Status Update
Comments <> #2
peconn@ could you share thoughts on this feature request? <> #3
Whether we'd want to add this to the library depends on whether browsers would be willing to support it, so +chrome-connective-tissue (the owners of Chrome's implementation of Custom Tabs). <> <> #4
Could the requestor please describe the scenario that requires the data protection / screenshot blocking?
Is this first party content that you are trying to protect? Are you trying to disable screenshotting in all scenarios or just a few?
Also, what is the nature of your app and what is it trying to achieve with the use of CCT?
Those details can better help us understand how widespread this request/need might be, and prioritize it appropriately.
Is this first party content that you are trying to protect? Are you trying to disable screenshotting in all scenarios or just a few?
Also, what is the nature of your app and what is it trying to achieve with the use of CCT?
Those details can better help us understand how widespread this request/need might be, and prioritize it appropriately.
Version used: 1.8.0
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: N/A
Our team is considering to migrate native logic to web using CustomTabActivity.
Only concern is 'Disabling screenshot' because we can't use FLAG_SECURE to external activity.
It would be good if CustomTabsIntent.Builder supports something like setScreenshotEnabled() or general addWindowFlags().