Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
What is the expected output?
Which Android build are you using? (e.g. TQ3A.230705.001.A1)
Please provide a sample project or apk to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample project or apk.
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adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4
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adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
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Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
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This project indicates that the use of ColorConfiguration entries may not have been implemented for all three types of gradients (LinearGradient, RadialGradient and SweepGradient).
These files are from a Wear OS 4 AVD, but the code has also tested on physical Pixel Watch 2, with the same behaviour. Build number: TWD9.240805.001.A2
Expected output: expected.png
Actual output: actual.png
Sample project: see Gradient folder.
Sample APK: watchface-debug.apk
Steps to reproduce:
- Build and install project.
- Top row indicates correct gradients. Bottom row should be identical to top row but instead indicates that gradients have been ignored, presumably due to inclusion of CONFIGURATION entries.
Screen recording: not helpful since behaviour is static. Screenshots should suffice.
Android bug report: bugreport-Wear_OS_Small_Round_API_33-2024-11-02-06-27-36-3dbeefd4-776c-4376-8f19-875af315fa59
logcat: logcat.txt. Probably significantly, the six lines reporting "Unknown color" don't appear if the project is run without using CONFIGURATION entries in gradients. <> #4
We have shared this with our product and engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #5
, I have:In a
, I have:But the element is drawn white, as though every entry in
. I can't see any runtime errors reported.When I 'hard-code' colour values into
, I see them, so I think that the<SweepGradient>
is correct.When I apply
to an element that doesn't use a gradient, I see it, so I think that the<ColorConfiguration>
is correct.Perhaps it isn't supposed to be possible to apply colours from a
to a gradient, or perhaps it just hasn't been implemented yet. However, the inability to do so limits the usefulness of<ColorConfiguration>