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I'd like to make a feature suggestion for the upcoming Android 16 related to end user privacy and security control.
Just learned that microphone access block does not cut all sound/audio inputs to Pixel 9. This might lead to a gigantic unintended privacy invasion and may harm users greatly.
It'd be great if there is a simpler and easier way to block all sound/audio inputs just like mic access block from Android 16. Sound encompasses audio [sensible through auditory functions including everyday sound/noise] and voice [sounds made by humans and pets communicating something]. People may think like 'Ah, I blocked mic access so my phone doesn't hear anything from the surroundings' > this turned out to be false very unfortunately. Going through all installed apps and do control permissions does not look like a good UX practice.
I cordially suggest such feature to be located at [based on Android 15] Settings > Security & Privacy > Privacy controls and/or Privacy dashboard. Please also refer the attached from my lecture slides related to this matter.