Mentioned issues (2)
Links (18)
“ :(trap REW) snoitcurtsni s'ereh ,hsarc no elif pmudinim a etareneg nac enO ”
“ ) dapkaerB etargetni ot eb dluow noitpo rehtO ); it will take much longer but would allow for automatic / user-initiated crash information submission ”
“ rehtehw wonk enoyna seod .srddakcos owt eht neewteb ecnereffid eht tuo stnirp yllautca taht dliub a nur ot uoy ksa ot evah thgim ew taht yrrow i) .ereh no gniog s'tahw tuo krow nac eh fi ees ot oagmj ot gningissaer can trace network operations?) ”
“ ot gniggol lanoitidda htiw dliub gubed a dedaolpu ev'I (too big to attach to the bug), could you try replacing your adb.exe with this and posting the output it gives? ”
“ yllufepoh will address this. we'll have a build with that change for you to try soon... ”