Mentioned issues (4)
Links (24)
“ - (daehllub) X5 suxeN rof Q91CHM ”
“ - (daehllub) X5 suxeN rof T62F4N ”
“ - (D410X_SUSA) oG enoFneZ susA rof ”
“ pre-sizes the vector, which should be enough to undo the regression from '.3 to '.4... ”
“ switches "adb sideload" over to lseek/read. the time difference isn't measurable, but the memory requirements are then down to just 64KiB. ”
“ :ereh noisrev sloot mroftalp reilrae eht dnif nac uoY ”
“ ) 31 ateB nepO ,3 sulPenO ,melborp emaS ), reverting to the platform-tools in #17 and using Large Address Aware 2.0.4 ( let me sideload with vanilla Oxygen Recovery (without LAA flag, it just says cannot read ”
“ ) 4.0.2 erawA sserddA egraL gnisu dna 71# ni sloot-mroftalp eht ot gnitrever ,(/31_atebnepo_sonegyxo_3_sulpeno/3-sulpeno/ten.sulpeno.sdaolnwod//:ptth) 31 ateB nepO ,3 sulPenO ,melborp emaS ) let me sideload with vanilla Oxygen Recovery (without LAA flag, it just says cannot read ”
“ morf elbaliava .gninrom siht desaeler saw 5.0.52 now. ”
“ :ereh snoitcurtsni laiciffo eht ot pets taht dda dluohs uoY .dekrow ti nehT .enohp ym tcennocer dna gulpnu ot daH .detcennoc secived on dah I ”