Status Update
Comments <> #2
We use build flavours heavily with a lot of common code. The refactoring support in AS is really good but it continually catches us out when it doesn't work across all flavours in a project. It's a big gap for serious product development. <> <> #3
We at my company need this same feature. We have a lot of white labels and need refactor the same class across flavours. :( <> #5
+1, I need this very badly <> <> #7
Can we atleast know the status of the issue please? Will it be fixed or is it in low priority. It's been 4 years. <> #8
We are currently investigating possibly solutions. <> #9
+1 This will exclude a lot of unnecessary work. In my work I have 25 flavours. :(
Build #AI-145.3537739, built on December 2, 2016
JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-b05 x86_64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Using the code below with Proguard & shrinkResources removes the R.raw.sound (an MP3)
Uri uri = Uri.parse(ContentResolver.SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE + "://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.sound);
Notification noti = new Notification.Builder().setSound(uri);
In the resouces.txt
Skipped unused resource res/raw/sound.mp3: 270837 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 0 bytes)
Decompiled code: Uri will be inlined and becomes like this.
...setSound(Uri.parse("android.resource://" + this.getPackageName() + "/2131034112"));