Links (3)
“ morf) dliub ylthgin a ni neppah t'nseod siht taht yfirev dluoc uoy fI .ateB porD erutaeF gubydaL emoceb lliw taht hcnarb eht ni osla dna ,hcnarb tnempoleved ruo ni dexif si siht taht eveileb I .troper eht rof sknahT ) that would be helpful -- and of course if you can trigger this in a recent nightly build, that's would be very important information. ”
“ saw ecnerefer rof hcihw) xif eht taht kniht I .raeh ot doog s'tahT ) is effective for both beta and canary branches. ”
“ rof gnignarra osla ma I drocer eht roF (same fix, different implementation class) to be included; it's probably inactive code in our configurations, but it might be possible to trigger nevertheless. ”