Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have this issue with my 8Pro on both sides <> #3
I have this issue with my 8Pro on both sides <> #4
I have this issue on my 8 pro from the right side <> #5
Same issue on pixel 8 pro, especially with thumbs <> #6
I have the exact the same issue as soon as I updated to Android 15 on P8P. <> #7
Also experiencing this issue <> #8
I have the same issue. <> #9
I'm also experiencing this. <> #10
To all: Could you please also hit the +1 button at the top to mark here as well that you are affected. Thank you very much <> #11
Same here (P8P). Driving me nuts <> #12
Same issue on my P8P with tempered glass screen protector, especially from the right side. Used to work flawlessly pre-Android 15 <> #13
I have a Pixel 8 Pro and I have the same issue, no problems before Android 15. <> #14
I'm also having this issue with my 8 Pro since the update to Android 15. <> #15
Also having the same issue since 15 update. 8 Pro with tempered glass screen protector. <> #16
Same issue. P8 pro <> #17
I am DEFINITELY experiencing critical gesture navigation issues, on both sides of the screen, on my Pixel 8 Pro...with AND without screen protectors. <> #18
I'm counting 16 already affected people, but only 7 hit the + button :) <> #19
Same issue on pixel 8 pro <> #20
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
What steps are needed to reproduce this issue? Frequency of occurrence?
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Screen Record of the Issue
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adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4
Subsequently use following command to pull the recorded file:
adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
Attach the file to this issue.
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
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Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
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What steps are needed to reproduce this issue? Frequency of occurrence?
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Screen Record of the Issue
Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps:
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4
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adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
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Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Alternate method
Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Note: Please upload the bug report and screenshot to google drive and share the folder to, then share the link here. <> #21
What steps are needed to reproduce this issue?
> For me: Using the back gesture on my P8P with glass screen protector. Sensitivity is low and display protector modus is activated.
Frequency of occurrence?
> Always
Are you reporting this as a Developer or User?
> I am a user and I think all others who are reporting the same here are as well users.
Screen Record of the Issue
Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps:
> I already tried it with the built in screen capture feature, but it is not possible. How to record something, when the screen does not response?
> For me: Using the back gesture on my P8P with glass screen protector. Sensitivity is low and display protector modus is activated.
Frequency of occurrence?
> Always
Are you reporting this as a Developer or User?
> I am a user and I think all others who are reporting the same here are as well users.
Screen Record of the Issue
Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps:
> I already tried it with the built in screen capture feature, but it is not possible. How to record something, when the screen does not response? <> #22
My impression is: sensitivity is fine.
Starting with Android 15 however the initial movement needs to be a lot quicker to reliably identify the back gesture.
With Android 14 it almost didn't matter how slow you moved from the Edge.
Starting with Android 15 however the initial movement needs to be a lot quicker to reliably identify the back gesture.
With Android 14 it almost didn't matter how slow you moved from the Edge. <> #23
Sorry, but I am not able to confirm that the speed does matter for me.
So even with a quicker movement from any side does not end in a more reliable back gesture swipe.
So even with a quicker movement from any side does not end in a more reliable back gesture swipe. <> #24
yes, definitely there is lag in back gesture, noticed it immediately <> #25
My pixel 8 pro is experiencing the same issue after upgrading to Android 15. Back gesture from right or left side of the screen it's extremely difficult to work. I had no issues before upgrading. <> #26
Experiencing the same issue. Pixel 8 pro <> #27
Having this issue on my Pixel 8 Pro. <> #28
I'm having this issue as well on my 8 pro, left side mostly. <> #29
Same experience on my pixel 8 oro after updating to Android 15. I noticed it immediately and it is extremely frustrating. Especially since it worked so good before. <> #30
This is how HORRIBLE the update is. Please send a hotfix to fix it because the phone is unusable. This is a P8P. <> #31
Also having this issue on pixel 8 pro. But, also had fingerprint issues from day 1.
Had to turn on the 3 buttons.
Had to turn on the 3 buttons. <> #32
As Vipin mentioned above, can you please provide a bugreport (captured after reproducing the issue)? <> #33
I am having this too. P8P. What did all the beta testers do? Such a basic mishap is unacceptable for such a high price phone. I am thinking about resetting back to 14 even if it means I loose some data. <> #34 <> #35
I don't want to share my bug report here in public because of sensitive data which is probably in that report...
I sent that report to
I sent that report to <> #36
have this issue with my 8Pro on both sides <> #37
Both sides and also bottom <> #38
Ich habe das Problem auf meinem 6a! <> #39
Same issue here on my Pixel 8 Pro <> #40
Same problem. Here as well. Mostly left side, right side seems unaffected <> #41
Same problem wtih P8P since final Android 15 yesterday. <> #42
Have absolutely the same issue <> #43
I have this issue with a pixel 7a, especially when swiping from the top. <> #44
I have this issue with a 6a <> #45
Same issue here <> #46
Same issue on Pixel 8 Pro (256 GB). <> #47
Same P8P and circle to search also doesn't work. <> #48
Pixel 8 Pro, ebenfalls Probleme bei den Wischgesten. Wenn man nicht exakt einen bestimmten Punkt links oder rechts trifft, hat man den Eindruck, als wäre das Gerät eingefroren. Ist es aber nicht, man hat nur den besagten Punkt nicht getroffen.
Dieses Phänomen ist erst mit Android 15 aufgetreten.
Dieses Phänomen ist erst mit Android 15 aufgetreten. <> #49
Me to with an Pixel Pro 8 <> #50
In the settings app under display options where you can configure the gesture or 3 buttons behavior, you will find under the gesture options the sensitivity.
Default for me was the middle. I already tried the low settings. Now I am trying the high settings. With high it seems to be better. The two other options were completely bad for me.
Could you please try it for you as well and report back here?
I'm using a glass screen protector with a Spigen case for my P8P.
Default for me was the middle. I already tried the low settings. Now I am trying the high settings. With high it seems to be better. The two other options were completely bad for me.
Could you please try it for you as well and report back here?
I'm using a glass screen protector with a Spigen case for my P8P. <> #51
Pixel 8 Pro, erratic back gesture from left side only. <> #52
Pixel 8 pro. Sensitivity seems to be at the lowest setting for both sides of the screen. I tried increasing both sensitivity through the gesture setting screen but it does not seem to change. There is a also a slight hold delay before it will show the back arrow display <> #53
Pixel 8 Pro, same issue with back gesture since Android 15 <> #54
I have the same issue on Pixel 8 Pro. I've noticed it right after updating to Android 15. <> #55
Same issue P7P <> #56
Pixel 8 Pro - both sides <> #57
I'm having this issue on my P9PXL but only on the feed. <> #58
Also having this issue on P8P with screen protector, never had an issue on 14 <> #59
P7 Pro - same issue. Back swipe on right side of screen does not work after upgrading to Android 15. <> #60
My Problem is, that after install android 15 on the Pixel 9 Pro XL, I can't use the swipe function in GBoard because every time your try to start a swipe from the right side of the keyboard it will be interpreted as a 'back' gesture.
In Android 14 the gestures where reduced to the area above the keyboard, now the area of the keyboard is interpreted for the gestures also.
Please give back the functionality
In Android 14 the gestures where reduced to the area above the keyboard, now the area of the keyboard is interpreted for the gestures also.
Please give back the functionality <> #61
Experiencing terrible time with the back gesture on both sides with my Pixel 8 Pro after installing Android 15 final update. <> #62
Pixel 8 Pro same issue instantly after upgrading to Android 15. <> #63
Huge issue for me especially when trying to navigate Gmail app... It's just painful <> #64
Also experiencing this issue immediately after installing Android 15, using a Pixel 8 Pro. Very frustrating <> #65
Left to right slide to open up a window used to work when I did it at an angle but it no longer works after update on my pixel 8 <> #66
same issue for me P8pro after android 15 <> #67
Speaking as a developer with multiple Android 15 devices, something is wrong with the back gestures on the P8P. <> #68
Both sides require multiple attempts on P9P, especially when using a UI that has horizontal swipe gestures (e.g. FB/IG stories) <> #69
I have that issue on my pixel 8 pro <> #70
Same problem on P8P <> #71
Same on 8a. Very annoying <> #72
P8P with glass screen protector, experiencing issue with right side gesture <> #73
Same here, pixel 8 pro. <> #74
Pixel 8 pro. No screen protector. When I try to use the back gesture, it acts like I'm using swipe right/left. Back arrows not visible on this recording but it illustrates what's happening. This happens on all apps, for example very annoying on Gmail since it has swipe actions. <> #75
I have this issue as well. Right side gesture not working on P8P <> #76
8 Pro - Same issue <> #77
P8pro user and also same issue. It's quite a frustrating phone to use right now <> #78
P8a but only with the Home Gesture. <> #79 Restricted+
Comment has been deleted. <> #80
I've got the same issues, both sides, P8Pro. The fast fixes do not work.
I can tell you, that for me it is a thing how thick your finger is. With the thumb, it is nearly impossible to use the back gesture. You can use developer options to use the pointer position option. After that you can clearly see, at which point the finger is detected. You will see, that the finger is nearly 8mm inside the display, as soon as it is recognized.
So of course there is no back gesture working with that. Coming from outside the smartphone into the display, it works much less than tipping the edge of the display.
If you use the smallest finger, it works pretty fine. So the thinner the finger, the better it will be recognized.
If you change to landscape, everything works perfect!!
But in portrait even with the 3 button navigation...doesn't work!
Hope this helps a bit. Can you confirm the same behavior? I am curious why no one analyzed it like that.
Greetings and best luck!
I can tell you, that for me it is a thing how thick your finger is. With the thumb, it is nearly impossible to use the back gesture. You can use developer options to use the pointer position option. After that you can clearly see, at which point the finger is detected. You will see, that the finger is nearly 8mm inside the display, as soon as it is recognized.
So of course there is no back gesture working with that. Coming from outside the smartphone into the display, it works much less than tipping the edge of the display.
If you use the smallest finger, it works pretty fine. So the thinner the finger, the better it will be recognized.
If you change to landscape, everything works perfect!!
But in portrait even with the 3 button navigation...doesn't work!
Hope this helps a bit. Can you confirm the same behavior? I am curious why no one analyzed it like that.
Greetings and best luck! <> #81
Same issue here on my Pixel 8 Pro after Android 15 update. <> #82
Android 15 November update -- gesture navigation STILL BROKEN. C'mon Google!!!!! <> #83
Having this issue on P8pro when trying to swipe from the right side <> #84
Having the same issue on my pixel tablet <> #85
My pixel 8 pro was working fine. After the update to Android 15, the back gesture is much less sensitive. I am only able to activate it about one in 8 tries. This makes the phone very hard to use because failed attempts are interpreted as swipes on the active app. It works a little better on the left, but I use my phone right handed and cant really reach the left side easily.
Going to three button interface and back to gestures or rebooting didn't work for me.
Going to three button interface and back to gestures or rebooting didn't work for me. <> #86
Pixel 8 pro.
Right gesture is hardly ever working since updating to Android 15.
Right gesture is hardly ever working since updating to Android 15. <> #87
Same problem both left and right hand sides are multiple tries to use pixel 8 pro <> #88
I have this issue wioth my P8P, worse on the right hand side <> #89
Same issue on both sides of the screen. Completely unusable on a pixel 8 pro. Switching to the 3 button navigation and back did not resolve the issue. <> #90
Updated my pixel 7 pro this morning same issue, only seems to be the right affect but it's like a coin flip if it works. Tired doing the navigation switching mention in big report but no success. <> #91
Pixel 8 Pro here ... same problem since Android 15 update :( <> #92
Comment has been deleted. <> #93
I have this issue as well (Pixel 8 Pro), and the toggle + reboot workaround doesn't seem to work for me at all. <> #94
I have a pixel 8 pro, I updated 10 minutes ago and noticed the issue immediately. Makes the phone unbelievably unpleasant to use. For the record, I do have a glad screen protector. <> #95
I updated today and I am already wishing I could go back on my pixel 8 pro. Since the back gesture is not recognized. I do have a case and a Screen protector on <> #96
same issue on my p8p <> #97
Bump, this is real bad, fix it. <> #98
Same issue on my Pixel 8 Pro <> #99
UPGRADED to 15 yesterday and now I find out it's JUNK. Time to get an apple phone this is UNISABLE. Can't swipe back gesture anymore what is wrong with this <> #100
I have serious problems with back navigation now, Pixel 8 pro. <> #101
Comment has been deleted. <> #102
I have the issue on my P8P
I'm left handed so I notice it on the left side of the screen. I haven't tried the right hand side
I'm left handed so I notice it on the left side of the screen. I haven't tried the right hand side <> #103
I have the same issue on my pixel 8 pro. Swipe gesture from right side works intermittently. The left side works fine. Running Android 15 <> #104
In the settings app under display options where you can configure the gesture or 3 buttons behavior, you will find under the gesture options the sensitivity.
Default for me was the middle. I already tried the low settings. Now I am trying the high settings. With high it seems to be better. The two other options were completely bad for me.
Could you please try it for you as well and report back here?
I'm using a glass screen protector with a Spigen case for my P8P.
In the settings app under display options where you can configure the gesture or 3 buttons behavior, you will find under the gesture options the sensitivity.
Default for me was the middle. I already tried the low settings. Now I am trying the high settings. With high it seems to be better. The two other options were completely bad for me.
Could you please try it for you as well and report back here?
I'm using a glass screen protector with a Spigen case for my P8P. <> #105
I've mine set to the high settings and it's (relatively) better than
low/medium, but still unusable for me. On the high setting, swipe works
maybe 25% of the time, on either side (I tend to swipe from the left side
to the right, as I'm left-handed). On medium, maybe 10% of the time. On
low, I wasn't able to get swipe to work at all.
On Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 9:19 AM <> wrote:
low/medium, but still unusable for me. On the high setting, swipe works
maybe 25% of the time, on either side (I tend to swipe from the left side
to the right, as I'm left-handed). On medium, maybe 10% of the time. On
low, I wasn't able to get swipe to work at all.
On Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 9:19 AM <> wrote: <> #106
Just updated to Android 15 today and gesture navigation is also unusable with highest gesture sensitivity + screen protector mode. It is a night and day difference between Android 14 <> #107
Same issue <> #108
Back swipe gesture defective/not responsive, after installing Android 15 on Google Pixel 8 Pro. None of the suggested workaround/-fixes does anything on this unit. Should've kept Android 14 instead. <> #109
I'm not sure what this is all about I stumbled across this I will say when
trying to do a task or even learn a little more about my phone and Android
I get alot of spam calls preventing me from being able to do anything.
Scotty Lee Ferguson
trying to do a task or even learn a little more about my phone and Android
I get alot of spam calls preventing me from being able to do anything.
Scotty Lee Ferguson <> #110
Swipe up to unlock on Pixel 8 Pro doesn't work sometimes. Really annoying. <> #111
I have the same issue from both sides. Very annoying. Please fix this soon <> #112
Same issue <> #113
Have the same issue after the Android 15 update that came with funtouchOS 15 in vivo x100 pro.
Not able to use back navigation from right. Left is working.
It works for some time after rebooting the device
Not able to use back navigation from right. Left is working.
It works for some time after rebooting the device <> #114
I don't understand these
Scotty Lee Ferguson
Scotty Lee Ferguson <> #115
Same issue after version 15 update. Google 8 pro. Tempered glass protector. Mainly right side affected. The phone has become unusable and I only bought it recently. This is not good enough. This better get fixed. <> #116
This is insane. Please fix this. I've had pixel phones since the beginning. This might be my last if this is the way they are going to be supported. This is not acceptable. <> #117
Pixel 7 owner. Swipe from edge of screen used to do just back gesture but now it also invokes the right swipe or even tap gesture on screen. Google needs to fix this really quickly <> #118
I have this issue with my pixel 8 pro as well. Have to use three buttons now because gestures are no longer usable. <> #119
Pixel 8 pro, same for me, feels like it's getting worse.
Switched back to three button navigation because I had to try 4 to 5 times before the back gesture was recognised correctly.
Switched back to three button navigation because I had to try 4 to 5 times before the back gesture was recognised correctly. <> #120
It looks like things might be back to normal with the December 2024 OTA (AP4A.241205.013) on P8P. Some confirmation of that would be welcome. <> #121
Ive got the probem now to android 15, december update....i use a pixel 6a, changed back to the "three buttons" but im feeling probems with swiping on the screen in all apps. Have someone fixed this? Or having the same problem? <> #122 <> #123
Broken on pixel 8 pro <> #124
Same here on my P9 Pro <> #125
Same issue on my 8 pro. I hoped the January 2025 security update today would help but the back gesture is still broken. It only works reliably when swiping from either side at the top 20% of the screen. Below that the back gesture doesn't work. Everything was fine until upgrading to Android 15. Switching to button navigation then back to gestures makes no difference. Please fix this as I am having to use another Android device while the issue persists. <> #126
I, like many here, tried every "trick" out there to get this working to no avail. I did find what works for me though...
I found that if you use the tip of your finger it works way more reliably. I happen to be used to using the flat part of my thumb for the back gesture which did not work. In trying out different sides of my phone, etc, I found that when I used my pointer finger it became reliable. So I tried with the tip of my thumb and that too is pretty reliable. It's still not as good as it was in Android 14 but it's usable.
I found that if you use the tip of your finger it works way more reliably. I happen to be used to using the flat part of my thumb for the back gesture which did not work. In trying out different sides of my phone, etc, I found that when I used my pointer finger it became reliable. So I tried with the tip of my thumb and that too is pretty reliable. It's still not as good as it was in Android 14 but it's usable. <> #127
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have a fix rolling out in an upcoming release. <> #128
Motorola edge 40 neo y Motorola g43 5g mismo problema con a cesar a los contactos y fotos de la galería desde la aplicación dual de WhatsApp, simplemente no accesede a la galería ni los contactos <> #129
Been experiencing the same for a while. None of the different workarounds suggested around the internet tend to work (i.e. high sensitivity mode, switching to button navigation and back to gesture). Pixel 6a, Android 15, kernel version 5.10.214, Android security update 5th of Jan 2025, Google Play system update 1st of Nov, 2024.
With the bug marked as "fixed" will the fix be rolled out to older devices as well (such as the 6a), or only to newer ones? If only newer phones will benefit from the fix, I'll be switching away from Google phones for good.
With the bug marked as "fixed" will the fix be rolled out to older devices as well (such as the 6a), or only to newer ones? If only newer phones will benefit from the fix, I'll be switching away from Google phones for good. <> #130
Just upgraded to the pixel 8, already considering downloading till this gets fixed <> #131
I don't know what this is but if I'm having issues I wish someone could fix
this for me
On Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 1:47 PM <> wrote:
this for me
On Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 1:47 PM <> wrote:
Some from both the sides and some only from one side.
Sometimes I have to swipe multiple times to get the back gesture working on my P8P.
Rebooting the device, switching to the three button navigation and back,
and also deactivate/activate the touch sensity did not improve the behaviour.