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1.8.0_91-b14x64 Oracle Corporation, Linux(amd64) v4.4.0-22-generic unknown (2560x1440, 2560x1440)
Ubuntu 16.04
I found that creating symlinks in directories corresponding to localized resources removes the symlink indicator from the file icon.
Steps to reproduce:
1 - Within an app, create a values-en-rAU directory.
2 - Create a strings.xml file somewhere else in the filesystem.
3 - Create a symlink to the file created in step 2 from values-en-rAU (step 1).
Expected outcome:
The icon of the file within Android Studio shows that the file is a symlink, as it happens, by showing the symlink indicator on top of the rest of the icon, as it occurs with regular, non-localized resources.
Actual icon:
The icon is just the country flag.