Bug P4
Status Update
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #2
Automatic regression verification started for measurement:
Verification workflow id: projects/62121018386/locations/us-central1/workflows/sandwich-verification-workflow-prod/executions/f430dab5-4642-48dd-a3d6-a50904c1d68e
Verification workflow id: projects/62121018386/locations/us-central1/workflows/sandwich-verification-workflow-prod/executions/f430dab5-4642-48dd-a3d6-a50904c1d68e
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #3
🥪 Regression verification projects/62121018386/locations/us-central1/workflows/sandwich-verification-workflow-prod/executions/f430dab5-4642-48dd-a3d6-a50904c1d68e job 169445e4610000 for test: ChromiumPerf/android-pixel6-perf/system_health.memory_mobile/memory:chrome:all_processes:reported_by_chrome:malloc:max_committed_size_avg/browse_news
did NOT reproduce the regression with statistic: {'control_median': 135405568, 'lower': -2.0340368398504394, 'p_value': 0.42795460671186447, 'treatment_median': 135325696, 'upper': 1.0165479548803757}.
Issue closed.
did NOT reproduce the regression with statistic: {'control_median': 135405568, 'lower': -2.0340368398504394, 'p_value': 0.42795460671186447, 'treatment_median': 135325696, 'upper': 1.0165479548803757}.
Issue closed.
How can I get cutout not as a padding value? My design looks awful in the reason of offset for all interface if I have camera inside screen. It is well seen line without content and it looks like something lazy. I want to have some function that will return me non-zero padding only if cutout overlaps current composable. Or get size and position for each of them for your own calculation.
Current API ignores position of composable and it doesn't help for solving problem. You can see that we will have padding in each box inside row.