Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Are you reporting this as a Developer or User?
Please confirm if you are using any third party application as a launcher?
Could you please provide a screen record of the issue for us to further investigate?
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to <> #3
- I am a User
- No third party launcher using Default pixel launcher
- I cannot for now recreate the bug but will enable screen record and upload when caught <> #4
Thank you for your response.
Once you are able to reproduce this bug, please upload the screen record of the issue. <> #6
Please provide the requested information to proceed further. Unfortunately the issue will be closed within 7 days if there is no further update.
1. Modernize Android GPUs to be as advanced as possible
Ensuring compatibility with AAA games such as Resident Evil 4 Remake and others, similar to what Apple offers. Please optimize for Triple-A games, particularly for modern CPUs like the Snapdragon 8 Elite and similar processors.
2. Give the detailed size its cache and more about the app
I have problem with Storage full, i want a feature that can give me a complete size including all related to the app so i can clean it easly and can see comprehensive solution for deleting if my storage full.
3. Powerful cache cleaner
Provide a comprehensive breakdown of the storage usage by each app, along with detailed information. Include a thorough scan to identify cache, related files, unused data, and miscellaneous files. This feature should allow users to free up space without the need for backups or a factory reset, ensuring Android devices run faster instead of slowing down.
4. Bring chatgpt to OS-level or Update the gemini as function same as google assistant
Like on Apple intelligence that provides that such things to make life easier. Don't make separate function like google assistant and gemini we need One that can do many things.
5. AI-Powered Live Captioning
Expand on existing captioning with support for more languages and improved accuracy for live conversations. and make sure focused on its accuracy caption.
6. Heat management for Gaming
Make sure have efficient resources or etc for gaming mode to manage heat on modern CPU
7. Notification sound per App
When i work i want to have notification sound per app for App that usage on work and social media so i can notice the notification sound that it is from work or from social media based on app that i use for work or social media.
8. More Eco-friendly and digital wellbeing to improve human life
Thanks a lot