Status Update
Comments <> #2
The R8 build does include these files in our jar and they are not used/needed. I'll amend our build to avoid including them and merge it to the release branches.
Currently, there is no way to execute a function after closing a dialog. That makes it fairly complicated to return to a specific chat app sub page.
Example: I have a navigation on my chat app homepage that allows me to chose between "Home" and "Settings". If I navigate to "Settings", I am triggering a onClick function ("openSettings") after which my backend sends an updated app homepage.
If I now open a dialog on "Settings", using CLOSE_DIALOG_AND_EXECUTE I will get sent back to "Home", because there is no way to point towards the "Settings" page (and there is no built in concept of a page/navigation on apphome).
Adding this option would make feasible much more powerful apps, built on top of chat app homepages.