Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
We are building a polygon array with a click event:
However, looking for keyboard accessibility, we are not able to trigger the information dialog using a keyboard similar to how to map markers can be triggered using arrow keys:
Is there something we can do about it?
Thank you!
Map version: 3.49.12
However, looking for keyboard accessibility, we are not able to trigger the information dialog using a keyboard similar to how to map markers can be triggered using arrow keys:
Is there something we can do about it?
Thank you!
Map version: 3.49.12
having weekly google maps version ->
key: '',
v: 'weekly',
language: 'es',
region: 'ES',
I'm trying to manage the click event in google map so any click on map it will close the unique infoWindow variable it works well on frst load.
then after navigating to any other route of the app and going back, infowindow variable opens well on every marker click but not closes making reference to the same variable and not thowing anything on console. In any case I remove event listeners onUnMounted hook
you can see the portion of coade in StackOverFlow ->
In any case I attached the vue file that has the issue