Status Update
bl...@google.com <bl...@google.com> #2
- Summary: The Directory API's users.list method is inconsistently returning a nextPageToken when using the query parameter, and the starts with operator is not working for the orgDepartment field.
- Tags:
,directory-api ,users-list ,next-page-token ,query-parameter ,org-department starts-with-operator
Additional resources:
https://issuetracker.google.com/savedsearches/566232?hl=it https://developers.google.com/drive/api/reference/rest/v3/files/list https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/.../manage-users https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/.../list https://stackoverflow.com/.../want-admindirectory-users-list-more-then-500... https://stackoverflow.com/.../drive-list-files-doesnt-have-nextpagetoken-wh... https://stackoverflow.com/.../how-to-resolve-the-missing-information-probl...
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #3
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HI got the the message below, and signed in several times which gets me nowhere.
I DO want to keep my account, especially as it is connected to my you tube channel, and I have been using you tube, for example, so I don't see why the system says I have not used google for 180 days ... PLEASE CHECK THAT THERE IS NO BUG, thank you
Take action now to keep your organization’s account and data Hello,
We have some important information about your Google Workspace account for the organization Mahayana Isabelle Dugast Ph.D., which we identified by the following information:
Customer ID: 04kbvr4k
Domain name: drdugast.com
It looks like you haven’t used this account in the past 180 days.
Unless you take an action described below, Google will close your account and delete your account data on or after Oct 16, 2024.
Want to keep your account? To keep your account:
Before Oct 16, 2024, sign in to your Google Admin console. After you sign in, we’ll know that you’re still using the account. In the next 7 days, look for an email from us letting you know that your account is no longer targeted for deletion.