Status Update
Comments <> #3
Tried creating new project with your example, works fine.
Yet, on my main project I still get these warnings. Compiles and works fine. On Android studio 2.3 there are no warnings.
Anything I can do to help you reproduce this issue?
Yet, on my main project I still get these warnings. Compiles and works fine. On Android studio 2.3 there are no warnings.
Anything I can do to help you reproduce this issue? <> #4
interesting , can u share your gradle config to triage this issue .
just to test ,can you clear your ..AndroidStudioPreview2.4 folder and resync project
just to test ,can you clear your ..AndroidStudioPreview2.4 folder and resync project <> #5
Our complete build.gradle -
I'v only changed sensitive information to *****.
Tried resyncing project and clean/rebuild. Still the same
I'v only changed sensitive information to *****.
Tried resyncing project and clean/rebuild. Still the same <> #6
Resyncing the project shouldn't make a difference, but can you try File > Invalidate Caches and Restart? <> #7
Just tried File > Invalide Cashes and restart. The result is the same, lint error still shown everywhere with setVisibility method <> #8
I'v also tried creating another base activity without any functionality from our own, and it also got marked the same lint error.
So I guess that this error may lie somewhere in project configuration, as creating new project with the same class shows no lint error
So I guess that this error may lie somewhere in project configuration, as creating new project with the same class shows no lint error <> <> #9
Just tried Android studio Preview 6. And also noticed that in my project toasts get marked with the same "must be one.." messages. So I guess this could be related <> #10
I am also getting this issue for the View.* constants - is there anything I can send to aid troubleshooting? <> #11
I get exacty the same problem ('Must be one of:' lint error) with TOAST.x, Context.x and ActivityInfo.x, I'm also on Android Studio 2.4 preview 6. All projects compile successfully inspite of the error. <> #12
Same here, Lint shows errors on all constants in both of my projects. <> #13
I have this issue as well. view.setVisibility(View.GONE) is showing this, I tried going in and using the autocompleted values, but still get this warning, even though everything compiles and runs correctly. <> #14
I have the same issue on Preview 6. view.setVisibility(View.GONE) is showing this. <> #15
Can somebody who is seeing this locate the "jdk.table.xml" file in their settings directory (for example, on a Mac the path is ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudioPreview2.4/options/jdk.table.xml ) and attach it here?
And better yet, if possible check the contents. For example, if your project's compileSdkVersion is 25, then look in that file for a section that looks like this:
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 25 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<homePath value="$USER_HOME$/dev/sdks" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$USER_HOME$/dev/sdks/platforms/android-25/android.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/dev/sdks/platforms/android-25/data/res" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url=" " />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/dev/sdks/sources/android-25" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-25" />
The part I'm especially interested in is this line:
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
That's where the metadata for these annotations should be coming from. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with that file -- either that it's missing, or that it's pointing to the wrong thing, ... I'm not seeing this problem on our end so I'm kind of shooting in the dark.
And better yet, if possible check the contents. For example, if your project's compileSdkVersion is 25, then look in that file for a section that looks like this:
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 25 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<homePath value="$USER_HOME$/dev/sdks" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$USER_HOME$/dev/sdks/platforms/android-25/android.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/dev/sdks/platforms/android-25/data/res" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/dev/sdks/sources/android-25" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-25" />
The part I'm especially interested in is this line:
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
That's where the metadata for these annotations should be coming from. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with that file -- either that it's missing, or that it's pointing to the wrong thing, ... I'm not seeing this problem on our end so I'm kind of shooting in the dark. <> #16
Still reproducible in Preview 6 <> #17
<component name="ProjectJdkTable">
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 23 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<homePath value="C:\Users\Algirdas\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-23/android.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-23/data/res" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/docs/reference" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/sources/android-23" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-23" />
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 19 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<homePath value="C:\Users\Algirdas\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-19/android.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-19/data/res" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/docs/reference" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/sources/android-19" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-19" />
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 21 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<version value="java version "1.8.0_76-release"" />
<homePath value="C:\Users\Algirdas\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/docs/reference" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/sources/android-21" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-21" />
<jdk version="2">
<name value="1.8" />
<type value="JavaSDK" />
<version value="java version "1.8.0_76-release"" />
<homePath value="$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/jdkAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/charsets.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/access-bridge-64.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/cldrdata.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/jaccess.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/nashorn.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/sunmscapi.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/jce.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/jsse.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/management-agent.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/resources.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/rt.jar!/" />
<root type="composite" />
<root type="composite" />
<additional />
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 25 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<homePath value="C:\Users\Algirdas\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-25/android.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-25/data/res" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/docs/reference" />
<root type="composite" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-25" />
<component name="ProjectJdkTable">
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 23 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<homePath value="C:\Users\Algirdas\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-23/android.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-23/data/res" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/docs/reference" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/sources/android-23" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-23" />
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 19 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<homePath value="C:\Users\Algirdas\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-19/android.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-19/data/res" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/docs/reference" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/sources/android-19" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-19" />
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 21 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<version value="java version "1.8.0_76-release"" />
<homePath value="C:\Users\Algirdas\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/docs/reference" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/sources/android-21" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-21" />
<jdk version="2">
<name value="1.8" />
<type value="JavaSDK" />
<version value="java version "1.8.0_76-release"" />
<homePath value="$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/jdkAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/charsets.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/access-bridge-64.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/cldrdata.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/jaccess.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/nashorn.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/sunmscapi.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/jce.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/jsse.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/management-agent.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/resources.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/jre/jre/lib/rt.jar!/" />
<root type="composite" />
<root type="composite" />
<additional />
<jdk version="2">
<name value="Android API 25 Platform" />
<type value="Android SDK" />
<homePath value="C:\Users\Algirdas\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-25/android.jar!/" />
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platforms/android-25/data/res" />
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="file://$USER_HOME$/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/docs/reference" />
<root type="composite" />
<additional jdk="1.8" sdk="android-25" />
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #18
I had this issue for the last few weeks, just checked my jdk.table.xml file and the annotationsPath was correct. Invalidating caches and restarting AS fixed the issue for me.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #19
I had this issue for the last few weeks, just checked my jdk.table.xml file and the annotationsPath was correct. Invalidating caches and restarting AS fixed the issue for me. <> #20
Yes, I was pretty certain that invalidate caches would fix this, but comment #7 says that it didn't. Is anyone else seeing that? <> #21
it doesn't work after invalidate caches in AS2.4 Preview 7
still warn Must be one of
still warn Must be one of
mSearchNonResult.setVisibility(View.GONE); <> #22
I see the annotations jar:
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
Did an invalidate caches and restart for Android Studios, but that didn't resolve the warnings for me. We're talking about that, and not the Gradle cache, right?
<root type="composite">
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
Did an invalidate caches and restart for Android Studios, but that didn't resolve the warnings for me. We're talking about that, and not the Gradle cache, right? <> #23
Android Studio 3.0 Canary 1
Build #AI-171.4010489, built on May 16, 2017
JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-736 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
Same issue with (as far as I can tell) every annotation constant. Invalidate Cache - Restart, did not help.
Three cases provided in screenshot form.
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
Jar file attached.
Build #AI-171.4010489, built on May 16, 2017
JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-736 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
Same issue with (as far as I can tell) every annotation constant. Invalidate Cache - Restart, did not help.
Three cases provided in screenshot form.
<root type="simple" url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/plugins/android/lib/androidAnnotations.jar!/" />
Jar file attached. <> #24
I'm totally mystified as to how this can happen. I've added some additional logging in the code which should help narrow down the problem. This went in this morning, too late for canary 2 (which is going to be released shortly assuming no last-minute surprises), so it will be in 3.0 canary 3. I'll ping this issue once it's available; you'll want to set the environment variable LINT_TRACE_TYPEDEF_ERRORS=true in the environment before launching Studio sometime before that.) <> #25
I tried it in a new project and could repro when compiling against 'O', but not when compiling against 25.
Attached are two build.gradle files for the app module. However, I was not able to repro the error when using view.setVisibility(), but was able to when using Calendar.getInstance().get()
Let me know if I can help in testing it out further. Any logs that you want, or if you want me to try a custom build.
Attached are two build.gradle files for the app module. However, I was not able to repro the error when using view.setVisibility(), but was able to when using Calendar.getInstance().get()
Let me know if I can help in testing it out further. Any logs that you want, or if you want me to try a custom build. <> #26
Deepanshu, thank you for that clue about android-O! The trick to reproducing this seems to be to have a project where you're mixing compilation targets. With that I was able to track it down; what ends up happening is that there are two separate instances of the "same" field; one for android-O and one for android-25 (in my case) and the comparison fails.
There are two issues here; first, there's a problem somewhere which leads to both sets of classes being on the symbol resolution path in this analysis context, but even after I fix that, I also want to fix the second problem, which is that the comparison should be more robust: instead of just calling equals on the PsiField instances, I want to compare by qualified name such that it's resilient enough to consider java.util.Calendar#DAY_OF_WEEK in android-25 a match for java.util.Calendar#DAY_OF_WEEK in android-O.
I'll have this fixed for canary 3.
Thanks everyone for your help in tracking this down and for your patience.
There are two issues here; first, there's a problem somewhere which leads to both sets of classes being on the symbol resolution path in this analysis context, but even after I fix that, I also want to fix the second problem, which is that the comparison should be more robust: instead of just calling equals on the PsiField instances, I want to compare by qualified name such that it's resilient enough to consider java.util.Calendar#DAY_OF_WEEK in android-25 a match for java.util.Calendar#DAY_OF_WEEK in android-O.
I'll have this fixed for canary 3.
Thanks everyone for your help in tracking this down and for your patience. <> #27
Fixed for canary 3 by Change-Id: Ida327d8b03b7df4b01acb96191b00bc4e7a2eb66 <> #28
FYI 3.0 canary 3 is out now so the fix is available.