Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
This feature request has been forwarded to the Data Fusion engineering team so that they may evaluate it. Note that there are no ETAs or guarantees of implementation for feature requests. All communication regarding this feature request is to be done here.
Please provide as much information as possible. At least, this should include a description of your issue and steps to reproduce the problem. If possible please provide a summary of what steps or workarounds you have already tried, and any docs or articles you found (un)helpful.
Problem you have encountered:
We’ve noticed that the Dataflow launcher image is sometimes outdated and doesn’t match the worker image version. This issue happens occasionally, and we don’t know when the launcher image is updated or which version is being used. Sometimes, the launcher image is as old as two months, which causes problems with our company’s compliance reports.
What you expected to happen:
We would like a feature that ensures the Dataflow launcher image is updated at least once every two months to avoid using outdated images. It would also help if we could see when the launcher image is updated or if there’s a regular update schedule so we can confirm it’s up to date.
Steps to reproduce:
Deploy a Dataflow pipeline using the launcher image.
Check the image version being used.
Compare it with the latest image version available.
See if there’s any delay or mismatch in image updates.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc.):
We don’t have a way to know when the Dataflow launcher image is updated or which version is being used.
We’ve looked for any notifications or schedules for updates, but there’s no clear way to track them.