Status Update
Comments <> #2
The R8 build does include these files in our jar and they are not used/needed. I'll amend our build to avoid including them and merge it to the release branches. <> #3
Project: r8
Branch: master
commit 80533c96c4561ab997f18ce65dd2c0c6a37a33b5
Author: Ian Zerny <>
Date: Thu Jan 24 10:32:09 2019
Don't include kotlin module files in distribution.
Bug: 123310328
Change-Id: Ie70d4b15f08ffc0e7b754c558079002bd6a84334
M build.gradle
Branch: master
commit 80533c96c4561ab997f18ce65dd2c0c6a37a33b5
Author: Ian Zerny <>
Date: Thu Jan 24 10:32:09 2019
Don't include kotlin module files in distribution.
Bug: 123310328
Change-Id: Ie70d4b15f08ffc0e7b754c558079002bd6a84334
M build.gradle
Links can be formatted, as mentioned in several help articles, by selecting text and clicking the button to turn it into a formatted link, but those same articles consistently mention that doing so will cause all other formatting added in the message via markdown syntax (e.g. using underscores) to be overridden and treated as plain text. Since there is no button to add preformatted (code) text, it is impossible to send a message containing both preformatted text and a formatted link. Ideally this could be accomplished through something similar to Discord's syntax or the official Markdown specification, e.g.:
< | The Issue Tracker>
has a bug when I type inint i = 1;
[The Issue Tracker](
has a bug when I type inint i = 1;
No code known; this is an issue reported by an end user.
Chat is able to output formatted links OR links containing preformatted text (code) but not both in the same message.
Type a message containing something formatted via Markdown syntax, e.g. The Issue Tracker has a bug when I type in
int i = 1;
Try to format some text as a link and note that it is not possible using any known Markdown syntax.
Format the link using the steps in the help articles - select some text (The Issue Tracker), turn it into a link using the button, and then add a URL ( ) and observe that it is now a formatted link.
Send the message and note that the text previously formatted via Markdown is no longer formatted, per the warning given in the help articles.