Feature Request P3
Status Update
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com>
yu...@google.com <yu...@google.com> #2
you can already select multiple items while holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and clicking on them
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #3
Thanks for your request. We will investigate this issue and see if we can implement the behavior you've requested.
yu...@google.com <yu...@google.com> #4
As an additional alternative, it should be possible to specify a label in the options for GmailApp.sendEmail().
A work-around is proposed in StackOverflow:http://stackoverflow.com/a/18727687/1677912
A work-around is proposed in StackOverflow:
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #5
Are there any news on adding the ability to archive and add a label to specific emails (not threads)? From a corporate shared mailbox perspective auto threading emails by subject is a serious issue (eg. we recive two emails from the same person with same subject but with different description).
Since it's available in pure mailbox view is that such a big effort to make it available also in Google Script?
Since it's available in pure mailbox view is that such a big effort to make it available also in Google Script?
yu...@google.com <yu...@google.com> #6
Looking forward to having this implemented. As has been mentioned automatic threading based on subject is a big no-no for our enterprise. We get automated reports and other documents sent to us by customers and suppliers and they are lumped together in threads making it very difficult for me to let Apps Script process them automatically since labels (i.e. outlook folders) have to be applied to entire threads (even though the messages in these threads often need to be treated differently).
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #7
Please add this function (and message.getlabel too) we need to scan message not only the thread.
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #8
Will there be any progress on this issue? Threading is great for humans, but if you are scripting, accessing and manipulating individual messages is MUCH more important, especially if it can be done from the normal user interface. Anything you can do to the thread you should be able to do at the message level.
yu...@google.com <yu...@google.com> #9