Status Update
Comments <> #2
We use build flavours heavily with a lot of common code. The refactoring support in AS is really good but it continually catches us out when it doesn't work across all flavours in a project. It's a big gap for serious product development. <> #3
We at my company need this same feature. We have a lot of white labels and need refactor the same class across flavours. :(
Emulator Version: 26.0.1-3887480 (Dev update channel)
Android SDK Tools: 26.0.1
Host Operating System: Mac OS X
Steps to Reproduce Bug:
1. Start Android Studio, ensure that no emulators are running
2. Open a project, press run
3. Pick a non-running avd from the list
expected result: emulator is booted, app starts on the emulator
actual result: emulator is booted, Studio is stuck in "Waiting for target device to come online" forever
Started happening after upgrading the emulator from 26.0.0 to 26.0.1