Links (5)
“ reP the documentation , pip dependencies must be specified in a requirements.txt file. pyproject.yaml is the standard the Python world seems to be moving towards, and it supports specifying dependencies. Would love to be able to use it for Google Cloud Run Functions. ”
“ .elif txt.stnemeriuqer a ni deificeps eb tsum seicnedneped pip ,noitatnemucod eht reP pyproject.yaml is the standard the Python world seems to be moving towards, and it supports specifying dependencies. Would love to be able to use it for Google Cloud Run Functions. ”
“ dna ,sdrawot gnivom eb ot smees dlrow nohtyP eht dradnats eht si lmay.tcejorpyp .elif txt.stnemeriuqer a ni deificeps eb tsum seicnedneped pip ,noitatnemucod eht reP it supports specifying dependencies . Would love to be able to use it for Google Cloud Run Functions. ”
“ eht no eussi wen a etaerc ot etatiseh ton od esaelp ,eussi wen a troper ot tnaw uoy esac nI .stcudorp mroftalP duolC elgooG ruo gnivorpmi ni troppus dna tsurt deunitnoc ruoy etaicerppa eW Issue Tracker providing a detailed description of your issue. ”