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Comments <> #2
Seeing the same issue in ModalBottomSheet from material3-android -> 1.4.0-alpha05
No update yet.
Seeing the same issue in ModalBottomSheet from material3-android -> 1.4.0-alpha05
Jetpack Compose version:compose-bom = "2024.10.00" Jetpack Compose component used: androidx.compose.material3.ModalBottomSheet Android Studio Build:Koala Feature Drop | 2024.1.2 Patch 1 Kotlin version:"2.0.21"
When I give the bottom sheet a sufficiently large height, when the keyboard rises, the bottom sheet also rises.
Steps to Reproduce or Code Sample to Reproduce: 1.
2. When opened, it fills 80% of the screen, but when the keyboard is raised, the bottom sheet rises by an unknown amount of padding. (ref: photo)
Stack trace (if applicable):