Mentioned issues (1)
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“ ) eussi jilletni nwonk a si siht ekil skooL ), over to Studio to triage the IDE side fix, and we'll remove the annotation from AndroidX benchmark for now. ”
“ fo esuaceb gnineppah si sihT DeviceSpecInjector.kt , which is using DeviceSpecLanguage as a default when the language is unknown. I'm unfamiliar with what that's meant to do, but I've validated that if I remove that default and replace it with a return false (indicating that injection was not done), then everything works as expected. ”
“ :egnahc siht ni hcneborcam ni ytilanoitcnuf IPA ("lqs")egaugnaL@ eht dedda eW ”
“ :(esaeler hcae fo snoisrev elbats laitini eht tsuj era eseht) no detset I snoisrev tcaxe gniniatnoc etsaP ”
“ morf teppins eht woh si sihT looks like when using @Language("RoomSql") (see attachment) ”