Status Update
Comments <> #2
This feature request has been addressed with the implementation of the Android Emulator Compatibility Check Framework. This framework provides a centralized mechanism for registering and executing various compatibility checks before launching an AVD.
In this initial version, we have added checks for:
- Memory: Ensures sufficient RAM is available (right now error below 2GB of Total RAM, warning below 4GB, this limit will be raised later to match the real system requirements)
- Disk Space: Verifies adequate free disk space. This error existed before, but was just printed in a debug statement, and not prompted to the user.
- CPU Cores: Checks for a minimum number of physical CPU cores.Right now error below 2 nCores, and a warning below 4, this limit will be raised later to match the real system requirements.
Note: The limits for these initial checks have been set intentionally in this early version. Metrics were put in place to see how many people would get those limits, but with our current data this shouldn't affect many of our users (less than 1% for the memory, even less for the nCores number). We plan to refine these thresholds and add more comprehensive checks (including GPU and virtualization) in future releases.
This significantly improves the reliability and user experience of the Android Emulator. We will continue to enhance this framework to provide more robust compatibility checks and informative warning messages.
This feature requests a system compatibility check within the Android Emulator.
Before launching an AVD, it should analyze the host system's CPU, RAM, GPU, and disk space (or other considerations).
If the system doesn't meet the AVD's requirements, a clear warning in Android Emulator should state the reasons for potential performance issues or failure to launch (e.g., "Insufficient RAM," "Virtualization not enabled," "Outdated graphics drivers").
Similarly, fatal errors during launch should clearly explain the root cause in plain language, instead of generic error messages. If the emulator was launched from Studio, the reason of the Fatal error would be seen in Studio with Studio's notification mechanism.
Experienced users should have the option to override warnings and proceed at their own risk. This pre-launch check will prevent frustration from cryptic errors, enhance troubleshooting, and increase efficiency by proactively identifying potential problems.
This should be integrated into the emulator launch process, with clear, concise warning messages.
System requirements are documented here
This will improve the usability and reliability of the Android Emulator for developers.