Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Comment has been deleted. <> #3
Thanks for the post!
Upon checking, it appears that this is a duplicate of <> #4
This request seems to be associated with having Street View integrated with 3D Maps, re-opening to track it.
# What would you like to see us add to this API?
Integration of Google StreetView to help with immersive experiences.
-See Chapter 3:
-Right now using CSS to toggle a fade out/in on "map-container" around the 3 minute mark
# Please describe how the feature should work:
Incorporate StreetView API were camera can fly to a streetView pano
# Please give a use case or explain where and why you need this feature:
-See Chapter 3:
-Right now using CSS to toggle a fade out/in on "map-container" around the 3 minute mark