Status Update
Comments <> #2
Or when changing to textView.textMetricsParamsCompat still crash.
private fun setAsyncText(textView: AppCompatTextView, text: String?) {
if (!text.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val textFuture = PrecomputedTextCompat.getTextFuture(text!!, textView.textMetricsParamsCompat, null)
textView.setTextFuture(textFuture) //Crash
private fun setAsyncText(textView: AppCompatTextView, text: String?) {
if (!text.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val textFuture = PrecomputedTextCompat.getTextFuture(text!!, textView.textMetricsParamsCompat, null)
textView.setTextFuture(textFuture) //Crash
} <> #3
add this line :
before :
before :
setTextFuture(....) <> #4
Thanks, #3. It worked.
But I think it is better when set before this line
val textFuture = PrecomputedTextCompat.getTextFuture(text!!, textView.textMetricsParamsCompat, null)
Set android:layoutDirection="locale" or android:layoutDirection="inherit" for AppCompatTextView in the XML layout didn't this problem.
The new method btw re-set layoutDirector. Weird! This should handle in the AppcompatTextView.
private fun setAsyncText(textView: AppCompatTextView, text: String?) {
if (!text.isNullOrEmpty()) {
textView.layoutDirection = textView.layoutDirection
val textFuture = PrecomputedTextCompat.getTextFuture(text!!, textView.textMetricsParamsCompat, null)
textView.setTextFuture(textFuture) //Crash
But I think it is better when set before this line
val textFuture = PrecomputedTextCompat.getTextFuture(text!!, textView.textMetricsParamsCompat, null)
Set android:layoutDirection="locale" or android:layoutDirection="inherit" for AppCompatTextView in the XML layout didn't this problem.
The new method btw re-set layoutDirector. Weird! This should handle in the AppcompatTextView.
private fun setAsyncText(textView: AppCompatTextView, text: String?) {
if (!text.isNullOrEmpty()) {
textView.layoutDirection = textView.layoutDirection
val textFuture = PrecomputedTextCompat.getTextFuture(text!!, textView.textMetricsParamsCompat, null)
textView.setTextFuture(textFuture) //Crash
} <> #5
Sorry. I forgot the info.
minSdk 21
targetSdk 28
Thanks #3 again.
minSdk 21
targetSdk 28
Thanks #3 again. <> #6
App Crash at
if (!param.equals(precomputed.getParams())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given text can not be applied to TextView.");
with : this.mTextDir != other.getTextDirection() == true
TextDirection on TextView and TextDirection on Param is difference
maybe, it handled wrong or missing conditional on getTextDirectionHeuristic of TextViewCompat
if (!param.equals(precomputed.getParams())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given text can not be applied to TextView.");
with : this.mTextDir != other.getTextDirection() == true
TextDirection on TextView and TextDirection on Param is difference
maybe, it handled wrong or missing conditional on getTextDirectionHeuristic of TextViewCompat <> <> <> #7
With reference to comment #4 , issue is resolved by implementing suggested changes in comment #3 . Can you please confirm if we need to still investigate this issue ? <> #8
Yes. textView.layoutDirection = textView.layoutDirection(>= API17) or ViewCompat.setLayoutDirection(textView, ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(textView)) will resolve this bug.
But I think you should handle it in the AppcompatTextView. It is better. If a developer forgets testing with RTL. I think this is the nightmare(it is difficult to determine the bug) when they update their app on the Play Store.
I read this article, in the part databing he noted about set the direction '
fun asyncText
// first, set all measurement affecting properties of the text
// (size, locale, typeface, direction, etc)
But in the offical document isn't good (lack direction)
Anything layout related property changes, text size, typeface, letter spacing, etc after this method call will causes IllegalArgumentException during View measurement.
My view: Handling this in the AppcompatTextView is the best choice if you can do it.
But I think you should handle it in the AppcompatTextView. It is better. If a developer forgets testing with RTL. I think this is the nightmare(it is difficult to determine the bug) when they update their app on the Play Store.
I read this article, in the part databing he noted about set the direction
fun asyncText
// first, set all measurement affecting properties of the text
// (size, locale, typeface, direction, etc)
But in the offical document isn't good (lack direction)
Anything layout related property changes, text size, typeface, letter spacing, etc after this method call will causes IllegalArgumentException during View measurement.
My view: Handling this in the AppcompatTextView is the best choice if you can do it.
Thanks! <> #9
I think should handle setLayoutDirection in the AppcompatTextView when setTextFuture, it will simpler for dev when implement TextFuture. <> #10
We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
Version used: 1.15
The ActivityOptionsCompat is missing the setTargetDisplayId API which is set on the underlying ActivityOptions. This is needed because ActivityResultLauncher::launch accepts the compat version of "ActivityOptions" instead of a bundle which is accepted by "Context::startActivity()" API.
The android product that I work on deals with displaying content on multiple displays and is not a traditional mobile app, so we have an internal navigation framework to allow displaying content on different displays and having this API exposed natively will allow us to deprecate and remove usages of "startActivityForResult".