Status Update
Comments <> #2
Same here. I have links in a local html file referencing file:///android_res/drawable/ and on all gradle build flavors using another applicationId (added suffix) the Webview only shows broken links.
This behaviour seems not to be connected solely to Android 5.0 since it occurs on Android 4.4.4 too (tested with current cyanogenmod 11 build).
This behaviour seems not to be connected solely to Android 5.0 since it occurs on Android 4.4.4 too (tested with current cyanogenmod 11 build). <> #3
As a hotfix I added the following code to the gradle buildscript, which generates an additional with changed java package for every flavor. I don't like this solution though.
android.applicationVariants.all{ variant ->
copy {
from "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/"
into "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${ }/"
File rFile = file("${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${ }/")
String content = rFile.getText('UTF-8')
String newPackageName = "com.example.application.${ }";
content = content.replaceAll(/com.example.application/, newPackageName)
rFile.write(content, 'UTF-8')
android.applicationVariants.all{ variant ->
copy {
from "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/"
into "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${
File rFile = file("${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${
String content = rFile.getText('UTF-8')
String newPackageName = "com.example.application.${
content = content.replaceAll(/com.example.application/, newPackageName)
rFile.write(content, 'UTF-8')
} <> #4
I've recenly encountered this issue and I must say it's quite a nuisance. Searched half of the Internet just to find out that the problem lies in Gradle's applicationIdSuffix :). I think this bug should be reported to Android SDK Build Tools devs, because only they can do something about it. <> #5
IMHO it's the case of Android platform problem. Resources are packed, WebView tries to load them from wrong place. It's not build tools that put them in wrong place.
And by the way it's very frustrating bug.
And by the way it's very frustrating bug. <> #6
[Comment deleted] <> #7
[Comment deleted] <> #8
The applicationIdSuffix/packageName/etc seem to be a Gradle-specific concept that applies only at build time.
At runtime, the only way WebView has to identify your app is the actual package name of the APK, and that will be the full string with the suffix included. The package that was used at compile time when generating the R class is not stored in the APK, and there's not really any way for WebView to know what it was as far as I know.
At runtime, the only way WebView has to identify your app is the actual package name of the APK, and that will be the full string with the suffix included. The package that was used at compile time when generating the R class is not stored in the APK, and there's not really any way for WebView to know what it was as far as I know. <> #9
[Comment deleted] <> #10
Isn't the package name attribute in the root node of the AndroidManifest preserved when an app is packaged? That would be the correct package to use when loading the R class <> #11
I don't think so. You could check what's actually in your packaged APK with "aapt dump xmltree <apkfilename> AndroidManifest.xml" - if it's not there, then WebView can't get to it at runtime either.
I haven't actually checked this as I don't have an android studio project handy currently (will try soon) but I suspect that Gradle passes the app name with the suffix appended to aapt with --package-name, which causes aapt to replace the name specified in your manifest with the one on the command line. The original name doesn't end up in the APK at all.
I haven't actually checked this as I don't have an android studio project handy currently (will try soon) but I suspect that Gradle passes the app name with the suffix appended to aapt with --package-name, which causes aapt to replace the name specified in your manifest with the one on the command line. The original name doesn't end up in the APK at all. <> #12
OK, I tried this out in Gradle to check what the terms that it uses really correspond to when building a package, and also read the docs at
This has confirmed what I wrote in my previous comments, unfortunately. What Gradle calls the package name (the name of the package that your Java sources and R class are stored in) is *not* the APK's actual package name that gets set at build time, and is *not* stored anywhere at all or accessible at runtime whatsoever. The APK is solely identified by the application ID with the suffix added, and the original package name is overwritten in the manifest. Android itself does not have this concept of the package name and application ID being separate; it's just a build-time trick Gradle is doing for you.
So, unfortunately, it doesn't look like there is any way for WebView to reliably know where your R class is. We might be able to add an API for the app to specify this in a future version (though I'm not entirely sure how that would actually work; it'd probably have to be a static method on WebView?), but that won't help you for existing OS versions, we can't add new APIs retroactively.
I think your only short-term options are to not use applicationIdSuffix or to not use file:///android_res/ in WebView. You could instead use a different URL (one that isn't handled by WebView itself), intercept it with shouldInterceptRequest, and provide the data by reading it from your resources yourself. I understand that that's not very convenient, but it seems like the only actual option here that works right now.
One thing WebView could do which would work in *some* cases is to just try to strip off components from the package name if the R class isn't found, going up one package at a time until we find it. That would work if you've just added a suffix like ".debug" - we'd fail to find com.example.debug.R and then try com.example.R instead. That still wouldn't work for any case where the package name is totally different, though (which gradle permits you to do). I'll look into whether this is safe to do and if so we could maybe add this in a future webview update, but it still won't fix the problem for users of pre-Lollipop Android versions (who don't get WebView updates), or for users who just don't have the latest webview update installed, so you're going to have to work around this problem in your app anyway to continue supporting those devices. :/
This has confirmed what I wrote in my previous comments, unfortunately. What Gradle calls the package name (the name of the package that your Java sources and R class are stored in) is *not* the APK's actual package name that gets set at build time, and is *not* stored anywhere at all or accessible at runtime whatsoever. The APK is solely identified by the application ID with the suffix added, and the original package name is overwritten in the manifest. Android itself does not have this concept of the package name and application ID being separate; it's just a build-time trick Gradle is doing for you.
So, unfortunately, it doesn't look like there is any way for WebView to reliably know where your R class is. We might be able to add an API for the app to specify this in a future version (though I'm not entirely sure how that would actually work; it'd probably have to be a static method on WebView?), but that won't help you for existing OS versions, we can't add new APIs retroactively.
I think your only short-term options are to not use applicationIdSuffix or to not use file:///android_res/ in WebView. You could instead use a different URL (one that isn't handled by WebView itself), intercept it with shouldInterceptRequest, and provide the data by reading it from your resources yourself. I understand that that's not very convenient, but it seems like the only actual option here that works right now.
One thing WebView could do which would work in *some* cases is to just try to strip off components from the package name if the R class isn't found, going up one package at a time until we find it. That would work if you've just added a suffix like ".debug" - we'd fail to find com.example.debug.R and then try com.example.R instead. That still wouldn't work for any case where the package name is totally different, though (which gradle permits you to do). I'll look into whether this is safe to do and if so we could maybe add this in a future webview update, but it still won't fix the problem for users of pre-Lollipop Android versions (who don't get WebView updates), or for users who just don't have the latest webview update installed, so you're going to have to work around this problem in your app anyway to continue supporting those devices. :/ <> #13
I've filed to track potentially handling the suffix case in the WebView code, but note that as I said, this will only fix it for users with the latest WebView on Android 5.0+ devices, and so you will need to still work around this in your application if you want it to work on any other devices. <> #14
#11 thanks for explanation
I think the whole scheme file:///android_res/ ideally should be deprecated in favor to android.content.ContentResolver.SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE, which allows specify package and resId and used everywhere in Android except WebView.
What do you think?
I think the whole scheme file:///android_res/ ideally should be deprecated in favor to android.content.ContentResolver.SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE, which allows specify package and resId and used everywhere in Android except WebView.
What do you think? <> #15
Perhaps, but again, we can't add that for existing users without updatable WebView versions, so even if we did add it, it wouldn't really solve the problem for your apps since ~2/3 of the android device population doesn't get webview updates yet: <> #16
WebView 53 and onward will attempt to strip package name components from the app package name until it finds an R class, which will deal with the simplest cases here (applicationIdSuffix appending a suffix to the base name), but not other cases where the package name is unrelated to the R class name.
This won't fix it for users with pre-L android versions, or who don't upgrade to at least WebView 53 once it's released, though, so you will not be able to rely on this as a full workaround :/
This won't fix it for users with pre-L android versions, or who don't upgrade to at least WebView 53 once it's released, though, so you will not be able to rely on this as a full workaround :/ <> #17
Awesome! That updatable webview is one of the best thing you guys have done is the last couple of years! <> #18
Well, this doesn't really solve your actual problem (for years yet), as I said, since there's still a significant population of pre-L devices that you probably want to keep supporting, and not all L+ devices will ever get upgraded to a sufficiently recent WebView, but yes, the fact that we can do this at all is useful :) <> #19
Well I my problem was with dev build, and I do most of the development on
L+ devices so, it might not solve the real issue, but it is sufficient for
me :)
L+ devices so, it might not solve the real issue, but it is sufficient for
me :) <> #20
[Comment deleted] <> #21 <> #22
I'm fixing this upstream on .
I'm going to close this bug as we aren't planning to do anything further to address this issue beyond the change made some time ago in #16 (and fixing it again after it broke in a more recent version)
I'm going to close this bug as we aren't planning to do anything further to address this issue beyond the change made some time ago in #16 (and fixing it again after it broke in a more recent version) <> #24
طوفان <> #25
طوفان <> #26
android { defaultConfig { applicationId "com.example.myapp" minSdkVersion 15 targetSdkVersion 24 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } ... android { defaultConfig { applicationId "com.example.myapp" minSdkVersion 15 targetSdkVersion 24 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } All this is fraud and money was stolen <> #27
Issue solved <> #28
Good <> #29
Thank you so much. <> #30
That's <> #31
Android emulator version (build_id 3705733) right version <> #32
I see Avast antivirus running on the Task Manager screenshot. Could you please try disabling its realtime protection (or whatever it's called in it) and running the emulator without it? We've upgraded QEMU engine from 2.2 to 2.7 in the released version, and that may play bad with antivirus.
It's long shot, but as I'm out of ideas as of now I'd really love to give it a try.
Another option would be to change the AVD's CPU count to 1 and try it that way
It's long shot, but as I'm out of ideas as of now I'd really love to give it a try.
Another option would be to change the AVD's CPU count to 1 and try it that way <> #33
Does the problem still exist with emulator 26.0.0? <> #34 <> #35
I have same problem
Win10 x64
i5 4670
ram 24gb
Nvidia 970
Android Studio 2.3
Emulator 26
Latest Android 7.1 x86 image
Latest HAXM with enabled virtualization
This issue happened about 3 weeks ago.
What i tried:
- disabled Avast
- Roll back to AS 2.2
- upgrade to AS 2.4 alpha
- tried all Windows update manipulations (such uninstalling, upgrading latest KB patches)
- tested host OS with benchmarks to be sure it is not an OS performance issue
- tried -no-audio param for Emulator
all without success
here is top results:
1636 1 22% S 87 1179000K 104232K fg system system_server
2406 1 16% S 65 1333040K 114996K fg u0_a7
2000 1 13% D 48 1164636K 86964K fg u0_a7
2767 1 5% S 19 1134632K 62852K fg u0_a7
1242 0 3% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/0:1H
4 0 2% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/0:0
1358 1 2% S 12 138352K 12052K fg media /system/bin/mediaserver
2077 1 2% S 14 998800K 37376K bg u0_a2 android.process.acore
2018 1 2% S 30 1022312K 46920K fg radio
1349 0 1% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/0:2
and when trying to scroll Launcher:
2025 1 24% S 18 1037796K 58136K fg u0_a64
1267 1 23% S 13 55612K 3916K fg system /system/bin/surfaceflinger
1636 1 15% S 84 1147580K 97280K fg system system_server
1349 0 2% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/0:2
1272 1 1% S 6 10800K 688K fg root /sbin/adbd
1780 0 1% S 25 1037560K 66900K fg u0_a13
12 1 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root ksoftirqd/1
4023 0 0% R 1 4236K 1108K fg root top
13 1 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/1:0
8 1 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root rcu_preempt
as you can see there is unusual high cpu activity which i didn't observe early.
here is simple list scroll result:
usually these bars don't exceed the navbar height
windows qemu-system-i386.exe process eats ~15% in idle and 65-70% when scrolling/flinging any app inside the emulator. which is unusual too.
if you need additional degug info - let me know
Win10 x64
i5 4670
ram 24gb
Nvidia 970
Android Studio 2.3
Emulator 26
Latest Android 7.1 x86 image
Latest HAXM with enabled virtualization
This issue happened about 3 weeks ago.
What i tried:
- disabled Avast
- Roll back to AS 2.2
- upgrade to AS 2.4 alpha
- tried all Windows update manipulations (such uninstalling, upgrading latest KB patches)
- tested host OS with benchmarks to be sure it is not an OS performance issue
- tried -no-audio param for Emulator
all without success
here is top results:
1636 1 22% S 87 1179000K 104232K fg system system_server
2406 1 16% S 65 1333040K 114996K fg u0_a7
2000 1 13% D 48 1164636K 86964K fg u0_a7
2767 1 5% S 19 1134632K 62852K fg u0_a7
1242 0 3% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/0:1H
4 0 2% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/0:0
1358 1 2% S 12 138352K 12052K fg media /system/bin/mediaserver
2077 1 2% S 14 998800K 37376K bg u0_a2 android.process.acore
2018 1 2% S 30 1022312K 46920K fg radio
1349 0 1% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/0:2
and when trying to scroll Launcher:
2025 1 24% S 18 1037796K 58136K fg u0_a64
1267 1 23% S 13 55612K 3916K fg system /system/bin/surfaceflinger
1636 1 15% S 84 1147580K 97280K fg system system_server
1349 0 2% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/0:2
1272 1 1% S 6 10800K 688K fg root /sbin/adbd
1780 0 1% S 25 1037560K 66900K fg u0_a13
12 1 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root ksoftirqd/1
4023 0 0% R 1 4236K 1108K fg root top
13 1 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kworker/1:0
8 1 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root rcu_preempt
as you can see there is unusual high cpu activity which i didn't observe early.
here is simple list scroll result:
usually these bars don't exceed the navbar height
windows qemu-system-i386.exe process eats ~15% in idle and 65-70% when scrolling/flinging any app inside the emulator. which is unusual too.
if you need additional degug info - let me know <> #36
I've just found the reason of lags. Avast antivirus. To resolve issue you should UNINSTALL it. Just disabling is not enough. Spent few weeks to realize this :) <> #37
Thank you so much for the update!
We'll keep researching to understand how to speed up our emulator when running with Avast; what we know is that avast hooks into the APIs QEMU uses to read and write disk images, and this slows it down by 10-100x. For now I'm closing this bug with a workaround you found (disable Avast) as a fix. I'll create another bug to make it clear it's about Avast coexistence
We'll keep researching to understand how to speed up our emulator when running with Avast; what we know is that avast hooks into the APIs QEMU uses to read and write disk images, and this slows it down by 10-100x. For now I'm closing this bug with a workaround you found (disable Avast) as a fix. I'll create another bug to make it clear it's about Avast coexistence
Last day emulator worked good, but with toay update it bocome extremely slow. And eating cpu even when standby. I've tested different images but result remain the same. Again: this problem of last builds only, day ago all worked fast.
Build: 2.2.3, AI-145.3537739, 20161202,
1.8.0_76-release-b03x64 Oracle Corporation, Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 (1920x1080)
IMPORTANT: Please read