manually? Here is the command line (please replace path for build tools with your machine's path):
~/android-sdk/build-tools/19.1.0/aapt s -i vpi__tab_unselected_focused_holo.9.png -o y.png
Also, can you try using build tools 23.0.3?
~/android-sdk/build-tools/19.1.0/aapt s -i vpi__tab_unselected_focused_holo.9.png -o y.png
Also, can you try using build tools 23.0.3? <> #45
Will do, and update the thread with the results.
Thanks <> #46
I've checked - and with build tools 23.0.3 it's all right with 9path issues validation.
The issue occurs with build tools "21.1.1" in my case.
$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/19.1.0/aapt s -i imege_in.9.png -o image_out.png
- converts 9.png image into .png, not sure if this can help.
As far as I understand - the fix is to use the latest build tools, right?
The issue occurs with build tools "21.1.1" in my case.
$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/19.1.0/aapt s -i imege_in.9.png -o image_out.png
- converts 9.png image into .png, not sure if this can help.
As far as I understand - the fix is to use the latest build tools, right?
Thanks <> #49
Hey, as I understand there is no way to fix this issue for build tools "21.1.1", right?
Thanks <> #50
Hi, yes, you have to use a more recent version of build tools. <> #51
@50 so this is fixed? If so, why is it marked as "future release" ?
1.8.0_76-release-b01x64 Oracle Corporation, Windows 7(amd64) v6.1 Service Pack 1 (1920x1080)
Before this (2.2 Preview 1), I wokred with Android stuidio 2.0 Beta 4 and everithing works well. After update I have problem with 9-inch PNG images. In 9-pathch editor, the image looks good (editor.png). But the image is not visible in layout editor (layouteditor.png - not visible in preview). In the application it is visible, but it looks like the 9-patch png is ignored and the image is just stretch to full size of component (see prtscreen.png).
Also the menu is shown badly. If I press the wardware menu button, the menu pops form bottom, but it should contains 2 menu iemte.. which text are shown, but the background is not matching the real menu (also the prtscreen.png file - see the bottom part of the image).