Status Update
Comments <> #2
Seeing the same issue in ModalBottomSheet from material3-android -> 1.4.0-alpha05
No update yet.
Seeing the same issue in ModalBottomSheet from material3-android -> 1.4.0-alpha05
Jetpack Compose version: All
Material Library Version (M2, M3 or Both?): M3
Material Compose component used: TimePicker
Android Studio Build: Any
Kotlin version: Any
Steps to Reproduce or Code Sample to Reproduce:
Use the Material 3 library TimePicker component, it allows changing colors using TimePickerColors(). However, the list of parameters does not have the color parameter for the ":" i.e.
. By default the color value is set to OnSurface token. This is a problem when you're not using Material lib for theming and using a custom theme, but still wanna use TimePicker component.See this:
In the attached video notice that the color of ":", stays blackish even for dark theme as I'm using custom design system without material theme.