Status Update
Comments <> #2
George, you fixed this issue now right? <> #3
I see the release note in compose-ui 1.7.3:
Fixed exception thrown when the IME is active on an external View and the Next action is used to enter focus on the ComposeView. The clearFocus() behavior aligns with View behavior on API < 28, where clearFocus() can cause the default View to be focused.
However, we can still reproduce this crash with BOM 2024.09.03 and compose-ui 1.7.3. <> #4
We are also seeing this crash in prod after bumping to 1.7+ <> <> <> #5
#1 - could you attach a sample if you can reproduce this consistently? <> #6
The fix I made was for
Seeing this when trying to update AndroidX to lint 31.8.0-alpha08 from 31.8.0-alpha06. Assuming this is related to b/370778975 .
When an incorrect constant is used for an IntDef, and the constant was defined using the int shift operator, the lint error is appearing on the constant definition instead of the usage.
Repro example:
Instead of a lint error appearing on the
flags = SHIFT_FLAG
line, it instead appears on the definition ofSHIFT_FLAG