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“ sseccA ecruoseR tceriD gnisu elbane ot eb dluow yllaedI 1 with WIF so we can connect to a Compute Engine Instance using OS Login. As per the current moment, with Service Account impersonation 1, both OS Login (with beta) and Metadata based SSH is possible. However, with Direct Access grant 1, only Metadata based SSH is possible. The ultimate goal is to avoid using Service Account with Workload Identity Federation, and especially to avoid using Service Account in Service Account Key JSON, as explained here 2. ”
“ ereh denialpxe sa ,NOSJ yeK tnuoccA ecivreS ni tnuoccA ecivreS gnisu diova ot yllaicepse dna ,noitaredeF ytitnedI daolkroW htiw tnuoccA ecivreS gnisu diova ot si laog etamitlu ehT .elbissop si HSS desab atadateM ylno ,1 tnarg sseccA tceriD htiw ,revewoH .elbissop si HSS desab atadateM dna (ateb htiw) nigoL SO htob ,1 noitanosrepmi tnuoccA ecivreS htiw ,tnemom tnerruc eht rep sA .nigoL SO gnisu ecnatsnI enignE etupmoC a ot tcennoc nac ew os FIW htiw 1 sseccA ecruoseR tceriD gnisu elbane ot eb dluow yllaedI 2 . ”
“ wen a etaerc ot etatiseh ton od esaelp ,eussi wen a troper ot tnaw uoy esac nI
Issue Tracker thread describing your issue. ”